Douglass will be minimal - largely because of our anticipated partnership with Cook. The new University president has stated publicly that while he favored coeducation for Rutgers College, Douglass will be free to remain a women's college. His logic? He says that in a male-dominated society, the men at Rutgers College need the missionary influence of women, while Douglass should carry on ITS mission of educating women for leadership roles; if it were a female-dominated society, then the women's college should be coed and Rutgers college for men only. I wonder sometimes just what kind of female missionaries Rutgers will have! [Ms. Auchincloss] was on campus in late September representing the State Board of Education at a meeting of what we call The Women's Study Group - representatives of a dozen state-wide women's organizations who meet with the Dean[s] at least twice a year. We keep them abreast of what's going on in higher education in New Jersey - particularly at Douglass - and that's [good] to have the approximately half-million women represented [informed] and [...] [side]. I can imagine how you feel about Jan's leaving Hamilton-Kirkland. She's a great gal, and AAUW is very likely to get her. Stay on your good behavior, Madame Trustee! Fran