Unknown Speaker 00:00 To be effective with stories that we've grown up with traditional performance fitting whenever you tell a story, whether it's relating your personal experience, whether it's creating a story on the spot to illustrate something, or whether you're telling a folk tale that has been told for 1000s, literally 1000s of years, and updating your career, which is planning on the kind of storytelling that story and you're telling is made out of your experiences previously, your stories may have moved in the power of language and in what you can do to shape your understanding of the world and to communicate that. So during the hour and 45 minutes that we have today, we're going to start out by discussing some of our personal experiences early on story and storytelling. I will tell you with story then we will talk about traditional folk tales. And from all those elements, you will have material that you will be able to use to create a story of your own guidance to form and each one of you will feel the story that you will be able to share with at least one other person in the workshop and then at the end of it some of you may want some of you may want to tell your story or some of you want to share what happened to that process of creating that story. So that's essentially the the first about 20 minutes to do with shop I like to talk about like to give you a chance to talk quickly about several questions and in order to give you a chance all of you a chance to talk and for us to hear as many together as we can and like to divide you into groups of four for that first chunk and I hope that you will be patient because I won't ask you to do so I don't know if you would like to divide themselves into groups of four and spreading. Unknown Speaker 03:19 You now even before we start this I would like to just have you fill the air with some of the feminine heroes that you remember growing up these are people from literary stories people maybe real life people when they may be because the females but let's just hear what some of those stories were what some of those women are that you remember from your childhood Yeah, shout it out like you couldn't do anyway. John and Jane when they're very young my great grandmother Laura Ingalls Wilder. Eleanor Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt. Jones Unknown Speaker 04:38 Cinderella Cinderella Esther Unknown Speaker 04:44 knows the crew the microbiome like having weed line in the car And to be honest none of you washed your floors with us we should do well today. Okay, I'd love to start this by sharing initial reactions to a statement I'm going to leave you Unknown Speaker 05:19 with article that she wrote on the great goddesses and he prefaced the article saying that models traditional massage and to give them guys the kind of lives that they're moving into now and neither male support and PMS that article with this question I'd like to just for about five minutes to share with you some initial reaction and you're going to come back to this question to help us out and this is after all the years and millenniums are changing forms and conditions that she is now unable to let her daughters know who they are Unknown Speaker 06:20 after all the reviews and millennials are changing forms and conditions that she's now reading people for that statement we may jump on so just be conscious that you hear from each person you doesn't matter right excited to talk about today you ever had all of that I have never been the real world so stay tuned all on the West Coast just want to say Unknown Speaker 09:49 that tuned Hey welcome back okay Unknown Speaker 10:37 you what you're talking about now are these are your movies The next questions we're going to be talking about so you're not going to have this really stop this you're going to continue but I'd like to talk with you I'd like Unknown Speaker 10:59 to share for the next four Unknown Speaker 11:03 years give you another question which will be what you're already at this moment and I'll tell you the next question let me tell you the next thing I'd like to talk about and again it's what I heard you already moving into in response to the Campbell Key Question What kind of family history do you have? Is there one side of your family or another that you feel more strongly bonded to? Unknown Speaker 12:01 And you remember those specific specifically or do you remember just hearing them and is there anybody that you tell us who you are from that past going into the next generation not just your children you're 35 Hey what's up evening right name is kitchen right to All right you I never said the very smallest tiny Unknown Speaker 15:55 drum right what's up I was going Unknown Speaker 16:47 to get all the energy that you will develop stopping and starting will come out I know it's frustrating but I want to have you experience hearing getting a little bit of all this stuff there's no way to say to people who please go back to your site next time and once again you may have seen this already but if you haven't I'd like you to look at to what extent your sense of what you will be if that sense came from any say emotions verbal sense of logic if your sense of what you should be as a woman what you should be as a woman either when you were born job concept of teenage