Unknown Speaker 00:04 Bam producer imaged in 87 Unknown Speaker 00:09 and also Unknown Speaker 00:16 I mean I would have rather than 145 Unknown Speaker 00:37 up I mean I think Unknown Speaker 00:42 it was Unknown Speaker 00:45 right and also because Unknown Speaker 00:54 I know I think that's it I think it's Unknown Speaker 01:05 good Unknown Speaker 01:14 for Unknown Speaker 01:21 some Unknown Speaker 01:27 great Unknown Speaker 01:31 restaurants Unknown Speaker 01:43 this Unknown Speaker 01:47 guilty Unknown Speaker 01:58 right so Unknown Speaker 02:06 so general courses you know we Unknown Speaker 02:10 had Western Civ Unknown Speaker 02:13 graduate GPA Unknown Speaker 02:17 but I never had Unknown Speaker 02:19 never had that you know just great what Unknown Speaker 02:25 they're not terribly self conscious about Unknown Speaker 02:29 my hair and why they have personal Unknown Speaker 02:54 so Unknown Speaker 02:55 she works on the branch Unknown Speaker 03:01 and if you notice Unknown Speaker 03:13 associate Unknown Speaker 03:19 director actually Unknown Speaker 03:21 enjoy your work in Unknown Speaker 03:35 your job Unknown Speaker 03:45 we'll get started Unknown Speaker 03:48 well I'm just thinking maybe we should maybe simple people Unknown Speaker 03:53 but that could be five Unknown Speaker 03:59 years yeah well mistake Unknown Speaker 04:05 number Unknown Speaker 04:13 two Unknown Speaker 04:30 Saturday worship Unknown Speaker 04:41 What's Unknown Speaker 04:49 up Unknown Speaker 04:53 you Unknown Speaker 04:59 never posted Unknown Speaker 05:01 How to Speak Unknown Speaker 05:19 last Unknown Speaker 05:24 summer Unknown Speaker 05:27 too much is probably Unknown Speaker 05:36 gonna get more personal Unknown Speaker 06:01 Did you study Unknown Speaker 06:07 essentially Trinity College but you recently did a lot of stuff on the attitudes toward Unknown Speaker 06:14 foreign workers Unknown Speaker 06:16 there were so many yes Unknown Speaker 06:20 dissertations this I know about Unknown Speaker 06:42 this is Unknown Speaker 06:46 Maria Unknown Speaker 06:58 like being your accounting Unknown Speaker 07:01 I like Unknown Speaker 07:04 to not like Unknown Speaker 07:06 to teach Unknown Speaker 07:08 pick up the paycheck Unknown Speaker 07:12 and they provide you with an office no office and stationery do they give you some secondary no just an office Unknown Speaker 07:20 stationery Unknown Speaker 07:22 that's Unknown Speaker 07:25 it it's in the in the Unknown Speaker 07:29 system Unknown Speaker 07:31 it doesn't Unknown Speaker 07:38 really feel like Unknown Speaker 07:42 there was a party Unknown Speaker 07:45 well there still is Unknown Speaker 07:50 an old apartment house and her mother and my grandmother worked in a factory and under pressure Unknown Speaker 07:56 so that's why they're frustrated Unknown Speaker 08:02 the main building restriction Unknown Speaker 08:10 that's a pretty area Unknown Speaker 08:21 my dad's from my Mom Unknown Speaker 08:24 are you in Israel Unknown Speaker 08:29 I don't really comparative now to Unknown Speaker 08:36 that Unknown Speaker 08:42 you ever seen Unknown Speaker 08:44 the European Unknown Speaker 08:52 Commission Unknown Speaker 08:57 and I thought it was a seminar Unknown Speaker 09:00 very heavy on a lot Unknown Speaker 09:05 yes I do love to see it hasn't it because I have Unknown Speaker 09:10 yeah Unknown Speaker 09:13 news Unknown Speaker 09:17 oh okay Unknown Speaker 09:29 yeah Unknown Speaker 09:36 you want to get to like brunch Unknown Speaker 09:41 at some yeah Unknown Speaker 09:51 some fun tomorrow like making Unknown Speaker 09:59 huge Unknown Speaker 10:00 Step Two Unknown Speaker 10:09 What do you think I'm teaching my Western civilization Unknown Speaker 10:16 simply goes way out, we made a century later data over the year over a year, this semester that I'm doing. So completo John, Unknown Speaker 10:27 very sharp, this morning kid Unknown Speaker 10:30 come to have a character. It's absolutely all and worst part time. Unknown Speaker 10:35 And Unknown Speaker 10:37 and Unknown Speaker 10:39 he sort of he kind of just kind of went on to the way he saw right away when he was being asked on politics. How Aristotle, you know, based on the people there so what I have is very kind of white suburban middle class nice kids basically see history it's like this progression Unknown Speaker 11:01 and this Unknown Speaker 11:04 one province, exclusive nature that they can run, but they can't Unknown Speaker 11:13 really Unknown Speaker 11:15 it's a really interesting one. Clearly, our frontline urban coordinator went to a conference Unknown Speaker 11:25 you know, getting them to show up and they're kind of they're a little bit nervous they're also really smart in a sense of like watching like Unknown Speaker 11:33 real time Unknown Speaker 11:37 Catholic education Unknown Speaker 11:40 it's only simple Unknown Speaker 11:48 let's see Unknown Speaker 11:56 what she would do Unknown Speaker 12:12 ask questions Unknown Speaker 12:15 another fun Unknown Speaker 12:24 one, Unknown Speaker 12:25 what Unknown Speaker 12:27 I was thinking I was looking for a dissertation topic Unknown Speaker 12:37 and she said well, this next Unknown Speaker 12:40 article, emissions map Unknown Speaker 12:50 I heard horror stories. Unknown Speaker 12:54 When I was first starting with research Unknown Speaker 12:58 I was speaking people in England who said Oh, come on. Unknown Speaker 13:01 Tell what Unknown Speaker 13:03 french french Unknown Speaker 13:05 and Unknown Speaker 13:09 we started with research Unknown Speaker 13:12 and she places milk for waste. Unknown Speaker 13:15 Because he didn't really know yet what we want. And he's kind of trying to pick her brain. Yes, well, she's Unknown Speaker 13:24 born and I ever thought I've never Unknown Speaker 13:31 Yeah. Unknown Speaker 13:33 Never human, would you Unknown Speaker 13:37 just drag it over you? I am. Unknown Speaker 13:42 Okay. Unknown Speaker 13:44 Okay. Unknown Speaker 13:46 Would you like me to start? Unknown Speaker 13:56 Practice Unknown Speaker 13:58 in practice. Unknown Speaker 14:03 This, this section is talking about very loosely my dissertation, which is a second Unknown Speaker 14:09 way of understanding Unknown Speaker 14:14 this poll that swipes as Unknown Speaker 14:18 an extra four. Unknown Speaker 14:21 And I'm trying to put these patterns of relation to the larger context of traditional French protests. Unknown Speaker 14:29 And ultimately, I want to use these comparative analysis, a larger set of questions about the paradoxical relationship between Unknown Speaker 14:37 positions. Unknown Speaker 14:39 So I'll give you the story. And they already taken the events of nature 17 When asked shockwaves Unknown Speaker 14:48 explain ultimately, most of the war industries Unknown Speaker 14:53 1000s of women fled to work at one time. Unknown Speaker 14:58 Broadcaster which man or woman Unknown Speaker 15:00 In the streets, and then my work app was Unknown Speaker 15:04 located the origin, structure