Unknown Speaker 00:02 chairperson, and Secretary of chair for chairperson of the solid waste management facilities committee Unknown Speaker 00:17 today as the community board operates, where people come from and how they get here, and what it does and what it's closer to, and what it can would attend that community board gets its power from the borough president's office that has the unit that oversees the community board. How you get onto the community board is combination of however many councilmatic districts live in that community board area. Each council person, together with the borough president then appoints appointed to the board. These are normally citizens. By means a normal citizen, it's like it's not like everybody in this process, who gets on board had to get on board, in what way do they get on board? Honestly, a lot of his patronage. Sometimes they make the right choices, and the people in the community with this, people are actually trying to do something in community organizations along the lines, whether it be to the rights of women, we had a neighborhood council, the Congress, women in our area, people like that will be looked upon as kind of people that are on the board. But mostly it's regular citizens. And they get there by doing whatever they do for whatever club they do it for. And whatever. That is as open as any other persons like myself that had no truly achievements, does not come up with a line came on through a community CBl based organization, which was a grassroots organization that started environmental concerns in our particular area, and only attack on place quarterback. It's a radioactive and hazardous waste transfer station, located in two buildings together, blocked from a public school that houses kids smack dab in the middle of a very busy commercial area, or one of being the large plant that you see if you go in for a ship went into Domino Sugar, a lot of distribution places around okay, because of my activities in this particular area, I became noticed, because I went as a constituent to my council person Unknown Speaker 03:14 and said, you have a problem in this area. And I need constituents have a problem in Syria with this issue. Unknown Speaker 03:23 And really, really basic stuff here. So you can really understand because it's such a complicated and because I was noticed, because I was a pain in the neck. He said, Gee, this looks like somebody who might. And then he goes and he or she negotiates with the president's office to then appoint the person. Really good man member has the community board membership consists of 50 individuals. There are 59 community boards in the city of New York. Each of them has a budget that is equal to each other's structure in the Community Board Office is usually a district manager and an assistant district manager or any other combination of analysts. Now this has to do with how we would decide to split up that money. These two people a district manager and an assistant district manager command more money together than a DM and some other type of animals. This is operated with the city budget to get the payroll from the city is full of coming out of the city's office. So this whole office is run. The contracting was run by If we want to buy anything and community board, the staff needs to go through whatever contract the city goes through in order to get it. So basically what you have is, at best a quasi governmental operation now, does anybody have any problems with that so far? Unknown Speaker 05:25 I have a question on the staffing everything's How did the recent changes Unknown Speaker 05:39 now you see how why this is particularly this in some way, this poster of the new charter, change the role of the community, and more ways than just having a planner. And that's what we're going to talk about, because last year, I couldn't talk about that. But today, I kept this just like last year's piece, because essentially, this is run and this process is running the same way. So the process what, what what became different charter is that the community board initially and always has been an advisory board. Anything you did, anything you did at Community Board level, was nothing like that. Unknown Speaker 06:36 Mind us, for our human research program. It's the biggest thing of what it is, is if governments by law, the use of land, which is probably one of the biggest things at Unknown Speaker 06:59 that time. structure has at its disposal, but it was still only advisory. So we weren't present. And they went ahead and said they the city structure went ahead and said looting the site of the prison there. Okay, we had a right to talk about whether that was appropriate for our area based on what we thought we had the area, say, Listen, if you don't mind paying our fair share, but we've got bom, bom, bom, bom, bom. And now you're going to give us this. And this guy's got nothing. You know. So sometimes you've come up with where we don't have any objection to having a prison perhaps. But we do have to have more things than are, the only thing that we can do is send a letter to the City Planning Commission, which would be the person agency that would do the action on the wound is on the patient's. Unknown Speaker 08:00 facility that was now the difference now is we would send that off to the City Planning Commission, they would take it under advisement, they would then go ahead and do what they wanted. It's a nice view, but it's snowing, feel. It's wonderful. It's terrific. But how we need this and that's it. Alright, so now we have a condition called the three nodes. And if any community boy from now on in votes, yes on anything, we've got to be crazy. Because it's the only hook you have. What are the three knows the three knows is that if you have a process that is voted on by the community, to something in your procedure, you in spite of the fact that you might even want it. You will say no. Except for these conditions. If you always vote no with conditions, the reason you vote no with conditions is because the borough president office has another vote on that same item. And if he says no, you throw it into the council Unknown Speaker 09:34 tassel says no, the block was the only way out to do the work. And we never had that role. So today we're a little bit more be a little more proactive in terms of what we're doing. And some people get a little disgusted. They say well, what the hell is the difference? What I say? It doesn't matter. I'm gonna get into the personnel Aboriginal community going fine. Without really dealing with people make rational decisions, we are not talking about people who have applied for this job, because they've had certain kinds of credentials, obviously, they've had, you know that they've had political credentials, we don't know what they done for those, some of us have had potentials in certain areas that are really potentials. Okay. But you just may be an activist. And, but you may not have any idea what the hell process is all about. But I knew very rarely get people who, by and large in the group have hit a point by two or three Council in the same district, where they're trying to adhere to certain racial balances certain sexual balance, and certainly, certainly, sexual preference for Rachel bounces. So you've got these, these three things, that you have to kind of be mindful of, you know, what's the makeup of the board, in terms of the characteristics of the board? What are the characteristics of the void in terms of the ability for them to do anything, which I think is probably the last thing, anybody based on our political system, which just sees a lot of people on board, and if you go around the city, if you have the opportunity to go to a really good meaning, you will see time and time again, if you consistently go to that what we do have