Barbara Carreras: I'm 1/4 of the collective leading the discussion and I come from Health Pact. Health Pact is an independent research communication group.We've been around for 10 years doing research analysis on the U.S. Health System Pam Booth: I'm Pam Booth and the founder of Health Right for Women's Health Forum. I'm presently at Columbia School of Public Health. New speaker: I'm (inaudible name) and I'm a doctoral candidate at the School of Public Health at Columbia and my area is health [lapse in audio]. New Speaker: My name is Emwitt (inaudible) and we're also both working on a task force that's setting up a rape team that (inaudible) Jo Hartley: I'm Jo Hartley and I'm the editor and publisher of Conen which is a publication on research about women. Marge: I'm Marge (Inaudible last name) and I'm a psychologist. Cynthia Shwartz: I'm Cynthia Shwartz and working on the International Women's Bureau of Health (inaudible). Carla Kessler: My name is Carla Kessler and I work at (inaudible)an advocacy organization Victoria Bush: I'm Victoria Bush and I'm here on my own but I work for the Association for (inaudible) Ada: I'm Ada (inaudible) and I'm doing a masters at the Institution of Human Research here at Columbia and next year I'll begin medical school at Mount Sinai. (Inaudbile introductions) Pamela: I'm Pamela I'm the campus minister at New York University Maria Katz: I'm Maria Katz and I'm a senior at Barnard. Next year I'll be at Columbia School of Public Health and I'm interested in public policy. Terry: I'm Terry (inaudible) and I'm working on a dissertation on (inaudible) in Health Care in 19th Century. (inaudible introductions) Okay, what we thought we would do... well the general outline is we're going to ta;l for some time. And then hopefully, we will have time for discussion because it seems like there are some issues that have been identified here (inaudible). And then, we would like to have the last half our of this workshop to combine with the workshop on sterilization; they are going to come and join us here to talk about implications with them in relation to sterilizatio... what's happening around folks with sterilization. What we do is that we wanted...four of us here are not only interested in women's health issues but we're also radicals, in terms of political (inaudible). So we're going to get that perspective (inaudible) is a left wing perspective. And, we're going to try to integrate that perspective with our understanding of what's happening with (inaudible). We'll probably have Pam start off by talking about the history of the women's health industry. I will do some summarizing about what we think (inaudible). Kyla is going to talk particularly about self love which is part of the women's health movement in some critical fashion. And then, Barbara is going to bring it all together [laughter]. I'd like to start off by saying that we've all been involved in the Women's Health Movement and we all work in Women's health. If we sound critical, it's because we are trying to be somewhat analytical about it.But I think that all of us are firmly in support of it even though some things we talk about here may critique some aspects of it. Is there anything else that should be said? New Speaker: Should we talk and have questions afterwards or should people interrupt us and we respond to questions? Well we'll go unti what time is it? 4:30 and the Sterilization group will be coming so that gives us an hour. If we see ourselves getting bogged down we'll save the discussion until the end but let s see how it goes with interrupting and see how that works. Does that sound fair? Pam: I should preface this; this is going to be a somewhat thorough history although an overview but I'm going to try to be somewhat thorough about it. I should preface this this is going to be a somewhat thorough although but there's a problem that comes up in that woman's house movement and are often in some ways subject to people's experience of it there was no particular who's not forsake many of us became involved in it and was blessed with specially she's of Our Lives she's involved not only Nelson political social and economic issues that we were grappling. It's as inverses left any discussion of Health in has to be seen in that contact we feel and cannot be separated from nose ring is a struggle that are of which it is intricately apart economic scripture A Brief History of the sixties out of which the Women's Health Group there was to start a Kennedy's aggressive imperialist policy which started in the early 1960s before then it is his dick and he became much more aggressive in there long before The King's Academy out of that Canyon community control movement of the Ohio community action on some of that was coming out of the wheel American free clinics there was Annie War movement and student there was a quote and I put it in post sexual Revolution which Time Magazine 1961 there was the Free Speech movement 1960 there were the Beatles. There were changes in birth control policy population control became a major themed rooms yet. And birth control especially the pill became more available to population Plymouth sexual activity of as part of that quote sexual Revolution broke down the traditional restrictions on male-female relationship so that living together with no longer living in Samurai at least that was starting to change their wasn't worth the drug in and out of all these there wasn't one side federal budget for special needs New York City New York city became one state state welfare budget change this morning and some people feel with the peak of the United States quote prosperity internally in the United States also move to the suburbs and an increased level of education on women and minority all these forces garage made in the 60s the women's movement grew out some people feel you can only control how people feel when it departs in the community control the Civil Rights Movement and some of the steel came out of all this week but it was primarily middle class 2 horn now for instance