orientation stamp one time How many kids I did like the Catholic church you want to learn more Wi Fi on your cell phone that's fine get around whatever matters weekend stores that are more tailored to their needs one is to die chewing and swallowing a whole bunch of Unknown Speaker 24:02 fine lines just to pick the things that are hardest to you in any kind of story about you know finish on the other side vary Unknown Speaker 24:43 yeah Unknown Speaker 24:47 since you prove yourself so good at moving around would you like to just make up for the semi circle find each other Unknown Speaker 25:00 You Elijah squirrel Unknown Speaker 25:42 have human collusions that came out of that discussion? How many of you found that you have a strong sense of family history on one side of your family than the other? How many of you have a strong sense of your motive? And how many from your father's Unknown Speaker 26:07 more mothers right? Unknown Speaker 26:09 Now, does that question that the answer to that question comes from stories from actual words that past? Where does it come from? Nonverbal from other kinds of conditions that you feel? Whichever side you feel Unknown Speaker 26:29 words, as I said Unknown Speaker 26:32 before, it's Unknown Speaker 26:35 because I remember Unknown Speaker 26:37 lots of times it's the mother who talks to the children Unknown Speaker 26:43 um, yeah, I'm saying Unknown Speaker 26:47 I'm here to do my mother's Unknown Speaker 26:48 stories. A lot of that came through sharing work, work activities, like preparing food, which is very physical, making the bed cleaning the house, you have a picture of my father. So even though the rhythms are committed to my father, Unknown Speaker 27:12 but it's not what what she often the SWAT team is printing. And what my father would do is you do some Unknown Speaker 27:20 expeditions, or if he went on a trip so a lot of times we go to Washington to see the relatives and needed to fly. And part of being in the car was his telling stories. I mean, you didn't listen to the radio but in in the early 50s It was raining a lot wasn't what it was. And so the untold stories and the stories Unknown Speaker 27:51 my was just the daily contact, I don't know how you would call her verbal or non. My father's side of the family all with some folks that Unknown Speaker 28:01 I knew them. Mother, your sisters Unknown Speaker 28:06 in numbers. Okay, now, I'd like to pick it out. I don't know whether some of you came up with say, my mother. But those are some really good phrases to either put into stories or to author and put a story. So I'd like to hear and I guess I'd like to start very hard not being afraid. I'd like to start my mother said that pregnant women shouldn't be out my mother said, Unknown Speaker 28:42 as far as men's seductively is concerned, or indiscriminate. It's about saying she's concerned. Even Give it to me Unknown Speaker 29:02 from my mother, I got the happiest day of your life on wedding day. And from my father, I got to work hard with Unknown Speaker 29:09 my grandmother. My father, they don't like it Unknown Speaker 29:25 My mother said that when I got married, I shouldn't have a way to take money. Don't get Unknown Speaker 29:59 hurt Don't get married to Unknown Speaker 30:02 have fun yeah Unknown Speaker 30:09 my dad said life is not a volunteer at all okay, I'd like to take some time in spite of the fact that we don't have one of them Unknown Speaker 30:43 and I hope that if you listen to this story, you'll be hearing it with the ears of the child that you were with the years that you might tell it to someone else and also with that analytical year isn't it story comes from Scotland from the Dumfries area. And it goes back at least to the 18th century, but most of them no farther back than that. We know that it was collected Unknown Speaker 31:21 once there was a lass who went out at the crime to watch and she never came. Now her mother and her father and both of them wept for her but neither their weeping Northern. But she was lucky. Or she had a younger sister who loved her dearly. And who said I'm not pretend to buy the home. And I'm going into the wide world and I won't come home until the father gave me his blessing and he gave her also a purse with a gold and her mother gave and she gave her a bundle of things. Now in that bundle, there was a bobbin of yarn, and a pack and a gold now they were all wrapped up in a white towel, and off she went out and now she wandered up and down the world for many along weary day and she heard nothing of her sister no matter where she were the people said there was a chapter who all took away young maids and perchance It was he who had Unknown Speaker 32:47 from that day she wanted no more but she saw that she sat down for a while to catch her breath before she started and it wasn't long before she sat there the road Unknown Speaker 33:16 now he was bent over between the chef's to this car walking and tugging and it piled high with pedals and and as he came by her foot and she said what if we're doing the work of a horse he said so it is but I can do no other Beggars can't be choosers I haven't enough money to buy a horse so I have to go on boiling and boiling so now she said I have this gold piece in this purse that my father gave me and I've had it all