to do more than once flavor of what's going on, you will see the same people speaking not only about the things that they're interested in, and things that their chairs of this community were right. And they serve communities based on their own needs, not necessarily yours or mine. But they may have particular things in that district that believes that they really need somebody to look at that group closely. So what you have here is a mishmash of people being thrown in together into a room to force a process of rationality, which is very difficult. You have different levels of education. And that is not critical. Because it doesn't matter when somebody's educated or not, as long as they could say, you know, it really doesn't even matter whether they're literate, because literate people don't stop thinking. They just you can't read and write. But there's a whole bunch of people out there who are able to get along. So it's, it's this combination of people that you're going to have to mold together into a force, the act for something that's happening in your community. Right. And this is very difficult. Because unlike grassroots organizing, where you go into community, when there's a problem, and you start to drum up some business about a problem, and you get people who are interested in the problem, and they're probably forward and they have an intensity about it, they have a need to do this. They This is a volunteer force you have, and people are interested in what they're doing. Otherwise, you wouldn't be seeing them over here, which people may not be interested at all except community bullies. And somehow, you have got to make it interesting enough for them, to move them to vote on certain issues, to understand certain issues, but mostly, to educate them in the same way that you would have to do with your grassroots organizing, that has to do with the fact that environmentally was better living next to is really very negative to them. They, you know, there are other kinds of health issues involved or just playing quality of life issues involves this shouldn't be there or it shouldn't be there. But these people are not. They come there and they come in at blank slates. For the most part, out of the 50 members, you're getting emphasis. This is what she is noted for. I see boards that happen when Boyd is lying around the waterfront that has tremendous amount of environmental problems doesn't have an environment. Unknown Speaker 14:18 Because part of that district was in a very affluent district. And there is a very large civic organization in that particular area that takes care of that, because they don't prep that crap. So you're just laid back. So all depending on where you are, what your needs are, how it would behave. So now we have these people and these people are forming committees based on this question. Yeah, I just was interested. Unknown Speaker 14:49 In we are we in CB one, aren't we we're a little unusual. You go to board meetings a month section with first board meeting is a board of regular board meeting for business, and blah, blah, blah. And the second meeting of the month is a public hearing. Things that come up things that, you know, that have to be boys things that have to be here. So that being allowed the opportunity of the people on the street to come in and talk about the guy who wants to put a license, a taxi cab company, of course, the streets and their house. And we put that out on the screen, we have a 400 person mailing list. And also, it goes on to individuals as well as organizations, a lot of wants to be on the mailing list of the board. Just for the sake of the mailing list, and they're on a mailing list and avoid assessments folks, who would be surprised how many people don't even go talk to and then come in, when they find out. And so what are you doing? I have a problem over here. Well, did you call us? Well know that somebody should have done something? Or how are we going to do it? If you don't tell me? And that's the problem. So what you have a question? All right. So we'll be attending, oh, the attendance, right. It's not good. While we usually, we usually have enough to. Get we usually have enough, but what happens Unknown Speaker 16:47 is they start leaving. Unknown Speaker 16:50 And sometimes there's a lot of business you have to conduct. This is only one night duty. And sometimes you're up against deadlines, your certification problems, you're against deadlines, we have to bring forth an answer, for one reason or another. And Bueller procedures, start certain clocks, is sort of patient procedure starts in the class. And those clocks have to run. And they when they get point, you have to put your input in device, it didn't really matter. But we acted as if you shouldn't be professional, he certainly responded to the stimulus of the subjects. But the membership was not good. And I would say that we use five to six board members here, through the loss of attendance and get back to the fact that we have two board members years ago allowed nine axes. And every year come time to put our new board members when we split by people, even sometimes before that, we just put a privacy of people on the board would term the change that used to be simpler, you won now it's March. So just the end of this past month, we put on 16. If people want to be poisoned, they don't necessarily want to do the work. We didn't want to do they want to it's kind of like a meat ground. Not being political myself, except Plato's. A people in small communities like the idea I needed to meet his whole community of having a year of passing. Actually, I can see my councilman, and that was one of the funniest. So we were also having to put in place like Greenpoint, Williamsburg, Councilman concerning the state senators to go to come around. Always, especially communities. And that's how I then move people, at least in my experience, and you'll understand I started to have problems in the area. It's not like you don't know the Annapolis area. We have a great many problems attended to the garbage area. We have 30 seats in New York. And they have posted cars in New York. This is with this car graveyard of the city. And these things were deposited in front of my house. And sometimes they were deposited immediately after removal. Because somebody just needed a car seat or something. And the speaker left the car. And one attempt trying to get the authorities to remove that car to save the rest of the car for the person from whom it was stolen, would require the energy that I I didn't get a chance but I felt worthless. It was just incredible. So I'm technical community. And these people are so responsible, and I never definitely community will In my whole life that would be 55 years old. And I said, Wow, this is a real authority. I call this guy, the Superman, he tells him what to do. He says, if you call them, you tell them I'm totally cool. And bla bla bla, and he's with me on the way, I never want to have anybody do anything for me when she tell me where I have to go along with it. And then I said, this is terrific. And then when the organization started, I already had my connection. Even though we put a hole in the wall, it was certain, I want to recognize that. I said, this is a terrific man. And that's why I wanted to be here. Wow, we've been through a lot of stuff here. There's a lot of connections. See, I didn't know about all these connections here, I had no idea what this looked like. Nobody told me that this was the structure, this was the process, see, and how it was all connected. So I thought it was nice people sitting up here, some office, just trying to like to like get into the system and found out what you can do is clearly begin to demonstrate, break windows, and stop traffic, as a member of the community was just meant to be