was established in 19 and just for the record pettiford and published in 1963 and the women's movement was a combination as we probably know or remember of women's realization that they had more to contribute than making the coffee having children being the book three more days women plastic Purity love prosperity and they were beginning to look to see what it was and some of that comes out of covers and some of that comes out of his out of the urban condition wasn't it wasn't just middle-class women began out of these interests and Friday out of self-defense and this is liberal middle-class Arena of the women's movement and the left why do men cheat but something something about getting yourself together with new beginning adoption nation and they were to discuss it and wanted to discuss the mutual problem those small groups became what we are we know no it's not name two such thing that we started one of the big issues in those small groups was the personal versus the political which was a big step to even question that person personal on the other hand the class women wear sides and family so there was some common ground there eventually that person personal versus the political evolve into the concept of the personal is political and that concept becomes the basis of one of the transcendental merge families helping me so help me another aspect is that personal is political is the demand for us as women to control our body and to eventually to control the technology and we found the piece we're not separate issues production all right with you technology dance Wilmington one of the major areas of discussion in those small groups was sexuality in a reproductive crashing the focus we usually are men very important as to Extinction Father's Day Father's men as husbands minutes Washington lovers and his doctors and one of the most revealing the most traumatic of confessions that was made in this group because I had an abortion and that's pretty much opened up became the basis for being able to understand what those relationships where it was breaking down the privatization of this. I'm on my way to the day to this day been afraid of what women say in this group but they never dare to ask all sorts of connections were made out of that issue Fortune there are other issues in the San Jose should contribute to those Connection by for many women I don't have to go to but the talking about that is most shameful of experience was with a very very easy about that time from the minute we had vaginal orgasm and that's two around the abortion issue came the realization that equal rights pay of work control of our body control of our lives would mean nothing until we could have control of everything. you're not having control of everything so many people that became a primary focus before she became the primary focus and around 1968 among the reasons for it as primary focus wasn't shared by all women imagine it had a Unity was also great for the way it was it was terrific for dramatizing what issues were talking about conforming even more small group discussion group and really having an action room between them could begin to organize and that that was effectively. It raises issues about single-issue organizing but it was an aspect of his play powerful in the late 60s early 70s one of the primary banners or wear masks that was free abortion on demand it was not limited to send to middle class another with our bodies Our Lives are right to decide and in many instances you civil rights has it as forms of organizing a very beginners luck in the city during the time women's groups also formed underground before an abortion services in New York City and Chicago and Los Angeles one of the famous one is Jane and Chicago Referral Services also performed abortion New York City had before prior to 1972 lot of changes i-19 New York state which was the first Asian country to repeal its walk? Prior to that it wasn't Underground all the time Lennox as a result of the July of 1972 remember when it was set up some buy some tears and Sound by women and OBGYN one of the primary groups to do this with Women's Health abortion project which was had its roots in at an exam it is stablished clinic and referral service established a referral service at Women's Clinic Women's Center on 20th Street New York City and it made arrangements with the doctor out in Westchester to do actually do abortions in turn or train them how to do parenthetical work at the same time that you can cancel Daytona how to beat there were other centers were set up a New York City Medical Center these tours Medical Center Eastern Services some of these were not so bad but but they start off with some fairly important struggle from these clinics and referral service about that you infections for herpes some of it we didn't know where I understand how birth control operated on us but forms of birth control and as a result the move was on really to demystify Medical knowledge to the gynecologist and what we did know your body forces were formed by the Woman's Health new version project began operating room in early 1970 and made today and buying techniques of Education information consciousness-raising around town and I used all aspects it later broke into or broke out into another group called to help organize its lack of which published a number of different OBGYN hamburger roll do you want to check on and that you mention at the same time in early 1970s Boston Women's Health Collective started to discussion series Discussion Group out of that recorded the content of those groups book our bodies ourselves which was originally in newsroom published in 1971 the first copyright and how much over a hundred thousand copies underground Garden around 10 p.m. moving up to 25 I'm still Simon & Schuster published in 1973 Nathan's Barber and riding gear to English. Which is new glasses nursing home complaints pretty influential leader Barbara Seaman publish doctor's case against the pill with the doctors you can tell which was a very important later