and avenues, the larger context, first of all happens Unknown Speaker 15:13 and then simply passes Unknown Speaker 15:16 and deadlines. Unknown Speaker 15:21 My purpose Unknown Speaker 15:23 now is to critique shorter basketball related book strengths, friends, which is ironically created by none other than yourself who have so much cycling on the topic. Unknown Speaker 15:38 And I think it was Aaron indicates that children and families have fundamentally a historic resolve a political understanding on strike. Unknown Speaker 15:48 They have this kind of instrumental approach to stress in which they understand the trade unions have been ultimately found that it seems tribal approach is one of them. The contingent historical process provides organized labor back in the way more messy, spontaneous demonstrations of strength to orchestrate highly organized and narrowly purposeful actions tend to support was become a part of activity, negotiation losses. Unknown Speaker 16:16 And it's very tame in the labor movement is shorter, and it's helos with an unruly industrial crabs, the tourists, essentially Unknown Speaker 16:27 and if nothing else, the failure may do stretch. Mark indicates relevance. Unknown Speaker 16:39 Close quote, the interwar years were the same Unknown Speaker 16:43 level of Unknown Speaker 16:45 success to have politically and economically failed. Unknown Speaker 16:50 This Unknown Speaker 16:51 patch for discussion, congratulations. Unknown Speaker 16:56 And they just finished with some of the conditions for innovations and functional translation. But they're also a string Unknown Speaker 17:05 here in the Unknown Speaker 17:06 third Unknown Speaker 17:09 man to the moon for the Unknown Speaker 17:12 for the moon feels compelled to be pragmatic, and Unknown Speaker 17:17 also I think women themselves and somewhat ambivalent relationship based organizations. To some extent they feel as outsiders, sometimes they emphasize, Unknown Speaker 17:28 if you look back into the 1890s, mid 90s, which is kind of the apogee of communal Unknown Speaker 17:36 solidarity, Unknown Speaker 17:37 strike tradition, women were often involved in striking days, as a family are often the most Unknown Speaker 17:47 strenuous strike crowd, they use their their identity as a Unknown Speaker 17:53 kind of attack because Unknown Speaker 17:56 they didn't want to be robbed because it hit them. Unknown Speaker 18:01 So I think that women will have more injuries, it makes the organization that we have this kind of meetings and the literature supports. Unknown Speaker 18:12 Women, Unknown Speaker 18:14 majority male workers question and values organizations to there. Unknown Speaker 18:22 In 1916, for example, with a lot of the stripes on Unknown Speaker 18:27 had women small shop, direct access, Unknown Speaker 18:32 and just direct action recently relinquished by Unknown Speaker 18:36 a better off Unknown Speaker 18:38 not because it was a tour, but because there have been humans industry occurred in which direction and constraints actually gotten a lot farther. Unknown Speaker 18:48 So I think they actually had rationale for saying that it wasn't just to make health Unknown Speaker 18:55 possible organizations but they actually didn't really see what Unknown Speaker 19:00 so now the prompts are normally it's for a Tuesday morning. They come back in 2038 when aviation workers at Samsung returned to work after the end costume. And it's a longer holiday by conditional cycle. Unknown Speaker 19:16 Taking the Monday Holiday it seems reasonable after all the other day conditions in order to enslave us with several and given networks. Unknown Speaker 19:26 So late returning the surrogate was just excuses Unknown Speaker 19:30 as soon as possible for a country class and find themselves. Unknown Speaker 19:38 Most identify which Unknown Speaker 19:41 I write every single that the statute violated only return only to return later that afternoon, even within 200 including Cyprus and the Irish. Unknown Speaker 19:54 Women who have been temporarily laid off can see Unknown Speaker 19:57 shortages and bombers. Let's move on Unknown Speaker 20:00 Preparing your records one nice observer five to transform. Unknown Speaker 20:05 The group gathered to meet the factory leader consumption Britain Samson's remaining. Unknown Speaker 20:12 In this effort failed in the nearby airport works to successfully live 100. Unknown Speaker 20:19 The potential proceeded Unknown Speaker 20:21 with only a one assignment today to substantially increase half day on Saturdays and Sundays. Unknown Speaker 20:28 Upon returning the factory, although communities allow their actual practice of course, Unknown Speaker 20:34 the following morning, and five returns a sense of the potential in some 1000 Women strikers in different occupations in the Paris region, one of the five home character red flag, this time indications that sets about 500,000 with a Romanian stream that to join. Unknown Speaker 20:53 Now he kind of Unknown Speaker 20:55 pushing the front page and ceramic shops stay to the max Unknown Speaker 21:01 in order to support their strike and really intended to ensure that all were grounded Unknown Speaker 21:06 while some garden chain delegation approached management and finally retired, Unknown Speaker 21:12 management responded by letting go with higher force now. Unknown Speaker 21:15 Undoubtedly, the church proceeded to some of the local dishes and garden station and worker people who seem to be the biggest target rather fast pathway of operation for over 10,000 workers for Master leverage. Unknown Speaker 21:30 Reynolds Empire is in some sense the word factory writ large, the means of oppression, an organization of production, which other employers and adopted piecemeal or sporadic fashion that you police enforce among the worker. And one estimates, one estimate is 1/6 of all workers will produce Unknown Speaker 21:48 a finished product. Unknown Speaker 21:51 Huge mass production construction and assembly with 1000s of workers sort of catalog Simon's work in isolation and fragmented Unknown Speaker 22:00 rapidly on Unknown Speaker 22:02 all these accessible production professions. Unknown Speaker 22:06 For instance, not only was one of the quality of the songs, but on the streets around the factory they were looking in patrol mobile communication and 60 Unknown Speaker 22:16 Higher very impressive numbers very Unknown Speaker 22:20 turbulent overwhelming to gather outside windows factory gates, open your containers to join Unknown Speaker 22:30 the live aspect of movement police employers to save and organize now labor offers nearly Unknown Speaker 22:39 essential dealing Unknown Speaker 22:41 with federal workers Unknown Speaker 22:45 soldiers will come back as soon as the war ended. And we see some issues with the war Unknown Speaker 22:51 front because Unknown Speaker 22:54 truth Unknown Speaker 22:56 is in the center although nuisance press Unknown Speaker 23:02 anyway wouldn't have some sense of this kind of solid heading underneath the