Mrs. John Elliott, Jr. 1035 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10028 Dear Kate: Have been trying to reach you by 'phone (Barbara gave me your number), but in case days go by + I don't get you here's the reason: We had dinner with Jock's brother Osborn last night. He's the editor-in-chief of Newsweek, and was telling me (as the feminist in the family!) that they are hoping to do a cover story on Gloria Steinem. Gloria is apparently only considering it but Oz thinks she'll accept in the long run. Well, my wheels seem to be grinding awfully slowly this week, but this afternoon I called Oz + told him I thought that if they did do the story that they might find it interesting to speak to you. (The story will be on Steinem but they'll surely refer to Friedan, Millet etc. + I thought you could add an intelligent, refreshingly