she did for you female elen Pfeiffer do vaginal politics in 1973 so all through that. Number of books are being published and materials were being published on women in German I 1974 house right began publication September 1970 which was I to become service AC source of information on women and health nurse country National Valley and Jean Kirchner you out in the publishing the newspaper called monthly extract in combination with Pennington Ross and Rachel later came women and health journal in January along with this Publications are weird actions brighten the medicalization of our reproductive system became the basis for us to understand it's dead that medicalization processes are the reasons why we were kept out of child begin to understand that while we were not progressing in our job it was the basis for the hierarchy begin the medical profession process is a fraction Hephaestus email domain couches. And stretching it exist again 1972 Gaylord Nelson hearings on pill were invaded and I do now I'm very positive test by the DC women's Liberation Center there were numerous marches and earrings round PES 1976 the number of marches in the teachers teaching work being done on sterilization in Richmond Utah Hospital Tulsa became the movement to pour around community housing that local hospitals was also Center of activity and 7273 Randolph. On women's health movement started moving towards a form of institutional building and it was a kind of alternative Institution how much more will be said was they were Alternative forms of service as well as alternative institution one of those those primary towns are Independence Women's Health Centers and it grew out of the concept of personal beautiful a desire and advanced controls our bodies in a technology mad at me by Carol downers publication of the first time that she extracted his new situation which was in January of 1971 he can base inside the technology of menstrual extraction are all of the countries in Florence in April of 1971 he began to discuss formation self-help clinic in which they would do a number of things they were looking at our service being able to understand our our own body we were beginning to talk about using yogurt places in they then we're not talking about we're trying to work with in October they went around the country on a chore I told her seven Stephanie's contact with number if your problem is resolved and doing the self showing Melvin Upton first clinic in Los Angeles in February 1972 at least combined services with education with consciousness-raising electric scooters run on traditional form scripture Auto clinics in central. Country are there clinics in Referral Services outside that Network also form but which way some of the movie for me natural services Outlet pamphlets for leaflet of information on one or two of those clinics where I should give you were developed by left women and trying to combine the concepts of women's houses with lemons and the left and a clinic in Somerville and eventually they were struggling with the groove they want to control you to control at clinic this week closed but that lasted for several years it's very important how to write this Dallas morning to 73 also health 72 which had its focus primarily on education and some attempt to deal with their also a number of how fares know your body courses spread all over the country and materials were coming out all the time to the areas of demystified medical knowledge eventually in China's Siri surgery hysterectomy can affect me became subject to research and discussion and further were informed consent which is now you should read more more involved in that prenatal care nutrition is starting to be researched and stuff and there is beginning I think at this point or at least in the past few years to try to place the work Women's Health movement and I'm going to leave off what happens to them or they think your dad's what because subjective one thing about the financial help turn off out of let me know if you're in a situation Somerville Medicaid note to generous noun acute there are problems with it would help workers to join the doctor male and female at that point where we're educating there were a couple of women OBGYN where can I try very hard to get to work some men try some end up spoiling but there was a little attention no word women nurses I can repair warehouse work but how to say in the Jordan people active went out and got a situation minibeast they were in fact busted Carol for practicing medicine with yogurt and somebody else or let me know where they were in California they were lies about what practicing medicine consisted of and one of them was it only a doctor we went out loud I guess with yogurt Savers Austin and yes they were 711 no she's not what is st. Louis is located by the trailer for men brainstorming brainstorming was my sources were the FBI Files he has a lot in a drink all areas was covered by thoroughly by the FBI and all those files are don't tell majority report also you can get them you can file for them yourself Freedom of Information Act there's a method to Diamond and that message is also in New Jersey an issue and I think a separate flyer to Tobyhanna you just asking if I'll on the moon crossing the state there are intricacies they don't you can just have some gas money is Karina area the Jack under your own name do you have to also in the various aspects Nancy form a majority report and she can tell you how to get this but she's got the question of how I should add and remove the community paying for the service is also a major issue the major issue in a good president was an issue why don't we Martin Luther has a little bit why would you try to talk about give me a little bit about about it in the second book of the women the closest Thai food and also try to look at it in terms for my left wing where the Women's Health transportation in Hemet to vacation and a change in terms of decreasing sexism first one what is the most aggressive or a positive characteristics determines the look