end is always coming to character support device so they knew about up to up work because it's always angry that condition there was Unknown Speaker 23:17 another girl was consented to him to have been killed by colonial soldiers in French soldiers can refuse to shoot Unknown Speaker 23:25 and of course only continue to carry the red flag a symbol is a symbol symbols boxes made at 90 When you found a permanent place in working class I'm not Unknown Speaker 23:36 going to run out of space respond to the 2004 That damn tools for straightening up on Unknown Speaker 23:43 the streets which are ordinarily controlled by runners private police force Unknown Speaker 23:48 will not struggle. Unknown Speaker 23:52 The large crowd barrier police agents within search against this barrier hold the swarm that he works in occupied something which everyone knows that women are more inclined to do that men, six women Unknown Speaker 24:08 they smashed into windows with their fists and then proceeded to wait and watch for those with a knock. Unknown Speaker 24:15 At one o'clock the main competitor to Cassie was actually on the way Unknown Speaker 24:21 to church. Unknown Speaker 24:24 And she was stunned by the sudden sharp looking and unable to see why women who received such high wages for women who were Unknown Speaker 24:33 for this employer as for many others and performance and state Unknown Speaker 24:38 arbitration in order to regulate your past when you were a political pocket and Unknown Speaker 24:43 the fact that the sudden number it has been such a surprise, almost deserting the public and supporters of Microsoft outside educators, those Washington Unknown Speaker 24:55 Capitals all over campus. Believe in the moment first of March the most important Unknown Speaker 25:00 All elements Unknown Speaker 25:03 and the factory will convince themselves there is a clear intention of spreading the aggregate. Unknown Speaker 25:11 The police employ your mind is foreign to the lungs, rather than the plants that watch us translated as preference surgeons. lawyers call for increased police surveillance around their factories as the conviction is moving. Unknown Speaker 25:29 And then of course, the Congress is being led to move into my President and to the direction by the cities and treasonous agitators. Unknown Speaker 25:39 The parents who are swiping around May 31 June 1 involve 42,336 munitions workers nearly 75% Unknown Speaker 25:49 So it was no federal strike is Unknown Speaker 25:52 only about six area to massively unrest in the streets cause employers are small concern. We would march from factory to factory Unknown Speaker 26:03 they sent a march Unknown Speaker 26:06 whenever they were they would come upon soldier leave they were apparently dancing in the streets. They also sit down on mass at various cafes eat different food and then yeah, Unknown Speaker 26:18 so that was called snack became kind of a festival as well as a struggle and to police representatives nificant order Unknown Speaker 26:25 and we're slowly Acquisition Management fears are actually Unknown Speaker 26:31 entering our park, increases in wages and leisure time for the kind of work that will implement Sunday office and leisure as most of them seem to learn how to Unknown Speaker 26:42 and we know there was a circular petition demanding the phrase Unknown Speaker 26:47 plus one practice one class on tape possibly damage. The cost of living is risen from 130 983 to January 17 using July 14 as the base Unknown Speaker 27:01 year without. Unknown Speaker 27:05 Prep for the direct action is Unknown Speaker 27:08 the man who failed was on Unknown Speaker 27:10 June 3 action show. Unknown Speaker 27:13 Right now. You can see the words affected on July 1 and suppressed by Unknown Speaker 27:18 the pattern plus Paris was similar. After vacillations and street demonstrations were made to close period, women return to work graduate in varied environments specifically man, Titian wage increases time off. Unknown Speaker 27:34 The wage increase sought longer than the minimum wage was the statement established in January 1970. It's interesting that women use the state Unknown Speaker 27:44 established wage as a framework for their own. Unknown Speaker 27:50 Clearly, this way she did sales by the state but rarely consumed by Unknown Speaker 27:56 women also men certainly often happen on Saturday advantage. Not every reflection statement therefore can be seen as sterile, which they threaten to further demonstrate Unknown Speaker 28:09 the one concession where we work especially the wage to stave off an arbitrator ranking wage hikes to the level of statement where employers couldn't come to terms with Unknown Speaker 28:19 it and I mentioned the word news and the short accommodation concession of nature and professional police employers collaborated and identified purging the ringleaders both sexes, and it was an interesting division of workers, male, female. Unknown Speaker 28:36 And males were investigated for Unknown Speaker 28:39 the least investigated seem to have been processing organizations to revolutionary politics, or alternatively, just basically to read up by journey historically were confiscated. Unknown Speaker 28:52 Women were assessed by a set of moral essential Unknown Speaker 28:57 please ask narrative children, they were known to have many mothers, and all of a sudden very carefully spied on Unknown Speaker 29:05 in order to soldier confidence. She was considered to invest Unknown Speaker 29:12 all kinds of assets and the police on the woman whose heart and soul or the household is missing her head because Unknown Speaker 29:22 this meant to deliver the word wrestling into the continent fierce and uncontrolled. In Unknown Speaker 29:29 their opening the lottery of five factory gates was seen as translating the laziness and lack of seriousness on the job. Sometimes strict political male, more female Unknown Speaker 29:40 and one male leader Unknown Speaker 29:43 enjoy visitation. No, no, he's sleeping Unknown Speaker 29:47 anonymously therefore the lunatic loses not question the actual product. Unknown Speaker 29:55 It turns out the book requires what's the Irishman factory license Unknown Speaker 30:00 may Unknown Speaker 30:01 require explanation Unknown Speaker 30:07 etc mail Unknown Speaker 30:09 was a personal and sexual investigation as being relevant to the film to to them, because it has identified at least most central Unknown Speaker 30:18 police employers conservatively passing by far the largest most Unknown Speaker 30:24 personal was if he received a sexually immediate that is a Unknown Speaker 30:30 major difference of 70 Mark, the apogee would no longer remain active in September 1978 segregations. And there's a big lesson Unknown Speaker 30:41 in the webinar. Unknown Speaker 30:43 Initially, we're actually passing Unknown Speaker 30:46 in spring 1980 more explicitly passed this wave swept toward women who reported to the Unknown Speaker 30:54 Napa reporting. Unknown Speaker 30:57 There are some problems right now, we still need