done. So but it doesn't mean you can poke the grassroots organizations in your neighborhood into the position of doing that so that you can step in and be immediate, and say, Hey, this is me that you're not going to talk to those people and say, let's walk over the bridge, you know, and then you show up as an advisor or an observer and say, you know, these are constituents. Unknown Speaker 21:41 They want to watch it with the gracious they don't want you to put it another incinerator for me. I can do that. So why don't we want to talk about what we can do that. And then all of a sudden, I had a, I had a very large effort that I was quite successful in terms of what would you say? Structural bureaucratic success, as opposed to the success that you would have from going across the Brooklyn Bridge and closing that we have a phenomenon that exists in other neighborhoods, but not to the same extent that existent hours Nicole transfer stations. Change the station is a place where garbage is deposited. This can be contrasted with garbage, as well as seeing the concrete for demolition and stuff and things that you know, those containers that you see on the screen. Those containers are not taken care of by the New York City Department sanitation, he's a private part. This is a unique phenomenon in a city like New York, nobody else in the country has anybody else dealing with refuse, except the city of New York. And these guys were in business to make money was certainly mine. Well, that's the point we have for you. And the trucks will come through to two o'clock in the morning, residential streets. And if you have to hear one of the impedance that gets when you hit on a manhole cover, it's not pleasant. And people with nothing garbage coming up to the top of the trucks and it's fully open streets have to go through. And it was it was a lifetime, any odors from repressible garbage that was going for at least a quarter of a mile. And this was like really Sunday. Well, I started an asterix in that 1987 meeting, the first thing I had to do, let me show you what the process is a very good thing to use. The process was a community board members did not know what a transit station was. These were people who were at a community board. They had no idea except that these large trucks were going through the area. So I had to teach them about transportation. I had to teach them who regulated the students and the teacher that nine agencies nine agencies regulated this one type of facility. And each time they tried to an individual citizen tried to call that particular issue. There was nothing wrong he was this guy would go down and say well, I checked bipod and my quads, okay. Because somebody would say well close the public sanitation called the public health goals, we'll pull that one and all the bad really close. That could never solve the problem, because the problem has to be solved holistically. So we'll design agency to deal with all violations that are actually occur. One route is using residential streets as the public transportation. The other one the guy was the building code was being violated, except in the case if the owner got over the law upon, then became the Department of Environmental Protection. Okay, the DCA, which is the pocket sewer fist dealt with the licensing of the trucks and the special licenses. All right, so wouldn't open a mess. All right, I think was 88 489. By July of 89, I finally got a call. And we really made a good spin. I had all our elected officials involved when pressing the conscious administration, just as they were going up. And finally, when they got a call and said, Listen, they want to see you, but because they say they just want to talk. And this is how much I know. Right? As much as I know. Unknown Speaker 25:52 And they said, well be right now nine o'clock in the morning? Well, you know, I mean, who wants all right? Because I didn't know what it was, I would know that the balloon was five times the size of this room, I didn't tell you to keep this group small. All right, so now I taught the morning, we walked into this place, we had videotaped it, these tissue station trucks, along with transportation facilities. And we did a lot of work on a quad 360 of the solid waste management was, oh, by the way to the LSVT also involved. So that's that kind of rounds out all the rest of the places that are involved in the regulation of this place. When you walk into this room, he would every commissioner, who was the commissioner for those particular agencies and their aides, plus the Brooklyn Borough president's office, all the political elected officials were in the room, it was about 150 people in that room, and we want to have four of us, you know, and what combination of that was that they removed. This was this is what this is what it is, and this is what it was used for us to understand process. But people don't understand. We remove the regulations. Regulating addressable garbage cans restrictions to the act. We reduced their budgets, you understand, we took it out, they no longer had this, they couldn't they cannot regulate this anymore. We pulled that whole body of law out, put it on the Department of Sanitation, who were filming the other cancer stations and CDC, and wrote a local law for citing the transfer stations. This was an amazing accomplishment. But it doesn't, you don't see the page. But it's okay. And that's why when I say I'm not political, I am an activist. I'm a social worker. All right. So that's fine. So I go home at night, nice for my people. That's what. And that's all that matters. And I think that when you come to a place like this, that's what should be in your mind. That's how you should be looking at this, this is a place where you live, all you want to do is make sure that everything is right for yourself, like for the people around you. And if you haven't picked the rest of the city with you in that effort, that's good. But you start small, and start, you know your area. And it goes further than that. And the city the city has and will, and other people in the city will have benefited from that, from that behavior, which is really good. And that was as a result of my theme. It could not have gotten done. Not one organization does this. When I started with the transfer stations, all of a sudden, other groups started to come up. It was the beginning of a process. Everybody says Look at this. Why are we putting up with this crap. This bill had a prism station over here. They didn't like him. This people these people have a transit station over there. They liked him. He's people that attention to NRL or not, and then all of a sudden, the pressure starts to build. Then people say we don't like Newtown Creek. We don't like the incinerator. We don't like the rest of the crap that's going on. We don't like the fact that we have chemicals running through our streets that are on the right to know what all right. And that was the pressure that was applied. We got to pay attention to the weather These are humans running around saying nothing. These people were telling us that we're not regulated that were unenforceable, and they were not doing their job. And the reason I touched on it was he was coming to us coming up. And he knew that this guy can start started in the New York Times, people in other parts of the city. So talk about inviting a lot of people to understand. I hear people tell me that they've heard somebody say it's worth testing. We said, We don't want to read what Landesberg. I'm glad that this is how we come up. But at least, that was an awareness. And this is what we want to do. Now, we could do more than that, because this was purely political. Unknown Speaker 30:52 This was purely political, nothing else drove that progress. It was all the elected officials getting for President. So everybody