of women and so the toy space with me first has been this combination now lots of Publications and all of it has reached I know they talked about and that's and that's very cost women check link for in this world like this is more General is it documentation of women's role is Steelers and a major role in healthcare delivery in fact that the knowledge that it was only fairly recent recent hits me back Healthcare delivery really organic 5 foot change with her wasn't delivered Healthcare and then scalp became became good morning. and that's good for and I know someone might have enough to see more women thirdly the Women's Health movement options in a vehicle for feminist ideology everybody's concerned real good issues post real good issue duplicate last year cuz everybody's involved and so I think what they was helping to test done to a lot of people who would not have been involved and families in my thought about women's Liberation has and Peele two women who really want touched by the woman who I'm picking up lower class women who have the police in Jordan thinking about we might want to come back has an ability it also has implications intern social relationships that exist in math and specifically I'm thinking of the relationship between patients that's a very peculiar relationship with very unequal distribution of power patience is one aspect of these patients with medical issues from Fearless prediction leaving with that works going to do for you and make you better add to that the fact that Physicians are on always had them always male and that just adds on to the problems beginning to a park in their own their own health care and what the Women's Health movement I think has done has been to teaching women about help as allow them to begin to question someone my green lay people into the pain I have also and standby change this truck impulsive demystify doctor patient by bringing morewell having alter what I think of nature how's the weather or I guess in Malaysia the first one is actually latest men the on the pole and there are exceptions well the whole the focus of the women's spinning focus on Texas sexism in terms of the docking station relationship and it is look problems but it has not really fun such as social causation what is it about the society itself role relationships places of the working environment we all these the largest graduations the Deus Ex then Tucker health. women's issues what general headed to worry about helping the team have to things changed off of cycling Focus has largely been on sexuality and not on other aspects for example are there other issues women have a higher rate of mental illness breakdown next major Ariel tickets to half of the woman suffrage movement has grown up without theoretical face and that's what happened sections of the women salute the base is Marquis Daniels go to Serious Texas and a Bang Theory of paper there are exceptions in our people that rhyme time so becomes difficult than to explain events and it becomes difficult to develop a real strategy for change do not you don't have to and I think that's one of these might want to are saying that the tactic and that may or may not be true but one of the reasons that the truth is that we don't really have scratch don't freak out and you know perhaps we should for I would like to talk to you when I see it connection left my phone. That possibly bring a note instead of would give us bird I wonder what the revolution potential is of a movement that safely remove I see the woman before me not a movement that's that's want to radically changed and the evidence for this is that on the pole going to lose Kevin Knox trade is as a reflection that Healthcare shaved is largely a middle-class that people are really for Austin Camp going to be concerned about health we think about the things but if you don't have it have allowed Apartments and Duncan Keith and maybe that help services are my don't have it. And there's some interesting evidence about my daughter interview walk around that we would not hang out well also getting patience lots of fun you have a kind of contribute to take the rent I argue for a little because the Women's Health movement I think as large as possible has great potential for being co-opted and resources Main Street and shiny books on Mill yoga in childbirth in women women is winning feedback if a program looking at them to come to date well what was that age for the quiz go back Revolutionary War and again you the assumption that with just because we have more women in medical school we're going to make major changes in the healthcare system in the bathroom those women can be reached probably better than men on women's health issues but thank you shouldn't assume that the Health Care system backwards what may change is the social status of mestizos Louis was 10th Avenue so I think that the Women's Health and again I'm Target at ISTA when is helping with the lies a lot on the self-help ideology that the self-help ideology Mensa filled in for people who have been cut out of the Healthcare System and from I know that's from my experience of doing some work in Cuba that shortly after the revolution Mendez run in Cuba on surprises everybody wants those that time everybody going crazy but because that was the representation asked that before the rest of rich people can you go put out a message that I can't hear that now that's another problem well I think I would need to leave this bad to have come back come back in place of Heaven opening special I think that certain women help women in the first step to and it hasn't changed at the phone and that we are half like now is kind of positions at a good point to assess what that's on them don't come find damn. Whentowork change because once everybody gets sent to other people or not people are concerned on how people are from Bill Cosby but I think everybody and all Family Healthcare System nearest stratified with good example so I think it is a good place to work in to educate people that you know antique vegan help