some of the struggles. For instance, the male will just come to us to talk about and in the areas of work. Unknown Speaker 31:07 One of the shops will approach them sharp Unknown Speaker 31:11 enough just for peace out striking. She then suggested for to turn atomic force after making scabs, which proposal was adopted Unknown Speaker 31:21 to the police patch and recording these events such one of the living examples Unknown Speaker 31:28 least juxtapose it Unknown Speaker 31:30 for this nature with an equally strong certainty that women's militancy today solely by a political and economic as a way to motivate strike when it enters my soul that Unknown Speaker 31:45 these contradictory notions framework was canceled theory and never speculate about this good goals will be the most narrow accounting services but Unknown Speaker 31:57 nonetheless, they usually recorded with a sentence without seeing utilized. Unknown Speaker 32:02 And I often want to talk about the halfway Unknown Speaker 32:07 points just commented, as long as I'm taking my husband in order, America is just a nation where he needs to live to raise my children. Unknown Speaker 32:18 So Unknown Speaker 32:22 one thing that struck me was the actions to take Unknown Speaker 32:25 the little vegetables and attendance on the North as we Unknown Speaker 32:29 move into 1917 was entirely Unknown Speaker 32:34 your performance later the CGT lounge, surprisingly, Unknown Speaker 32:39 and reputed or friendly, revolutionary syndicalism. And prior to that general running was the period when imagine the power curve. Unknown Speaker 32:48 And what is his manner of strikes among women garment workers CGT was able to distance itself. Unknown Speaker 32:54 But now with the efflorescence of women's rights within the defense industry, the TG team has discipline all of us so you will not be held responsible for Unknown Speaker 33:03 your revenue. Unknown Speaker 33:05 In this instance, and throughout the entire life that will be spontaneous self organizing rep actions can be far more the way to wait wait contention in the middle. Unknown Speaker 33:15 But again, precisely, the prophecy was more concerned with preserving extremity semi privileged relationship with a state and it wasn't fighting to raise wages and reduce the price Unknown Speaker 33:29 of others 12 hour days, 14 days before we get sick. Unknown Speaker 33:34 We also see that we are far ahead of their male colleagues noticing which functional depression workers that third commit in 1970 were subject to military discipline, and is no one to 14 Recall factors in the military. And if they went on strike they were they said Unknown Speaker 33:54 it stands to be on the Unknown Speaker 33:57 lookout for potential. So what happened to have expressed was was shaped by this pattern of repression is that men who stay inside turn off the machines fold their arms and sit in front of them and refuse to work while the women have this strings Unknown Speaker 34:15 and cancel because and then learn this tendency for women for parents comfortable factories guarding Unknown Speaker 34:24 for safety. Unknown Speaker 34:27 But even disability Amanda lovestruck from experience women's militants in the war factories who first types in June July 16 through the major consistently assume that Unknown Speaker 34:40 insurance Unknown Speaker 34:43 is kindness maintaining self directed action within their modernization. Unknown Speaker 34:48 On the other hand, it's not clear to me that this narrative indicates that units have never been uncertain borders, tools, oppression Catholics water as well as Luxembourg. Unknown Speaker 34:59 There's a war Unknown Speaker 35:00 itself in conjunction and non essential, Unknown Speaker 35:05 politically, the right wing socialist summit in January I consented to the composed with human standard in response to really a series of seminars. The same itself was favorably inclined to granting certain kinds of concessions and supporting waiver in a limited fashion when this conjunction has really continued to strike in the same subnet, national. Unknown Speaker 35:31 In short, sharp struggles, usually Unknown Speaker 35:36 posted items by setting the last time they are wage cuts, raw material shortages, and victimization. Unknown Speaker 35:45 And more than most women and men vote Unknown Speaker 35:51 in this kind of conjuncture, absolutely, so some kind of minimal level of support, and then do much better the work period that they did have access to, for example, stripe. Unknown Speaker 36:04 So, I think that the pattern in this period suggests that our mentor will line up stripe tradition, which was still vitally in the 90s. Unknown Speaker 36:17 And I'm struck by the similarities between the 1890 movements Unknown Speaker 36:25 and the sudden movement in 1970, which generated its own leaders in the process and progresses both Unknown Speaker 36:35 characterized Unknown Speaker 36:39 by the potential public demonstration in the streets, Unknown Speaker 36:43 suddenly reminiscent of our sign market Unknown Speaker 36:47 for the March feedback from parents, and they rotate to the resolution, and also communal striking matches with all Unknown Speaker 36:57 the police fear balloons spreading the earth. Unknown Speaker 37:01 In fact, indigenous traditional fears and traditional visions were more Unknown Speaker 37:06 refined in fact, militancy in another industry learn to Unknown Speaker 37:10 teach to squat conditioners and action, they call the late 19th century equidistance current especially in the spring and spreading across industries Unknown Speaker 37:21 is a characteristic expensive strike Unknown Speaker 37:24 bringing one into another in a lot of situations. Unknown Speaker 37:32 Finally, I think that when people study strikes, they tend to appropriate a set of categories from the very people who start to continue Unknown Speaker 37:41 and that is the notion that there are there is such a thing as a pure wage struggle. And then there are four conditions I think the fact wages and the conditions in case of work are intimately linked issues for the struggle one is necessary Unknown Speaker 38:01 and I mean, I don't really have an answer to this question what the relationship is Unknown Speaker 38:09 trying to do reading some of bronchi toward toward clinicians and nurses wanting to see it that Unknown Speaker 38:17 so far, I know his stuff is so fragmented that I haven't really been able to Unknown Speaker 38:24 move with Unknown Speaker 38:26 the main thing like surgery shorter until you're Unknown Speaker 38:37 really working in progress Unknown Speaker 39:00 I'll just say yes. Unknown Speaker 39:04 I don't know. Unknown Speaker 39:09 The strike that I'm talking about Unknown Speaker 39:14 just Unknown Speaker 39:23 has Unknown Speaker 39:26 a good couple of Unknown Speaker 39:28 secrets. Unknown Speaker 39:30 Yeah, I mean, I think they were really acting outside. Unknown Speaker 39:34 anything meaningful. Unknown Speaker 39:38 Joe Scott in her essay, which appeared behind the nine