this time is done me no good good miles look over to you take them by yourself before they take your body took it and as he looked at that purse with the golf he says I've been following this and never it's been that anyone's given me so much as occurring words I have nothing to give to you. But these words I know when you when you get up remember with what you see what you think. Once you've seen what they seem to be and if you'll take my advice last you'll turn around right now for the wizard is strong and he will put a spell on if you can. Unknown Speaker 34:48 And she said that I want but I think she got halfway before she said Then now this beggar man was dressed in clothes all tattered and patched, and then with Unknown Speaker 35:15 the men all the clothes, but as soon as he put a thorn through the rent, the thorn would break him it was hard and he got lock she said it's wearing some work trying to remember. And she took the paper it's doing me no good here in this packet. I've had no use for Unknown Speaker 35:41 at least two and he said I and many have passed me by but no one has given me even a kind word. And now I have nothing. Unknown Speaker 36:05 But what do you guys think? Gold and silver match. And if you take my advice, you'll turn around now and avoid being a champion he's sure to cast on. I will protect it on sugar. Now she came last to the top through the clouds that she can see. And then through the gate, a gray and granite castle. And through the gate she went and up and knocked boldly on the door. She used to be the wizard or he was dressed in a cape. So deep blue, the color of the sky just when you have such a space but he answered and he asked her what she wants. And she said boldly I've come from my older sister for I know you have her tucked away here. And you must give her back. Oh, come in. There's so many come here. I'll go and look for Unknown Speaker 37:34 somebody to pick up now she says she blames himself moved around her and she said what'd she say? And so down, she sat. And so the place that she thought he would be in then she would have crying and calling after. And as the voice got louder and louder she recognized it as the voice of her own bear sister. And she started to fly out of the room because there was pain and weeping in the voice once again Unknown Speaker 38:41 so down she sat by her feet and her body wants to go out for the weekend. But she took out the bobbin and she put her arm on the chair and she Unknown Speaker 38:59 until she couldn't and she just taken off that put all back to the packet when the door open came there was none too pleased and very surprised. Well, he said I can find your sister. You'll have to come and find her yourself. Follow me as long as of life is peace and all suddenly Richard persister now can pick out your sister Ella who can you'll take her home and back he stood. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know how to choose and she walked up and down for Understand, and she took that. But she can remember the first structure. So now she wants to go and Unknown Speaker 40:28 she said, No, it's not. And what am I one in turn and she turned to the wizard and said, I'll just take this one particular Unknown Speaker 40:51 she looked at me, she said, and when she turned back, there was your own system Unknown Speaker 41:04 now I'll say went out that room and out the castle Hall, and they started down. But the wizard wasn't letting them go so easy. And out of the furious rage that was in him, he created and they heard the deep breath coming after them. And the older sister said, you can't, I can't anymore Well, when she tried to stop with the younger one pulled her in as she pulled her along Unknown Speaker 41:42 and she turned around, and she aimed that right between the red and the green eyes did this, he was so furious that he came out to them themselves spreading his cape and walking out the Unknown Speaker 42:05 door, she had nothing left no words tangled up. And when she pulled it out, and said that it was and as they caught their breath behind them, they heard the rumbling about Castle crumbling, also going to just do that. Unknown Speaker 42:40 And as they started to do anything fun addressed, who came forward to the younger sister, and it's up to her. Unknown Speaker 42:55 And she wouldn't even those five phones are stuck. And the three of them started on. And when there wasn't carriage and horses. And he said you won't remember me from how I look now, but I'm the one that you gave the person a goal to. They're all for them. And they wish back home. And the men stayed on for a while. And maybe they married and maybe the four of them all separated and went their own ways. But there's just it goes. In talking about that story, talk about the traditional forms that make folklore, folklore falls right into the middle of the oral tradition. And between personal history and contains all those personal history gets polished and polished and polished. And General. Unknown Speaker 44:15 Level and folklore contains a lot of myths. And the folklore sounds strong. So let's just talk about some of the parts in that story that are traditional. Unknown Speaker 44:35 First of all, the two sides, usually it's three sides. And also between the two sides. The international couples