Two history professors explain the philosophy behind Women's Studies and discuss how teachers and scholars should respond to students' heightened interest in women's issues.
Draft of Nora Percival's presentation on the findings of the Task Force on Barnard and the Educated Woman, particularly as they relate to the creation of a women's center and the college's commitment ...
Report on the need for better counseling and more programs specifically designed to meet the educational needs of women students, including the mature student.
Rough draft copy of a report by the University Senate Sub-Committee on the Status of Women at Columbia, Columbia Women's Liberation, on Columbia University's employment practices with regards to women...
Report about the importance of establishing a women's center at Barnard, written by Eleanor M. Elliott (possibly Eleanor T. Elliott?), Elizabeth Janeway, Johyn Elliff, Pat Farnsworth, Patricia Graham,...
Report on the activities and achievements of Barnard's director of Placement and Career Planning, Jane Gould, over the course of 1970-1971. Includes quantitative and qualitative analyses of the employ...
A booklet summarizing the replies received from the Class of 1966 in response to a questionnaire about their activities since leaving Barnard. Also records some complaints about the questionnaire itse...
Draft of Nora Percival's presentation on the findings of the Task Force on Barnard and the Educated Woman, with handwritten editorial marks from Catharine Stimpson. Enclosed with her letter of July 10...
Evaluation of Harvard University's Health Careers Summer Program, which encourages minority students to pursue careers in the health professions and prepares them for medical or dental schools. Includ...
Report on the major issues raised at the national conference of educational institutions, including the state of women's colleges and the impact of Barnard's Women's Center.