people that help is really broken there's no point in waiting into a probably don't think he'll even I take but a friend of mine there was a Darlington Automotive heading back out of help with something else billion dollar and of those 5 million people jobs that hiring and I think the only place where it's Transcendence if that's okay the other side of the coin is doctors but if you tasty cakes are junk food but they taste good did I think there's an addictive element in those things shoot I want to pick up under the self-help aspect of women helping women talk about emerging from the really invaded every aspect of the health system and probably have you read the New York Times last Sunday Angel starts with the eyes BM meaning the capitalized I just searched it up this is somewhat to someone in public health in history meaning nurse and see the state Commissioner of Health coming out and saying it's what we do for ourselves and really helping me on the surface may not seem to be alarming but I find it very frightened that someone who is supposed to be in charge of the health of the state public health nurse they think that I'm turning it over to you people to take care of yourself now it's appealing on some in some ways because we all do want to take care of but it takes more than just yogurt yogurt turn up the sound of yogurt a problem but it takes more than just passing on the responsibility and this the public health system initially has been response do not have access to private and if you're very well aware that this country chocolate divided between private and public sector Linda Public Health sector has been responsible for those who cannot. And now the club private the public sector saying you've got to take care of yourself and not saying and when I see the message is not as important to us as it is people who lying ahead are you guys for us we can take care of herself go through Cross Blue Shield we have some coverage we do have access to Private Eyes when he says you take care of yourself I cannot offer my clinic Services any more than that really touched them off please Madison irresponsible fireman candy restaurant so that's this is as I was saying so it is that's exactly what I was going to say that's right now there are reasons why self-help is becoming a more more popular the literature on it if you walk into any drug store or any book store right now it's just it's it's everywhere we look the medical establishment is right on the bandwagon well when I want to deposit size if this afternoon is that to understand the popularity of iskcon that we have to look at where we are right now with the health system in respect to the larger society and what's happening and the social political sphere I think then what accordingly self-help is that now we are are so caught in the country where they diseases in our society is becoming increasingly identified a social call we know now that going to you studied has recently been done that about 90% of cancer comes from the environment and that the environment including workplace and that a lot of the other diseases that I like hypertension and cardiovascular disease is linked to stress and stressful lifestyle and then some other things like that other economic indicators that have an impact on their accounts such as unemployment good morning studies being done relationship between unemployment and illness unless now of a focus on famously biological that is an organism is affected in some ways is a defect of the organism the for the most part well a lot of people now even miniature are beginning to talk about the limitations of our scientific medicine to deal with Cindy been able to get rid of and we are now faced with chronic diseases and they are arguing such that the medical profession Scientific Management cannot effectively deal with these health problems so we are faced with that at this time that our medical system is not taking care of the health problems with $130 billion hundred and thirty billion dollar business if we spent over $500 per capita last year on Healthcare helmets and we are still not making that much product for making some pop but we are not with the healthiest population in the world and at the same time a face and said they're also faced with the this increasing version of paying for my burden is now beginning to put constraints and how much they're willing to invest how much more willing to invest into the hospital and at a time when we are faced with fiscal crisis and problems throughout the economy the expenditures and Health Services become a very vulnerable Target and there are a massive Cuts going on if you're very welcome City and other cities as well. A have a 10-15 Year from the future problem so does cutting that comes in has to be explained have to be accompanied by an alternative that the system off and I am supposed that alternative is a cell because what it does and he's all that contradiction it can say the system so I can help system is not affected and we have a constitution you take care of yourself you don't have to pay we don't have to pay for housing more and more, Savannah and that the health care that you get anyways I'm helping so you everyone should take care of themselves and then that way the contradiction is song but at the same time as we were going to before it does justify Shifting the cost back to the individual and that may be okay in some situations but it's an individual starts out with inability already to survive on on the amount of income that he or she has been that chicken. referred thinking that they have no access care except in extreme cases in essence it is an individualistic solution to what we should I think could have been tied to social problems health is social problem time until March 10th one reason that this can have a pill right now is that one of the problems that are being one of the justification for this is that we have too much we have to wear to a food that has become crystal clear this week in the message that we've been indulging ourselves