standard and the two World Wars, verbally challenged and so inspiring that Unknown Speaker 39:47 how she has a Unknown Speaker 39:50 history to history. Unknown Speaker 39:53 How can we use women's history? Unknown Speaker 39:57 How like the History of the World War has changed. Unknown Speaker 40:00 through the Unknown Speaker 40:02 store. Unknown Speaker 40:03 It is my intention to take up this challenge in my examination of the introduction, unskilled Unknown Speaker 40:10 labor jobs during the 1970s and 1980s. Unknown Speaker 40:15 These readings presents at significant consequences for the French Unknown Speaker 40:21 side. First the arrival of women in DRC. Along with unskilled foreign workers, the US contributed to the radicalization of male labor force who work. Unknown Speaker 40:34 Many of these Frenchmen were skilled remember, the introduction of unskilled workers into the workforce created for the skilled Unknown Speaker 40:44 and skilled and what the British call an illusion. Unknown Speaker 40:48 De skilling or dilution is defined as the introduction of semi skilled Unknown Speaker 40:54 jobs are toxic to conservatives. Unknown Speaker 40:59 We should see how the manner in which the de skilling threatens to help raise the consciousness of the work. Unknown Speaker 41:08 Secondly, the presence of women at the border doors at the booth as the women's involvement, mentor older, called into question society's notions about what constitutes women's work. Since more timeframes need to be submitted to defense production, the fact that they were doing work for work which before was more considered, Unknown Speaker 41:31 was convenient about it de munition next, as they will call receive the blessings and ready to win. The argument is the French side, government officials fresh leads and the work that they do is glorified instead of quote, we can really pull it in to sacrifice all. Unknown Speaker 41:53 Nevertheless, there was also another string President rhetoric about Unknown Speaker 41:59 it demanded that the botching effect that the burning of the fence back and waiting for supposed to happen. Unknown Speaker 42:06 This rhetoric was degrading and accusatory. It can be attributed to the fear of increased powers women seem to be gaining as they took on jobs that offer the prospect and economic intent. Sandy Gilbert refers to this phenomenon she describes how and the perils of warfare making Unknown Speaker 42:29 the war seem to be making the more Unknown Speaker 42:34 thorough study of the interaction of women to avoid arms and sheds light on the whole matter under what conditions we enjoy. Unknown Speaker 42:46 Finally, in the presence of a sizable number of women important defense factory where anti war trade unions were at war three developed as consequences with respect to the question as to whether as nurtures women have a vested interest in humans and are therefore special constituents. This paper is part of a larger study that I had made French and beyond can Unknown Speaker 43:12 be sent to Parliament, peaceful wars which needed to be reported on on during the worldwide Well, you don't need to know what the terms and Unknown Speaker 43:25 conditions Unknown Speaker 43:33 the government owns avoid Arsenal's called a taboo small meeting are among the most important in stocks employed at the height of their production in 1970. Without 24,000 workers. They were especially the nouns of Unknown Speaker 43:50 the EM consisted of two productive establishes the Unknown Speaker 43:55 field of thinking eyes and the construction workshop. Unknown Speaker 44:02 At the pirate technique, 50,000 workers ammunition was made and tested. And there was a fast workshop devoted to the loading of Unknown Speaker 44:14 that patient, right? Crushing. Unknown Speaker 44:20 This employee most of the unskilled workers who worked at Smokey delivered the construction workshop specialize in fabrication artillery. Unknown Speaker 44:31 Most of these things were here and they were far more politicized that we weren't Unknown Speaker 44:43 much expanded before the piano foreshadowing Unknown Speaker 44:48 for the Unknown Speaker 44:51 training center depended on which exclusively Unknown Speaker 44:57 they were directed to the jurisdiction. Unknown Speaker 45:00 Ministry of Defense and the main selling to the special ministry Ministry of Commerce handled by Alabama civilian Senate and December 9 2016. To deal with promises on production. Unknown Speaker 45:14 We have continued to be administered by Howard. Unknown Speaker 45:20 Before before the war in the workforce and consisting of 3000 Unknown Speaker 45:26 Originally named Unknown Speaker 45:29 the state and a special policy for workers working, when it was time to go to work in time missionaries are other industries and their working conditions for that. And we have management quite willingly recognized and systematically devotion with efficient work. Unknown Speaker 45:51 This union I shall refer to Unknown Speaker 45:55 you Unknown Speaker 45:57 this situation it is therefore not surprising that the trade references Unknown Speaker 46:04 this trade union continued to exist after World War and it was probably no sign Unknown Speaker 46:11 like most of the trading in the first 240 days. Unknown Speaker 46:18 During the same period, however, the workforce of the end has been greatly augmented by the bringing in from all district constricted workers many of whom are still Unknown Speaker 46:30 eventually the outside is called to be able Unknown Speaker 46:35 to cash out numbers indigenous putting more work, because Unknown Speaker 46:41 then we know we have skilled workers from the northern areas on the rise. Unknown Speaker 46:48 We said Unknown Speaker 46:50 he referred to henceforth as the metal. Unknown Speaker 46:55 This union is currently in place by January Unknown Speaker 47:00 by October 1917, Unknown Speaker 47:03 and affiliated Unknown Speaker 47:05 with the Federation of men wanted the Federation to full time interaction with Unknown Speaker 47:14 the new union had also expanded the stewardship criteria to include civilians and metal workers from the local private sector and enjoy the Bucha. Unknown Speaker 47:25 During the same period of challenge the free war unions exclusive right to speak in the name of work, a recognition by Unknown Speaker 47:37 initially a union that conformed its efforts to the fight against the high cost Unknown Speaker 47:43 medications for Unknown Speaker 47:46 ourselves. Unknown Speaker 47:49 Now, Unknown Speaker 47:52 after events that showed that the war was not Unknown Speaker 47:56 meant to be one of the Unknown Speaker 48:00 sources of labor, Unknown Speaker 48:02 tend to be really unskilled jobs. Unknown Speaker 48:07 The decision to use women as well as foreign workers Unknown Speaker 48:12 encouraged in the highest court, indeed by the Minister on itself. Unknown Speaker 48:19 He was enthusiastic about women working in the state run positions, Unknown Speaker 48:24 because he believed that they had to win the job. Unknown