Scrapbook of Barnard College alum Jessie May Wendover documenting the period from the fall of 1892, when she matriculated at Barnard, until her graduation in the spring of 1896. Contents of the scrapb...
Scrapbook of Barnard College Alum Gertrude C. Clark Hitchcock. The scrapbook contains her extrance examinations from 1898-1900 and final examinations from 1900-1902. The scrapbook also includes commen...
Scrapbook of Barnard College alum Frances Hope Purdon documenting her experience at Barnard as a student from 1901-1905. The scrapbook contains playbills, notes, telegrams, photographs, postcards, inv...
Scrapbook of Barnard College alum Mary Catherine Reardon documenting her time at Barnard from 1903-1911. The scrapbook documents Barnard culture and experience and includes programs, notes, photograph...
Scrapbook of Barnard College alum Eleanore Myers Jewett documenting her senior year at Barnard College ('12), from 1911-1912. The scrapbook contains notes, newspaper clippings, handwritten entries, cy...
Barnard students, Class of 1993, walking at Commencement. Pictured (left to right): Celia Chen, Suzette Hu Chin-Bow, Bente Lie, Guity Nashat, and Gunsel Alpsoy.