Unknown Speaker 44:47 like the three wishes. Unknown Speaker 44:52 Three wishes. Yeah, okay, generally three wishes, and it's all the two but what was fascinating is the fact that I don't know Right Because almost any traditional story is that the end is that they don't have to prepare parents present take the same now it's a man should they marry the West and I love I love differences was right there in the story well but it isn't there's a denial and in traditional work on the traditional culture is that it's so strong that that is the obvious thing happened to me that was one of the basic lessons I use I use first is the hierarchy was certainly a Unknown Speaker 46:13 privilege okay there's a traditional kind of ending I think a traditional word for Unknown Speaker 46:25 the modern meaning command Unknown Speaker 46:40 but if you go further traditionally in the tail some of the problems Unknown Speaker 46:52 other traditional storage Unknown Speaker 46:56 transformed data and instead of Mother we can vote instead of her coming back and pick up on her it then instead of purchase coming back from another system, Unknown Speaker 47:15 okay. Traditional counters going on from home experiences have been coming back and some changed Unknown Speaker 47:26 been to the stone Unknown Speaker 47:51 reminded me very Unknown Speaker 48:00 interesting community story that she's given their traditional as initiation she's given the things that we were given an initiation, she doesn't need to be traditionally expected to use she gives them a way of saying she has Unknown Speaker 48:20 which I think that issue Unknown Speaker 48:25 was a separate issue to talk to Unknown Speaker 48:47 your children says as I was going to listening, putting in society around just not telling the truth. He said that many people know the truth. And I think that goes along with the giving the storyteller, the storyteller giving in giving you a chance of winning just to add to that, so we're actually not going to do transplants is almost a really Unknown Speaker 49:34 great story. But that Unknown Speaker 49:40 option is that as you know, no one Unknown Speaker 49:42 is like that what's up To me other traditional elements Unknown Speaker 50:20 but wisdom that was used against the wizard against the male structure or whatever in this story was sort of like the code to crack the magic Unknown Speaker 50:35 it's given to me but yet she has to figure out when to use it she has to provide a Unknown Speaker 50:46 use case the office systems are going to Unknown Speaker 51:05 be bogged down Unknown Speaker 51:15 Dr. Thomas we're not sure that she was taken to the doctor when she chose to go to more than our own one of the Unknown Speaker 51:32 educational needs is the evil the evil wizard but again what's different about this story is the teacher will step on the teaching people rather than having one little technicality about what she gives away which is she gives away free cams and she gives away money now to him supposedly the federal Hunwick argument I don't quite agree but it's such an interesting idea that you're going to be waiting to use pins when you don't want to work so it's meant it's a temporary fix to LASIK Roseway app and she gives away to things that that are easy for her like money which goes by or gives which would be having to do the work herself of sewing and I think a busy business seller Unknown Speaker 52:21 comes out of doing the work of having to make extra money that's what I expected and the fact that she gave me the peers wonderful person Unknown Speaker 52:46 you're interested Unknown Speaker 52:59 in using them because they want you want to find out what he says it's interesting visual boys Unknown Speaker 53:44 what's happening Unknown Speaker 53:57 reason for this sort of Congress Unknown Speaker 54:07 the only two Unknown Speaker 54:17 we all hear them differently. story a lot and I don't often get to hear people talk about surgeries way and it's wonderful to hear your different interpretations. I watch that story. I tell stories to mixed audiences and to children. Unknown Speaker 54:39 Adults said that Unknown Speaker 54:40 the traditional end of the story, Unknown Speaker 54:42 excuse me to change the I altered a number of things in your story Unknown Speaker 54:51 you share with images or how do you change Unknown Speaker 54:57 the original story has fathers searching in the mother weeping. Not both the original story or at least the stories it's written. The original story does have to marry. But that ending the ending that I put on, it's a traditional Irish. In many Irish tales, many Irish tales end up with that. Who knows? Unknown Speaker 55:29 Well, I don't know, it depends on what you want to hear. But also the story. The images and the colors in the story in the original story are black and white. Unknown Speaker 55:46 They're not blue. Unknown Speaker 55:50 Because I find it offensive when she puts the statues are all white, she puts the symbol on the finger and the symbol turns black. And she says that it's not like Sister offensive. And I think that, that the dark blue works as well for me in terms of darkness, and night, the fear of night. In the traditional story, the father searches in the movies. Unknown Speaker 56:31 At the beginning, she still goes