Speaker 48:31 The French salary and of the French Navy during World War One, their reports that the number of women workers was particularly high Unknown Speaker 48:42 in 1935, personnel records Unknown Speaker 48:47 by July 1970, risen to 26%. Unknown Speaker 48:54 And do you say that cable and Siemens in your studying of the women munitions workers in San Juan found the precise figures with the exact number Unknown Speaker 49:08 guys Unknown Speaker 49:09 very difficult to come by. And my lead field there are purchasers studied extensively. Stress is the same. Unknown Speaker 49:20 I too have experienced this difficulty in trying to find fish and fitness from a number of Unknown Speaker 49:28 I did however, manage to find them in the form of an apprentice at the during the war period and subsequently became a deputy. Unknown Speaker 49:38 And he said that there were between two and 3000 this was made Unknown Speaker 49:46 these were included working mainly in the shell in our Unknown Speaker 49:52 workshop. Shell hockridge and designator. Explosives is not skilled work. You Unknown Speaker 50:00 Here's just some work that might not Unknown Speaker 50:05 have found to be open to the Unknown Speaker 50:09 competitive jobs, my greatest dexterity and precision. And Unknown Speaker 50:15 indeed, it was alleged that this was the only sort of work within the Unknown Speaker 50:21 work for winning Unknown Speaker 50:23 pm and all advertising all relations was dangerous and unhealthy bunch of work to do just stances and Unknown Speaker 50:32 very limited working promotion material Unknown Speaker 50:38 led Unknown Speaker 50:40 us to make partnerships COVID 70, schools, health and safety precautions, we're not looking at Unknown Speaker 50:49 the risk of accidents and exacerbate Unknown Speaker 50:54 these work in production. Unknown Speaker 50:57 There was no tradition of living working. And so when the need for additional workers became very early on during Unknown Speaker 51:07 the day, and we share as every layer about the possibility of each town providing medical care, Unknown Speaker 51:15 most replied, Unknown Speaker 51:18 the director of the pirate technique asked the prefect to advertise in newspapers. Unknown Speaker 51:28 And this apparently is what happened, oh, boy, there's no evidence to show exactly written out and Unknown Speaker 51:37 we do know that they were there in significant numbers by September 9 2016, because an article appeared in your local socialist, polling news. Newspaper, telling them in addition right. Unknown Speaker 51:54 Now, why you're taking jobs and munitions production and where did they come Unknown Speaker 52:01 in the absence of study whatsoever about women in the shade and also in the absence of the personnel records, because they have been carved in stone and we invite them to interact? Unknown Speaker 52:15 We are left to piece together the answer to these questions as best we can. Many women like to work in Unknown Speaker 52:25 the government and lock to the wider conscript to Unknown Speaker 52:31 1.3 Unknown Speaker 52:34 plus point five for each job, this does not represent the capitalist currency. Unknown Speaker 52:43 Probably of interest to work in the holding Unknown Speaker 52:47 cell. For example, the basic sewing Unknown Speaker 52:52 still offers a soft, less free job for the Japanese press. Unknown Speaker 52:58 In 1914, Michelle was still predominantly agricultural Unknown Speaker 53:04 land after land, Unknown Speaker 53:06 many farms became dysfunctional. Unknown Speaker 53:12 Since the government a lot of families were inadequate, many of these women must have been speaking to Unknown Speaker 53:21 women who walk in the hills and consequently without resources offices Unknown Speaker 53:28 for many of the women were Unknown Speaker 53:30 represented there first down in Florida Unknown Speaker 53:34 with respect to the question required these women came from that is where that is, what were their social and professional are we are forced to work with the same assumptions that Unknown Speaker 53:48 people Unknown Speaker 53:51 make. Unknown Speaker 53:52 Many of whom are housemates, or homemakers preparing, Unknown Speaker 53:57 they were pretty good was Unknown Speaker 54:03 the one thing that Unknown Speaker 54:06 was the newness of this national workforce Nevertheless, we find no evidence of training. Unknown Speaker 54:14 This picture was highlighted us finding that in the defense that excluded a few exceptions Unknown Speaker 54:22 instead of setting up training programs that would raise the level of patience What was done was denied. So this is within a simplified test. Unknown Speaker 54:36 You may have given as an example for fabrication shells were limited work on laying that all of the regulating. Unknown Speaker 54:47 surveyed and directly we work on the decimal limit. Unknown Speaker 54:52 The power technique there are many of these students in charge will call Unknown Speaker 54:58 each approaching two are often free Unknown Speaker 55:00 We Unknown Speaker 55:02 frequently face one woman offense and not many second class. In her introduction to the Unknown Speaker 55:12 association devoted to women's work, Michelle Campbell stresses too severe and was always opposed. Unknown Speaker 55:22 For the women who weren't in the working conditions, there are three more legislation and regulations recommendations no night we're limited to 10 hours per day and we pay time Unknown Speaker 55:36 once we send you know, August 1914, consequently the workship Unknown Speaker 55:42 nightmare for Unknown Speaker 55:47 many women worked so working hours, Unknown Speaker 55:50 two hours two days Unknown Speaker 55:53 for the load and strikes and trade union activity ended. Unknown Speaker 56:01 In July 1970 newest permission issued a circular let us work Unknown Speaker 56:08 for you tonight. Unknown Speaker 56:13 factors outside the also contributed to the lack of Unknown Speaker 56:20 the high cost of food overcrowded and unhealthy living conditions Unknown Speaker 56:27 in spite of the hardships endured Unknown Speaker 56:35 you able to hear this. Well, it is true that Unknown Speaker 56:40 Katie Unknown Speaker 56:44 this was the emphasis that pushed them towards defense work. Unknown Speaker 56:49 However, throughout the war, the wages and the cost of living Unknown Speaker 56:54 work Unknown Speaker 56:56 and who were on wage scale was not as high as Unknown Speaker 57:04 wages based on piecework also making much one can make you can pay. Unknown Speaker 57:10 There's also some dispute as to whether or not we're real wages may call. Unknown Speaker 57:21 After Unknown Speaker 57:23 various industry certainly is there was Unknown Speaker 57:27 still debated as to whether or not Unknown Speaker 57:34 this was a true situation. But Unknown Speaker 57:39 now you can see welcomed women into the factory. They were also expected to perform their reproductive Unknown Speaker 57:46 specialists in so many industries Unknown Speaker 57:50 so as to see where they