recognizing that we had the goods. We had all the stuff down pat, they were clearly not enforcing that we're clearly not doing the job. And they will promise and everybody who was trying to do something, today, it would be quite different. If the community board asked for something, and said no, and went to the borough president's office and said, No, you would bring it into a castle. It's political also. But this now constitutes this connection here now constitutes your other side of the fence. What you've done is given the political arm and the community's strength to fight the what we call the former agency. People who just worked with him today do not move by the policy. They have an idea of how they feel that they're your acquisition. And no matter who's sitting atop. We have reluctantly bureaucracies won't allow it to happen. And I know that during the Richard Nixon administration when I was with the senior program, and then what they wanted to do, we stonewalled because you can't make up derive the see move is almost impossible. There's so many pieces and so many places to Stonewall that you don't have to come up with even when they instituted a policy. And they say they want you to do this. Each policy change requires 15 actions from 32 different parts of the bureaucracy, how are you going to orchestrate that? So you still Unknown Speaker 32:56 don't you think that they're in terms of land use decisions? For example, if the community board would have more active power? They were not to just vote no every time but but get the conditions out. Towards proposing first and then in order to give them okay, and then they can pressure the president's office or the city council, Unknown Speaker 33:26 if they back off from their rooms person will react to as the prop understand we don't act first. We have to read it but they're Unknown Speaker 33:37 good. If you strike conditions, you get you receive a proposal rather than Unknown Speaker 33:44 wrong. We don't fully knew about receiving this the buildings department, City Planning Commission to receive proposals they will say we will I will take you put all the right things in the right boxes that possibly surprise you minute and certified flex ducts, as the certification and certification only means that all the boxes are filled in properly. And you have a right to ask great. We also have a right to denial, but that denial has to come through that process. In other words, Bruce Iseman, the name of the city building, decided that he was going to put up a 30 to 35 storey towers in Greenpoint. Nobody stopped me from asking you to do it. He asked me if he could do it. He's impacted ash the stopping of it requires the process. And that's the process that starts. So I can't prevent this the iPhone and saying that Bruce, they'll come here. We don't want to Unknown Speaker 35:14 know, my, my, what I'm saying is too in exchange for that his address to say, pressing needs in the community might be open space or daycare, or the issue may be just Unknown Speaker 35:36 that yes that that curves in the process. The first step was asked, then they come to listen this time and Bruce came into our community we fought to be involved in the scoping of the is, this is a process is sure you're going to wake up tomorrow morning, Bruce can ask and he's gonna get his process that understand that that's the real important thing. You can't prevent Bruce from getting stressed. Unknown Speaker 36:07 During the process, he can modify his proposal. Yes, Unknown Speaker 36:10 but that's part of the process. That's fine. That's fine. The interaction between now between the community board and groups that never used to happen. See, we forced that to happen this time. Around. So now you have more leverage, because yes, that's where I'm from, right, because we can sit with city planning. While Bruce is saying this is the scope to find out is when we can take that EIS, open it up and say, Wait a minute, you're only going through a black swan this from the side. That's not where your impacts would be. Your impacts would be on the fact that you only have 26 foot Sprint's coming down and there were only two streets coming into this place. Right. And you're a certain amount of people living here. And these bones were four storeys, and the high school knew that there's a four storey building, like all of these things are things that you do. But you understand that now you're asking him to do for us. With 50 people on the community. Unknown Speaker 37:20 Maybe that's an identifier, I don't need this one of trumps all great TV events, the scoping session, we're fighting for free verification, we sit down with the plan. And like she said, You can't forget a developer from making application was actually consumers are equal or better yet, but for big projects like the company project, you go into with the planning to strike for Unknown Speaker 37:55 a very young, Unknown Speaker 37:57 one can reputation Unknown Speaker 38:00 but you know, tech professionals were pretty good. You'll go in and sit down and plan for you even get into the actual details of the if the application is going to be like two separate parameters. And you know, we are concerned about here, including 4200 units, or we need to talk about daycare. With us come up with a package for alternative and don't get any more. You can start with the parameters for what the real deal making definitely goes on and get the application because they want to get anything so they've got to be ready to feel the Boston Mills dark arable sector, we all know we're going to wind up sometime. But a scoping session with I don't know if it's different. But the way it works Manhattan flipper president, flying community planner. We have a planner we work directly with Well, you see that instead of hiring. Unknown Speaker 38:56 These offices are always differ. They differ because of the person who sits in that box. Unknown Speaker 39:03 We thought it would it didn't make any economic sense for us to hire a planner we rather have more staff that complain and use a good planner as a group. But yeah, they may do a different Unknown Speaker 39:14 very curiously progressive. Better than how we and this is very good. I'm sorry, I didn't know we could have we could have you Unknown Speaker 39:26 decide how you're gonna send your way and we were lucky. But you got may decide that you really need a planner now to deal with waiting 197 Unknown Speaker 39:34 a new understanding we've got so this is this is the other proactive thing as a community board is to say only these people are coming into our community. They want to change the face of our community. We have working people in our communities of Theriault community. We have we have mixed use community unlike your way Have a little bit of it because you were on the river, a tiny bit, but we have houses next practitioners, houses that are medicine factories that are next to luxury factors that go into another half of a very niche situation. And people will get up in the morning go to work at six o'clock. You know, like the hard working with Josh, for your books. And they don't have the type of crash she has. They don't have the people who drive the system and the fight that they put up, which was miraculous, marvelous. And they had a tremendous amount of creativity. But we also have resources. And we're like repo whisperer, you don't have that. We limited the kind of people that live in your area, unless you go out of your way to read this help. Okay, which is what is happening now. The other thing we drove and just got is you see this Newtown Creek. That's the largest sewage treatment plant on the East Coast. Guaranteed to many, many gallons per day. Well, it was running at 360 and was pouring out into the Newtown Creek, and then out of the strip. And