and that shame on us now we must pay the price and we have to be cut back and when you use the argument of a flute you are you are automatically office Kaz the class nature of our society because not all of us her fluent I have used to and not all of us either I'm such an estate in the situation where we can see the alternative of self-help that there is a very good relationship relationship between Class social class and illness and we know we have a lot of information about that how low income male to high infant mortality how the the probably people hear no more of the visa to come from poor nutrition and even in this country as late as 1973 there were 26 million 11 a little over 11 million those people are not eligible so I wouldn't I would think the situation would be even worse now because the federal agency and also 22 affluent well is going to the Florence Aquascape the class nature of the society but also ignores the social pressures people have on them to indulge in bad health habits and we mention some of those today the advertising good if you just stop and look at them around the city and you just realized what that means two young people who 13 four of Their Own beautiful active gorgeous people on the sun will smoking cigarettes as well as they couldn't Brazilian Steakhouse procure the Wonder Bread so closest cookie never watch morning TV children I just want to cry when you think if you were a parent how you fight that how do you convince your child that they shouldn't eat when you know children and all their stars and heroes and then so the advertising on the social pressure the lack of alternative reason Walton health food is great but it's very expensive and people very good and also point of Clemson also ignores the lack of control the people have over there working them occupational health is a occupational disease and death is a tremendous public health problem and it's one that is overlooked consist of and accept the Union Acme but cutting back in the. Of saving call has a lot of meaning for occupational health and safety it means that environment which is now very unsafe for strep exposure to toxic substances and Hazards of stress and being one of the hazards that will likely become more unsafe and more because the cost of making a safe working environment has got to be considered in any program in the pain management and during a time of fiscal constraint is unlikely that any of those I'm taking him to say supposed to be an active we do by the way have a very good occupational safety and health legislation is that it was under during the Ford Administration is under attack from the enemy station is not being able to solve the because they say that there's really been a change of course Lawless cast was not sufficient resources what does it change so I guess that and I was putting forth a understanding the self-help movement and its appeal that we have to understand our total and that we are the periods where we have to be evaluated to be to re-establish our priorities as a as a nation and we are and also the. After the 6 days when it was it was becoming apparent that the Great Society program not really take care of the problem and when combined that with the need to go back on the the steak on an expansion of that. And then the idea of people taking care of themselves because very appealing a very good way to try to solve the problem of meeting the demands for the the social services but at the same time not having paid you can be convince people that they should take that responsibility themselves you do a voyage going on I have a few more Set It Off I think that's I just want to say a few concluding remarks because I want to get onto a chance to pull down the other course and I and I do agree I think the kid thinks I'm really pleased with the patient medical knowledge at the same time it does not challenge the basic an excellent distribution and as long as people do not have sufficient resources economic resources are you control over themselves and what makes them well and have a healthy life such as basic nutrition and housing sufficient way to provide all those things then self-help is really not going to improve the health problems of majority of population we'll have fun and I do agree again that it is an important step in making people think that knowing and understanding of why this is not such a big deal anybody can do it. School and several year said that knowledge should be accessible to everyone so in as much then as the self-help reproduces or at least allow the reproduction of the existing class relationship then I think that is it sounds become class strategy and if you look at the people promoting at the farthest at the Rockefeller foundation and other types of Sound Health found it Foundation Tucson Healthcare then without being conspiratorial you do see that this become a very consistent what they say private investment around wasting public expenditure and I think that also we have to be careful as middle class women that we do not let our experience I'll be Journal because Justice is Horatio Alger myth reinforced by just enough individual who can achieve Mobility he can achieve success it that makes that message believable that is possible so the self-help game cuz we can realize it's because other people we know can realize it then and because people who accessed have access to the media who has access to publication to teaching schools of Public Health because they can realize with me then they can promote it because then they can make it seem like it's a possibility for everyone. Please accept I'm going to try and go to something but I think I've been busy Port of Boston problem help me with so much as a perception math health is one of those things that you need to control for themselves and if it looks being perceived as controlling our bodies changing table 112 you talk about the doctor-patient relationship which put women in their place experience experience of a of a gun Craftsman extreme of me so that there is a coup cake