are. Unknown Speaker 57:54 At this juncture, no antagonism was received between management functions and Unknown Speaker 58:01 discipline accords with the finding that he needs to leave the Germans to get that their perspective, women's fertility changing in response to occupational opportunities, inevitably, the addition and inevitably in addition to everything else, the women also Unknown Speaker 58:19 with the problems on childcare, the situation was particularly acute with respect to young babies needed to be via their mother worksheets so that they could be dressed Unknown Speaker 58:32 in 1917. We have authority signs set up to question Unknown Speaker 58:38 on the stock reality of a difficult and unglamorous conditions under which the National Defense effort no longer No, I'm not going to get Unknown Speaker 58:50 that rolling. Unknown Speaker 58:52 This was the reverse of the frivolous spending spell her salary luxury, the myth that they the rowing moment accomplished. Unknown Speaker 59:02 It's situated the work of women currently, tendency and often serve to mask their exploitation. Unknown Speaker 59:11 Roxanne can be the leading candidates and minority government journalists spoke out against the exploiting aspects Unknown Speaker 59:21 in February 2018, and she addressed the General Assembly amendment which 2010 Unknown Speaker 59:32 speaking to the women's press, and she said Unknown Speaker 59:36 and in the boardwalk press one Unknown Speaker 59:39 woman in Warwick but no, she's fine, you are not you are not where you should never have consented to do the work. Unknown Speaker 59:52 On the later page, Catherine is not set up again to scope and scope. Another aspect here Unknown Speaker 1:00:00 Either Unknown Speaker 1:00:01 way, she roundly condemned Unknown Speaker 1:00:05 every speech he made it Unknown Speaker 1:00:09 was worth herself Unknown Speaker 1:00:12 to death. Unknown Speaker 1:00:13 Introduction on a massive scale from women into the EM workforce presented many new problems. Unknown Speaker 1:00:23 What would you add to Unknown Speaker 1:00:27 the pre war cycling made no effort to kick Unknown Speaker 1:00:34 the can down the Unknown Speaker 1:00:37 road General Assembly of the Union County Unknown Speaker 1:00:42 17 issue of women being admitted into the Union has indicated Unknown Speaker 1:00:48 the leadership itself was divided over that. When the vote was taken, 372 members voted for 270 against and 55 Medicare ballots like a second vote taken on whether a special section should be formed opinion was inconclusive and the decision Unknown Speaker 1:01:09 on the whole issue was postponed. This ambivalence about emitting images and managing your collection of the general survey or the trade we've had to force women to work Unknown Speaker 1:01:23 in groups or complex Unknown Speaker 1:01:26 units pointed out male working class position matter unit is working always in substandard wages, was then brought down the male salaries and consequently mentioned we pay the sufficient salary so that women can stay at home. Here they are consumed now make the additional point more was incorporating the rapid technological advances, which were forgetting the creation of 75. Because of this situation, the introduction of women into the workforce, usually at least as unskilled workers, was perceived as an innovation that could undermine a position on the skill layer. Unknown Speaker 1:02:12 The fear was that Unknown Speaker 1:02:15 it would hasten the scale. In many instances, this is in fact what happened. As women were brought into defense factory jobs that have been done by skilled workers were broken down into smaller, repetitive talks, and unskilled workers produce new modern machinery was brought in to facilitate this process. Teams have driven the setup where the man in charge and regulate the machine and setting the workspace or feature for each key. Of course, the cram for for minimization, that skill Was there evidence before 1914 But the more accelerated. Unknown Speaker 1:02:56 Maybe inexperience was another fact that we continue to resistance with presents workflows Unknown Speaker 1:03:04 in a new way, it was commonly held and limited experience may be easy to exploit. In addition, employees contributed to this apprehension by spreading the allegation that limits muscular theory are made possible. Unknown Speaker 1:03:23 So she should be prepared to man. Then there was the Unknown Speaker 1:03:29 misogynist notion expressed by the head of the National Federation in the speech delivered to the French workers and not on June 4 1964. The act of intensifying the feminine workforce has its its consequences extending of marriage slower, and Unknown Speaker 1:03:50 the idea was also circulated that women would challenge on their own and will become president luxury diving into porch. That's exactly why the term give me Unknown Speaker 1:04:02 a special police condition is in Cape Town town. Frequently express your thoughts Unknown Speaker 1:04:10 on usually the Madame insert in his research of fear on the part of trades and reluctance to limit work, the working class family lose control of the working class and the child will be trusted, Unknown Speaker 1:04:26 thereby being trained to serve the exploit. Unknown Speaker 1:04:31 Instead, spite of all the misgivings in Division, metal union finally voted to make it. Unknown Speaker 1:04:41 There is no record of discussions that preceded this explanation Unknown Speaker 1:04:47 for the campaign to unionize with the way the unions leaders in their field to move into joy for the higher wages, the advantages of unions Unknown Speaker 1:04:59 and protection Unknown Speaker 1:05:00 In total the role in play in stopping Unknown Speaker 1:05:04 the Union made it the winning as much as winning Unknown Speaker 1:05:09 the Nubian community as much as women. Unknown Speaker 1:05:14 Unlike some other skilled actors in a similar situation, and I'm referring now to work on the class about DCM. Unknown Speaker 1:05:27 The leaders of the Union had come to the understanding that in fighting for higher wages for unskilled they can do their homework. This approach to the issue of re skilling was to seek to remove Unknown Speaker 1:05:42 this approach to this issue of these barriers to seek to remove the pay gap between the skilled and unskilled and to try to better wages and working conditions for all the workers. Unknown Speaker 1:05:55 This is why they waged a vigorous campaign to get them to join us. Unknown Speaker 1:06:02 There were other reasons why the unionized men needed women and women in an organized and also be more easily liquidated. Unknown Speaker 1:06:12 Of course, the majority of them did not actually join me. Unknown Speaker 1:06:18 In addition, for me going pantry, women weren't essential component. Unknown Speaker 1:06:25 They are not the ones. Unknown Speaker 1:06:28 The historian Max Gallo pushes her for the fact that you could not be sent to me Unknown Speaker 1:06:36 in destructive ways by learning the idea that women have a role to