The following oral history is the result of a recorded interview with Katherine Brewster conducted by Michelle Patrick and Robert Solomon on February 5, 2011. This interview is part of the Barnard Cla...
The following oral history is the result of a recorded interview with Michelle Patrick conducted by Katherine Brewster and Robert Solomon in May 2011. This interview is part of the Barnard Class of 19...
The following oral history is the result of a recorded interview with Linda Balagur Peyster Zappulla conducted by Amanda Breen on March 18, 2015, and by Katherine J. Brewster on May 8, 2015. This inte...
The following oral history is the result of a recorded interview with Frances Garrett Connell conducted by Katherine Brewster on May 8, 2015. This interview is part of the Barnard Class of 1971 Oral H...
The following oral history is the result of a recorded interview with Cheryl Weiner conducted by Katherine Brewster on June 12, 2015. This interview is part of the Barnard Class of 1971 Oral History P...
The following oral history is the result of a recorded interview with Andrea Polk-Stephenson conducted by Katherine J. Brewster on Sunday, September 13, 2015. This interview is part of the Barnard Cla...
The following oral history is the result of a recorded interview with Katherine Jessop Brewster (Johnson) conducted by Frances Connell on October 18, 2015. This interview is part of the Barnard Class ...
The following oral history is the result of a recorded interview with Vikki Stark conducted by Katherine Brewster on November 3 and November 9, 2015. This interview is part of the Barnard Class of 197...