when we started our action, and show how these things really move and work together, we started our action. And we started to attack Dc, on the transportation issue. We then got within the direction of DC. And I taught Unknown Speaker 41:32 in the sense, all right, well, then she began, I began to show her pay for her this wonderful picture that was happening. And she says she doesn't have the power. I think she does. She says she doesn't have the power to fix it. But one thing she did, and I know that people realize what was done. This plant was in violation. In Council, so I have to find it's a city operation. I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to find them $850,000. And tell them this is Deke pee now, HTTPS chargeback, and tell them that they have to take this $850,000 and use it for a project that will be beneficial environmentally beneficial project to this community, that services is starting to weigh in. What goes around comes around. This is a big picture of all the little pieces we take a period of time. But I've been through this process kind of inaugurated, Community Board started with the transfer station started with React, which is electric transportation. And when this now we're in now we're in sessions with DDP negotiating the sculpin for environmental assessment for the home and we set up two committees, one CAC Citizens Advisory Committee and a financial advisory committee go out and look for more money from from foundations see if we can add to the $850,000 because there truly is because you use these the building blocks that you can do this for find a find Unknown Speaker 44:02 seven, but it will be used to pay for right doing the embargo. Unknown Speaker 44:12 So that's all started Unknown Speaker 44:18 my time over. Unknown Speaker 44:19 Oh, we got to talk to the team. Right. Oh, great. All right. So let's do we are right now. About the people on board. This is the process. Anybody have any questions? So far? X. All right. Let's let's start from the beginning again to proceed. Let's get the sole thing will be that these 50 people here and these are the people that you have to convince. And that's tough. Because this is where you truly see what holiday It's really some people to talk to you about what you say. If you don't if you're not on track, whether you're into a mutual area. And luckily for me, most of the times I have in common, it's hard to argue about that, since we're kind of focused on your kid, but since we're also talking about community works, I have to say this, there are other issues that come up, that aren't something that you factionalized and polarize groups, just like any other group of people. And this has to do with different ethnic groups, perhaps in the area and one saying, You're not giving me the same level of support that somebody else's. I'm not getting as much police protection in Nigeria. And because, you know, we're Hispanic is really good. Sometimes we struggle very, very hard. I had an issue in work environment that just shared some process I'm on, I'm going to share with solid waste management facilities to work on. And also on protecting the recording secretary of the board, that alone puts you somewhere around four or five meetings a month, easily, without some reading that you run through your committee, that search and without the meetings that can run down to the municipal building, or at the Olympics, or without the meetings if you run to DC, and Hunters Point. And this is all done on your own private time. And if you have to do this during the day, and you have to take off from work, and gone to the bar revising. But I have forests. And so I work with those. And that is why it is very difficult to get people to commit themselves. Because you're overlapping their time period between your own working. And other times, it just means the direct line to the means to the agency. Except for community meetings on a large scale, working in news discussing, going to the borough president's office, the people down there, damn it. They don't come out missing. If you want to see Marilyn Gilbert from, from how we Golden's office, DC, Maryland, you know, it's five o'clock, four o'clock, we try to make it noon, but that's it. We want to go down to Department of Transportation on North Street, where department sanitation is on Second Street onwards, they also do it on your time. So you put in a heavy burden on each 50 people. And then these people are supposed to protect the rest of the people in our Unknown Speaker 48:40 communities. Unknown Speaker 48:43 So what you're asking, and look how people are getting on. And for the reasons that depending on is it a wonder that he has done it? And is only through, you know, committed people and like I said a handful of times, we're generally in sync with one another who will support one another through their actions, despite the fact that they may not be maybe not like the person who's running the 197 Eight plant on the waterfront as a person who was the real estate manager for MPa and now is the vice president elect for action. So the usual person would find in Greenpoint women have okay, but yeah, committed 18 years to this community board and at one point a chairperson that is unique person, a personality combination. Okay. The other one of the other people is there as an electrical engineer. Another guy that actually wonderful bureaucrat got this amazing process behind that is like, they're opening up your eyes in the morning and you So you have a combination, manage to get a combination of people, but you'll find it weird. It is time consuming, wearing on you, it is exhausting. You get through avoiding moments, but there's more crafting, there is reward because you're not getting consensus. There are all these petty problems and all kinds of problems that you're on, you're getting too much attention. They Don't Want You know, I mean whatever you have fractionalization between the groups in my area, it is a real problem. And you have to walk a very thin line and you have to go with honesty and truth all the time. One instance guy came to one of the downs Unknown Speaker 51:06 on his purchase Unknown Speaker 51:10 the various commands to insert the data we want to see is a square feet difference past the two balconies. Second stations, guess what for targets, Passover, and bathrooms for the service. Rooms is this type of structure you heard this building had housed other kinds of people prior to that this person. And this person purchased that from another person. That person also happens to have. And the reasoning that we were had to argue was that there was some kind of warehouses, though not by the first individual. This is what we were this is what the arguments were, there was some kind of warehousing going on by the first individual pass the property over to the second individual, so that the people would be removed from the building so that they could have that. What do you do? When you lose bearings, so he asked question, who was known? Why is he buying? He was an obstinate, arrogant muscle? Yes, they are. Because they tend to be isolationist as Unknown Speaker 53:27 I said. But what's the real and so when I came to the university, I voted for me and all the customers for the builders. That is a wonderful place to begin. And the Spanish voted in a splendid invariants. And I was also one of the first and the chair. Who is this legalistic, bureaucratic guy? What are you guys doing for real estate reasons if they can satisfy three or four conditions that met finally? So he said, Well, I'm gonna stay out of this. Because see, clearly there are two factions who have asked the standard coalition who's loyal was a Jewish lawyer to take the United for the custom, the majority and I was asked to take say, this awesome quote from one of the