down. Unknown Speaker 56:35 He is unable to find what the Father can't find her and Unknown Speaker 56:38 she searches for searches for her can't find it another week. That doesn't help either sleeping or searching really small alterations. But basically the story is you have anything to do. She's Unknown Speaker 56:59 been done on stories where the younger sister has to rescue. Unknown Speaker 57:07 The rescue? I don't know the story follows very much traditional form in that it's the younger one. Who is, is given the string, the younger one who finally comes out from Iran was able not to be done anymore Not to be left behind not to be that's very traditional. That is the younger boy. Right. And the wisdom is get to the passage of the story. So it's traditional, very traditional. The rescuing of siblings. Well, there's a lot of room for the girl who rescued her seven brothers Unknown Speaker 57:46 is this story, yeah, I'm a bibliography for you and anyone. But I hope that at the end, you can we can ask more questions like this but I'd really like to get you into your own stories. Now. What I'm going to do is actually just to all sit in a way that you're comfortable and that may be other than sharing verbally which you will visualize so you may want to sit and close your eyes and they want to be able to stay somewhere where other people won't distract you you may want to lie down Unknown Speaker 58:37 Make yourselves comfortable and if you can do this without writing, try to stay in an oral in an oral form precedes Unknown Speaker 58:56 what happens when a story is created over and over and over before it's polished and smooth before you really get a chance to make a story and I hope that you will go out that you will know someone that you can tell it to again and that you'll be able to polish it this fall Oh say yourself a chapter this person may or may or your past may be a real woman preacher says yourself the person or be everything in someone's life to project yourself in a storytelling phone or fax Unknown Speaker 1:00:21 Are you okay Unknown Speaker 1:00:25 with this being in a place like this place now something is going to be that what is it helps to do to apply them beginning to leave this place let's be honest just be honest the baby is able to escape How does it escape from the obstacle situation of being forced to go into politics place would have been fun it would be is it a good place to be Unknown Speaker 1:02:26 what is that situation now once again Unknown Speaker 1:02:43 why what's what's the obstacle this far form to remove that place and go into the next one is where is this an obstacle it's so different situation this may be a situation where is it coming home is that place to stay All right guys have the story that you just made and to see what's after story Unknown Speaker 1:06:20 when you are moving around Unknown Speaker 1:06:24 if you indeed didn't go always with one other person or were left with and that other person my God I'm sorry but before you begin your audit to your chances this video Unknown Speaker 1:09:22 and gents of applause to us Good morning to say up right guys six this video few hours she has motioning in general Unknown Speaker 1:13:30 I'd like to say love to give you a chance to share some final Unknown Speaker 1:13:55 elements of your story that were more interesting to you than others that you would like to share because you may want to share the process of creating this story using that traditional form which Why would they want to answer Joseph? Talk about productive anyway, you may want to say anything you'd like about just experience is that Unknown Speaker 1:14:43 it's a traditional form in the sense yes when a character is in situations of difficulty itself the difficulty doesn't. And depending on which culture you're dealing with, sometimes it's three sometimes it's four seven And no matter what the number is that changes no matter what that number is the number of symbolic repetition those kinds of changes that we that often are changes are repelled by something in this situation even if we want to move this amounts to Unknown Speaker 1:15:24 move down the situation yeah it's a young gentleman a traditional European for the kind of story there are many other traditional forms certainly I have to be identified Unknown Speaker 1:16:06 particularly in Africa Unknown Speaker 1:16:16 things because I'm finishing up so when gave the obstacles you know, if I could sort of make up a toxic character who had certain kinds of obstacles and that particular character to that he resolved he didn't so the game wasn't Unknown Speaker 1:16:49 there yet but that doesn't come from the story Unknown Speaker 1:16:55 theories another way to end the story is by finding finding equilibrium Unknown Speaker 1:17:11 Yeah, certainly we have tragedy and comedy theater but I wanted not to do that I wanted to leave I left you kind of in the air Unknown Speaker 1:17:27 one of the obstacles we're Unknown Speaker 1:17:43 in and the listeners Yes, the listeners then go on to give comments on the store. And that's very much part of the story. The listeners have a very strong dialogue as the story should come out and in some, in some cases, then the storyteller after listening will go come back in and finish the story or in some cases, for