Press release announcing a panel on male chauvinism at Columbia University, consisting of several Columbia men and moderated by women. Includes descriptions of the Women's Center and its Lawyers' Comm...
Press release announcing the establishment of a day care center at Columbia University, accompanied by a note from Margaretha Espersson referring the announcement to Catharine Stimpson.
General information about the Scholar and the Feminst conference, it seems as if it was given to Barnard faculty. Author and recipients are not listed.
A press release for the 1977 S&F IV conference. The conference is called "The Scholar and The Feminist IV: Connecting Theory, Practice and Values" The main question of the conference is: "Why do the r...
A press release for the 1979 The Scholar and The Feminist Conference. The theme of the conference is The Future of Difference, "an exploration of the way identity and difference is defined." The keyno...
A press release for the 1993 conference Women as Change Makers: Building and Using Political Power. It also mentions the 20th anniversary of the women's center at Barnard.
A press release for the 1993 The Scholar and the Feminist Conference entitled (Women as Change Makers: Building and Using Political Power). The conference took place on April 24th, 1993. The press rel...