rabbis you know, we, if we, if we do this clearly, it's going to just be that and we don't want to be in a position where you make it look that way. And we can't make it appear that it's not because when we get up there obviously we're wearing our clothes. There's this clear on this, you know, like making visual differences here. Okay? And maybe we shouldn't do that maybe you should do that because you're the only person who voted. So now here I am saying I buy this used I understand what you're saying I'm what I'm saying is I'm trying to get as much out of the way to get you to succeed as much of what we just this I don't want my visual appearance to in some way we might have some of these. So, there I was stuck with this. And I will tell you what it turned out to be excellent. Unknown Speaker 56:02 And I want I want to pay some debt to finance this course Fortunately, we have enough money for this we should not have intuited that there is no connection between the people who pay the house for this was the best Unknown Speaker 56:28 lawyer to sue that is the truth. But so for whatever reason I have investigated as I said, what I see is this this is what I see happening is this guy's this guy's close to my family grew up wanting to know that this whole place constituted Well, units there were large units because there were people that were living into the units. But then it had been an old tenant development of 45 units and they were right when you could get like 40 bucks but we're talking about substandard housing a guess and probably had to do a tremendous amount and he had as of right wonderful he was asking us schools remember member of our community has come in and asked us for a favor whenever you receive I'm not religious The reason I'm a community board is because I'm supposed to be able to understand what goes on on the street level and that's the thing that I have to respond and all I see is bad news so I need a special consideration for this is going to be my house getting the points almost pick it up by noon pack six apartments that we will go outside was a bit they were upset that the outsiders were also going to be passive because it was going to be a lot of damage but it's not true all the customers are maybe through our most expensive course so that was it and people have told me that after your signal 50 people and they only look like Unknown Speaker 58:43 there was a lot of mixed the gap last we have a minority extend it's pretty well worth it. And I won by a fair bit job. So they will do one stuff. I didn't allow that issue to give aways. But that's that's that's pretty much every time you get up there Unknown Speaker 59:12 and you try to make alliances to try to run reports No way. No way there was a rapid and just the whole rigmarole. I think that sort of changed primarily because now we both Presidents have usually had before before heading for the rest of the world. And the only things left in Scotland is Teddy was brilliant. So he's going to use that in some way as perhaps work with liberals. Because he's now going to say I would like my community for it to go away If I want because then when they do what I asked them to do, I'm going to do what I want. And then I've convinced Paxil. Unknown Speaker 1:00:15 And so you probably do see a lot of squabbling between borough presidents in Newport. And yeah. It's like finding the boss and also finding new suppliers. Because you can turn around the chair and say thank God Unknown Speaker 1:00:36 good with somebody who's quite valuable. But we've seen before. Unknown Speaker 1:00:44 We've seen for presidents and secretaries for the album, I found they have often found it. So let's see anything else that I get anything is that I have now been asked Unknown Speaker 1:01:02 to do something on. Unknown Speaker 1:01:06 The Executive Board community board is elected from the committee from the community itself. No. Public, they are appointed by a combination of the borough president and Councilman. Councilman is not in line with the borough president and Councilman designate as people are a little more simple. Unknown Speaker 1:01:37 All right. I have seen in the five years that I've been on the board I mean, I knew people wouldn't stay. It was just like, I want to know when they last several months, and women when an environmental organization, I started the whole thing that we can freakin get on. Unknown Speaker 1:02:09 Two days after that nomination, she was appointed to be the vice chair of the Brooklyn solid waste advisory council. So we're not talking that nobody didn't know what to watch. That's ultimately exclusive Pratik. It's based on the news. And it's pretty much one thing I can do is to keep going against that stuff. To Unknown Speaker 1:02:49 those who try not to do that and I even came from a background of being an activist and are easier to deal with I would say things like I don't wait My boys are even worse on the street. But I don't remember what's in the box, looking at Unknown Speaker 1:03:14 the prison such house, I want something. And if you want some reason to learn what you have to do to get to the gold mine, what do you want? You want this review you should learn the best way that you can ensure that without a smokeless? You've done it Unknown Speaker 1:03:52 running way over time. Unknown Speaker 1:03:58 No, not it's 360. Now, I know you want because Unknown Speaker 1:04:09 and then try to tie in any of us to work out what was happening. What's happening. Unknown Speaker 1:04:17 I'm going to build X number of units. Unknown Speaker 1:04:18 Okay, this was I don't want to go into the history of bootcamp. But what what the problem is, is this boot camp Creek was running in 360 should be running at three 10 billion gallons a day. 50 ways to go gluten free is driven. No. We have two problems. You can create problems that are run by certain things. One is upgrading Unknown Speaker 1:04:55 and the upgrading has to do with secondary treatment and the other is expansion. Because this is another wonderful thing the cool consent orders not. And when you're looking at samplers that sampler is an order and an agreement between an agency and a facility when the agency continues to allow the facility, continue to violate the law and continue abolition, okay, now what's happening? That's not That's my people like that. Okay, now, you got 50 million now it's it's out of whack lack. So when they went to present literally said, do you have to reduce this? What do I do? I'm sure if I call, I mean, what do I feel? Alright, maybe they had to go back and do some submitted in the first place, maybe have to go back and find all that damn fire hydrants that were open, maybe had to go back and find all the leaks that were coming out the people complaining about it being empty. And you know, what, when the when the exact dollar, we found it found them and they reduce this distance, all the way. Knowing that the consent order allowed them to operate, I couldn't prevent Unknown Speaker 1:06:45 someone from distance between? So what they are is they're still in violation. It's still mild? Because the reality is, is that this plan and what we worry about attached to it and hookups, it's just not going to happen. Now, what they're telling us now is that on the ovaries that we're talking about, one of the problems still the fact that we hadn't. And a lot of it was a lot of what is running through the plant itself is pure. So that we can say what's going through here is not really great sport, I guess the plant is taking in 300, some odd dollars, and a bit over what the 310 is. But of the 310 Plus gallons and go near a lot of them work is not the word it makes us in any way. All right. It's, you know, it's a grandmother story, you know, one of those things where you sit on me. And, you know, they