example, that that part of the storytelling of the storyteller is this much of a storytelling session and people's discussion and reiteration of what should have happened and what those stories the main part what you. relationship with story as to how Unknown Speaker 1:19:13 to do that Unknown Speaker 1:19:19 we learn a great deal by doing Unknown Speaker 1:19:31 dishes but so, are there conditions to deliver on and some of those folks will Unknown Speaker 1:20:07 say oh it's very subconscious very much and I the purpose of this discussion that you had among yourselves I hope was dealing with the questions that I gave you I hope we're leaving you to be able to talk about it like to say out loud some of the things that Campbell was Unknown Speaker 1:20:32 first started Unknown Speaker 1:20:43 pediments Unknown Speaker 1:20:46 to personal fulfillment issue encourages breaking the third role is to maintain the institution and let the child break right and then the child or the broken Academy returns to the institution as it has always been and it takes a very special Unknown Speaker 1:21:31 person sure a person has enough support system Unknown Speaker 1:21:40 to be the leader and Unknown Speaker 1:21:48 until perhaps she passes into the grandmother Unknown Speaker 1:21:53 why you say why? Because then Unknown Speaker 1:21:58 she's free in certain Unknown Speaker 1:22:02 I don't think she's Unknown Speaker 1:22:06 a bit the things you tell your grandchild are different than the things you tell you told your daughter though if you had a dog I know the things I think a grandmother's role grandmother I think a grandmother's role is much freer than a mother's because you don't have the primary care responsibilities I got different information from my grandma and my granny than I did from Unknown Speaker 1:22:27 my mom other ways the same level of experience and frankly the story of what you see in gaming that kind of Unknown Speaker 1:23:15 time where you earlier on may be able to come on I never felt that I had to buy again the story stories Unknown Speaker 1:24:25 I just heard really fascinated Unknown Speaker 1:24:42 that the girls I'm Unknown Speaker 1:24:55 you know, I know. I mean Unknown Speaker 1:24:59 if that I think maybe we had this Unknown Speaker 1:25:04 many stories were Unknown Speaker 1:25:11 already very Unknown Speaker 1:25:14 little kids little kids Unknown Speaker 1:25:18 I don't know I mean I feel like at this point I Unknown Speaker 1:25:21 I have enough Unknown Speaker 1:25:24 experience Unknown Speaker 1:25:25 to empathize with how often you empathize I think it was myself so you know, but when I spoke Unknown Speaker 1:25:50 to one quick comment I really want you to talk but I want to respond to one thing that you said in heresies in in an issue on women and folks on there was a woman who had was teaching work songs in her music classes and she said that the girls very easily sang the songs about cowboys and about minors but the boys still giggle singing songs about women's work so I'm not sure that boys do that kind of identification that we Unknown Speaker 1:26:33 that we did Unknown Speaker 1:26:36 in this case today Unknown Speaker 1:26:52 know I think girls flexibility with identifying expired and for myself I want to respond to that by buying and buying wine and when I realized that I do every single round just sitting right and now by the same token to be seen Unknown Speaker 1:27:50 by people who want to live so that we could for instance select our audience above here that you're only thinking about what was done to us by also a good Unknown Speaker 1:28:36 comment but for me, it was just sort of what a relief it was to find a woman and you didn't have to do and I think there's a thing also where Unknown Speaker 1:28:59 the story is strong it's just Unknown Speaker 1:29:05 there's no conflict between Yes, I don't have to do these other things, but I can also again, it's so much more stories in about my comment on that original Unknown Speaker 1:29:32 Campbell was Unknown Speaker 1:29:33 reading something about her we think that she was all the changes she thought they wouldn't be able to give us the advice. And I think my mother I feel she didn't I didn't have that then I think that she in a larger sense, and probably my manifesting but also she in a larger sense of all that there must be something there that will. Unknown Speaker 1:30:02 Yeah, my response to that is Who is he to tell me that I can't hear what has been very strong and useful to me and what I've learned. That's not true. People have helped me to find who I am and I'm not about to give up. Because he's confused. Because because he doesn't like what's going on in the world. Unknown Speaker 1:30:43 Small body, that whole collection of shorts or whatever. So are these contemporary moves I think Unknown Speaker 1:31:06 there are at least two in existence already. And one of them is on your is on the list that I shouldn't be giving out to at this point. And that's Rosemary Menards book called women folk and fairy tales. And the last one out of crime. Dawn is in here, but it's originally from time. Another one is else and Lori's book and I think it's clever Gretel. And I didn't put it on the list because she breaks my heart with how she takes away their beautiful language.