have to justify so we have an ad, you're not gonna turn around and say, Oh, I actually tell you well, it wasn't our administration, you know, and then we got this because we came in and we were only in for a year, what do you want us to do? Because we have everything, right. Experts used to never really since the end of the first table. Unknown Speaker 1:08:26 You always suddenly do something about it, not part of your life. We don't we will push it. So you so what you're doing is for the interviews, is their water conservation program? Isn't that marvelous? So they're putting in the water meters. All right, and they feel that that is going to reduce the amount that's going on here. Because people will start taking work and we come with Google about, you know, because we're gonna have to build a separate front lawn. You said paying for frontage. We're going to pay within a certain payment and then they're gonna be more careful about how we use for I suppose. And as you also know that that's not going to solve the problem because they had a crisis. Newtown Creek takes care of everything below 14th Street on in Manhattan and the low political history part of the Upper East Side in the 60s and 70s and overtly into our argument four years ago was filled with because we have a need for our affordable housing for flooding In our affordable houses for the donor, I went to worried about the fact that this is going to turn around and say, If you don't believe me about this, we're going to say that you can't have no hookups. And the people who are suffering from all the negative effects of this plan will be the ones who will not be able to be serviced by the plant. So we're saying, hey, well, how would you want to build? So let's go back to what they want to do. They say to us, upgrading events, we didn't have to do the upgrading, because the upgrade will in violation. And that was very violation, we have to do the upgrade when we go into the upgrade, okay. It makes sense that since we have to give out separate effects for people and wire, that we also expand, because that expansion will cost us this much of what we would have to do if we'd had a booth rental class, today, it makes a lot of sense to people in our community. So it says, Wait a minute, you know, we didn't think you could expand before because we didn't think that there was any land around this because the city didn't own the land. So they got to the moon today, and Exxon becomes a big shot. Well, that sounds while while we have and sitting on a 17 million gallon plus bill from the from the tax. Exxon to do this with them. That's terrific. So now they can expand. Now the community's really pissed can go any further. I look at this. They got Unknown Speaker 1:12:12 they got the Mesa Unknown Speaker 1:12:17 Yeah, helped me like me, it was fine. But they get brownie points with sin. Remember that? And then they raise my best rates. All right, that's how it goes. So this is not you see how we get into all kinds of different things. Of course, the thing is, is you have one or two connections, when you really want to know about how people would operate. I don't know. And I've never gone to a guy. And I've never heard him say this, but I don't know how close I am to what community would appear to be someplace else. And since I've never gone to a lecture on community boards, I have no idea how anybody teaches community boards anywhere. This is my own experience. This is exactly how my community board works. And these are some of the connections in regard to some of the actions that I have taken in my voice to mediate. Okay, so any other questions that I haven't gotten Unknown Speaker 1:13:37 to process I mean, technically the Unknown Speaker 1:13:44 processes are all the same, I mean, she has four things why the four certainly are bored and on the other hand, there are definitely problems to yours. And then people some of them kind of by me and trying to get other people on who are really trying to represent a demographic shift of yours. No one likes it or not right now, you know, your neighbor and it's no longer awful the rider on a little bit of a shift before but the issue. Here people are not as divided on racial lines that we have done your current job there is a consensus But nothing's gonna change today. So the sooner we get a good environment around the pivot the incredible nine days. Unknown Speaker 1:15:21 And I think you should feel a direct connection between Unknown Speaker 1:15:25 us development project and the environment, if we would just move the traffic into their quality history. Program. I guess there's an area so that when you're working with developers, you don't have to jump on a mission to have a whole new world to open up about the past five years. If you guys want to work for 30 years, you really don't understand. Operating here, Unknown Speaker 1:15:55 it's really basic stuff. Unknown Speaker 1:15:56 Why would I put my hands up every time people put their hands in the accelerator, so that we will sit down with the dominant? You're going to be building the city. Let's see if we can work your way into the actual developer. Unknown Speaker 1:16:18 And as much as what did I extract from developers provide their own stream Unknown Speaker 1:16:25 your 4300 units? Whether or not you can apply them to actually build it? Because it's very possible. But definitely we want to look to look towards it is happening in the city, not, especially with federal funding, provide our job Unknown Speaker 1:16:46 is traditionally undertaken. Unknown Speaker 1:16:51 Teachers are limited, but if I had the right to ask the question ever, Westside. Just tell your kid where you have Unknown Speaker 1:17:04 anything to say, because you can't get her to guide you, I want you to know if you can have to deal with us Unknown Speaker 1:17:19 on Sar. Unknown Speaker 1:17:22 But there's a limit to how much planning you're gonna put constants out where you draw the line. But I think I think the new frontier really can take your daycare, the fun out of working all through the daycare, but you can't force your children. He's, you know, he's understanding that. That is really an exciting area of development. And the book Unknown Speaker 1:17:54 will be in mind, I just want the first time we've ever had to write. I mean, this is really exciting for us. Let me just save this for a president to get one. I mean, it lets kids understand. The borough president wants to feel more investment with the last minute, you look down without the face, they came up, and they made a deal. This way, this is why artists in Baltimore situation just doesn't do the Christmas, New Year's holiday. Wonderful. Because the world is changing, these guys are the best. But now, the borough president now has to deal with the board. He really has to, you know, it can't be backstage. And he's got to be, we got to kind of work together. And you got to work with 1000 legend has to deal with whatever coalition's that normally go on anyway. It is real. I mean, it's not funny. It's not just like, oh, he makes you feel no reason for me to. I mean, we may not feel as strongly about them as they do. But sometimes it's normal. You know, sometimes if I chose never to go there. Some choices were meant to stay away. And quickly stay away. A great deal of respect for what it is that I know about the information that I can get very happy because I've educated them and working with all this information and they really sound like a whole bunch of scholars. And it's terrific. If I don't mind, because that's my community for the trip, because they don't have the staff, they don't have the money. They don't have all the things that they can get certain things, they can make connections with you, for you in different places. We've been in business for a long time, and the only the only players that can get you to play, we sat with Schaefer and we worked into shared resources. So we said, we're doing this 197 plan. Okay, and this one is the same chart we've been doing give us a plan are some big ones to go in and say something like that. But it's worth a shot. Are things paper for community, we don't have technocrats we need people from the city to help us out. You give us a plan to help us do this. We're doing your job. Because this is all you are is a bunch of technicians following his own resolution, and I saw you doing it not recognizing that zoning resolution, I detect amendments was not installed. And if you don't do anything to make design resolution applicable and real to the people, for the land use for which it's supposed to be applied today, then the zoning resolution is that probably no good. The other thing that came out of a transportation issue is is a study that we force, and then see when a condition is doing a reevaluation of land use and see the full name. And they're coming up with another zoning package to purchase of stations. And that's going to trigger any mass amounts of money. That is, I sit with him. We have a simple process, you got a special permit. Let's go buy this special. Why should you go through this whole thing? Will it come up? We can't do that doesn't treat the system. All these little things that didn't go to the point where they wanted to trigger me is the zoning text change that's going to be requested by the Planning Commission is going to trigger the BIS that started today. The borough president's office community board one and community voices have already put our PDS for zoning, change those special currents? Because under the new charter, you can do that we can request that the City Planning Commission to a a search for us. We don't have to pay for it yet, because the law is not clear. yet. No. This of course can. So the roof of our president's office on a CD one, as he says to close the channel to try this. I tried to put in papers with some text to the Sony text. Trigger II is well yes. Yes, there's all kinds of triggers you want to use when you credit the transit. So Unknown Speaker 1:23:34 if you're going to examine Unknown Speaker 1:23:39 you have to have a reason to believe that acid will tell you that change is the reason you have to provide them information. Why are you Unknown Speaker 1:23:54 doing any of the Unknown Speaker 1:23:57 majority of us because we were asking for special? Special zoning change triggers every time. Wondering every time this is the dummy text type what are coming from blank. Unknown Speaker 1:24:25 Oh, but you're not talking about changing Unknown Speaker 1:24:28 what you don't Unknown Speaker 1:24:31 like but you need to change it if you want to address. One question Do you ever come to resistance while we're asking them is that they use a special program for the trespass. They're having a youth group. Yes. Unknown Speaker 1:24:49 My question is nothing. Does this does it change the zoning resolution Unknown Speaker 1:25:03 Almost nothing in the world except urban renewal classes get out. ever do? Unknown Speaker 1:25:13 All you could I didn't know that the big reason so many years ago? Unknown Speaker 1:25:16 Oh, absolutely. Because yeah, exactly without a need for you Unknown Speaker 1:25:22 to take to court, you don't have to watch the biotech remember to ever make and yet for some 12 movement, it's not usually come but every structure, you have to kind of look at the underlying zoning and you need to fill in a yield and you're getting an AR 10. Unknown Speaker 1:25:51 The text of the zoning Unknown Speaker 1:25:58 now what happens even though Unknown Speaker 1:25:59 they they'll vote on their own, right, you can get if you're an agency, and I just didn't know that. Unknown Speaker 1:26:10 That's true. Because you see, that's the problem. I said, Hey, we recognize that this this is a problem. Guys the station as it were, I am 1am One covering anything. There's nothing was always always with regards to transportation to the volumes that we have ford says we don't use it because we're not getting safely. State says I don't receive because the problems that transportations present, are those vulnerable. And the agency or government of most authority is the one. And as he says, like this? And say says I think he is. So we forced them into a situation where we asked them on the secret team. We asked them to define for me later. I have readings with me back and forth between Hamilton and unconfortable. And no one says, Listen, you have to sit in the arguments as to why you're not engaging with my legal ministry says that one should be seen as us as opportunities. Unknown Speaker 1:28:11 Appleton writes a letter and says, say listen, we don't have regulatory power over your apprentice. It's your it's your permit is what contributes the secret. But we are we were correcting you on it well, you can trigger my response. Even though I know that this is a big problem. And my argument has always been that cases stations are really discretionary. Because we can't just go in, they have to be permitted. And they also have to present architectural plans. They have to present archaeological needs. We have to present a big application environmental assessment on that and ask questions like How far are you from a residential zone? As in the middle of the sky? Some questions like that you're giving me the feeling that the answers to those questions aren't appropriate. You will deny that this. They saw you on paper. And they say that's not discretionary. And that's what we say. So what Marilena Miles was sitting on the plane is doing is she is going to do a study of cases. This is how they're expanding. Instead of instituting special permit, we say okay, well this presentation comes in. And if it's less than for you to become a residential zone, or race, you know, basically in an industrial zone engineer a truck was not gonna bother me but he still needed a lot. But if we get one that doesn't have that those characteristics And then we'll just like saying that, you know, we will in fact, create better Unknown Speaker 1:30:08 conditions Unknown Speaker 1:30:11 and food for security. And then we'll see what happens. Are you guys well under special conditions, but 1000 Miles go around the other way. And now, unless they're going to be in these shoes, very rewrite pretext. And only now what she's going to do is do a subset, and he will Neverland news. Let's face decisions and actions further, you can find these people who we are going to need very much to control our solid marriage maximum plan says that we'll go back to the very first. Now, you see how, why you have to plan, you can't do crisis management, you start to react to this. And I'll do that, when you push this button. This thing happens, I will say the planning permission or what Unknown Speaker 1:31:12 you learn is a process by which you evaluate the conditions of Sony. And when using FA are right for a certain secret is a process gets triggered when there is an environmental negative environmental passwords Unknown Speaker 1:31:43 like that you have type one and type in the password. That's already we can't get to that process. They blocked this out by saying that this was not creating this in mind. And also at the same time. They're seeing, they're seeing negative effects. And what I'm saying is, I don't know required way of describing this. So let me go through the study so I can prove that what I'm seeing actually is and then I'll develop another land use for that possibility. And I said now when it suits you even go through this whole process. It's gonna cost us all this money and time to get through these things like three to five years, we've been put in sin and now it's not