play. Unknown Speaker 1:06:44 In Unknown Speaker 1:06:46 the various consequences of the women joining the Netherlands, you will not miss Unknown Speaker 1:06:53 a post. Unknown Speaker 1:06:54 When they can't pay to unionize women find their way in January 1987. Special meetings were held. Unknown Speaker 1:07:04 By this time a different political climate exists. The union was openly and assertively pursuing an anti war class. Over tension existed between it and the authorities and control their jobs washed over the guards of Unknown Speaker 1:07:22 the women who attended these meetings were mainly from the folder name workshop 15 within MTN attended the second meeting. The needs were addressed by leadership for this work at the conference Unknown Speaker 1:07:38 and also lamenting the fact of women being sold work. The leaders promise to work for the establishment of names Unknown Speaker 1:07:49 as the women can be convinced that you really will stand behind and begin to engage in activities aimed at bettering their working Unknown Speaker 1:07:58 propaganda campaigns were conducted Unknown Speaker 1:08:02 workshops where we actively Unknown Speaker 1:08:06 limit Unknown Speaker 1:08:09 issues since the man was required to work on the block. The union leadership said he had helped to keep some of their male comrades and we've Unknown Speaker 1:08:21 had one of the meanings to women and grievances against some of the crew chiefs work with male members who are present in the nation and Section Unknown Speaker 1:08:33 One offices women services strike the next day the sample within a costed approved that we may have had difficulties. Unknown Speaker 1:08:45 The new bonds of mutual support and cooperation between women and men workers have led collective action outside work. Unknown Speaker 1:08:54 With landlords tried to mimic working and workers crowds of workers composed of men and women gathered to prevent the eviction. Unknown Speaker 1:09:06 We know little about the musicians Unknown Speaker 1:09:10 a few days to adopt classes with among them. Unknown Speaker 1:09:15 Next point the unity of use plays an active role in the unity they serve as organizers residing in Unknown Speaker 1:09:23 your rhetoric concerned not only the talkers Unknown Speaker 1:09:27 in your writing, Unknown Speaker 1:09:29 but also condemnations Unknown Speaker 1:09:32 as the situation in the PMP course in critical events in May 1980. We have reports of participating along with the Navy work stoppages recessions through the streets Unknown Speaker 1:09:47 and the politics of on top is carrying the exact number of women took an active part in these activities are not Unknown Speaker 1:09:56 the only figures we have are those with 10 Unknown Speaker 1:10:00 In these meetings to go through that a general assembly of 1220 that are guaranteed to be 100. Unknown Speaker 1:10:08 But one considers that our total workforce of approximately 24,000 workers can work Unknown Speaker 1:10:16 4000 to 33,000 in the end and 500 in the building, then given the fact that there were most 3000 union employees, the levels of their participation does not compare to on favor. Unknown Speaker 1:10:37 We have no figures for the number of women actually. Unknown Speaker 1:10:42 There is a time to go into great detail. The events of the 1980s culminated in the crushing of the care movement. And suffice it to say that throughout most amazed that we know the fans are able to beat the city of Georgia stated, Unknown Speaker 1:10:59 in this opinion and military authorities in the state of alert by a series of partial spikes and werkstoffe, which were directed against the war, in which it their high school 1/3 of the workforce out. This is a remarkable achievement. One considers that it was accomplished while German fencing was underway in a section of the country. This striking was never reached insurrectionary proportions as leaders as typos and ultimately, Unknown Speaker 1:11:32 now we can move notwithstanding his failure and on July 2, it was definitely broken many leaders were sent away from the city five. Unknown Speaker 1:11:43 What role did the women play in disturbs women did participate in all the strikes, work stoppages, demonstrations and recessions and punctuated these days. Nevertheless, the more politicized skilled workers from the occupation who were mostly men, were mostly men participated in greater numbers in this strike and get the funds unskilled, less particular less politicized workers from the fabric technique to a man Unknown Speaker 1:12:15 for the 17 people arrested on May 1 to witness one of the women was charged with seeking to defend some women workers to avoid work. And we are always shouting all guarantees to winning winning Unknown Speaker 1:12:30 the military gentlemen the region here will be so locked in one Unknown Speaker 1:12:36 spot she was in July and we know we can move in the same way. He Unknown Speaker 1:12:43 put a considerable amount of pressure on members of the Unknown Speaker 1:12:49 network Unknown Speaker 1:12:51 on specifies sanctions were taken against some human workers, they struck on May 1. Unknown Speaker 1:13:01 Amongst them, importantly, we know can be tested ways on em. Unknown Speaker 1:13:07 Three, we're winning this thing should be so present. Unknown Speaker 1:13:12 So we support integration of an important Unknown Speaker 1:13:16 conclusion like this is exactly what is the examination of the women authority more challenging Unknown Speaker 1:13:24 the men finding women to join them and not as an altruistic dress just reflecting on to the realization that the exclusion of women hinders the attainment of the humanities. Unknown Speaker 1:13:38 A whole to the effect that de skilling had on their standard of living better working conditions, shorter hours higher wages and Unknown Speaker 1:13:47 regardless of the motives responsible for offering a support and encouragement to them in front of, although a lower pay scale for women remain throughout the union, Unknown Speaker 1:14:00 pay raise for the women acquire a structure with which they can voice their previous acceptance by the union permitted them to dissipate. Unknown Speaker 1:14:16 You refuse to perform in the very same categories are not expected to do and to attack unfair or obnoxious to cheat. Unknown Speaker 1:14:29 They'll train you in membership figures are lacking. There seems to be no doubt by the end of the board experience of creating activity and effectiveness. Unknown Speaker 1:14:41 One has only to read the special permission police report on November 11 1980, in which he reports a certain effervescence in the military establishments, especially workshops occupied by women found the technique Unknown Speaker 1:15:00 Concerning the issue of whether or not the gains made by the entrance of large numbers of women into the workforce Unknown Speaker 1:15:08 were permanent. One thing is certain Unknown Speaker 1:15:12 workforce in terms of free door figures and male composition. The broader question remains how IT talent as to whether the wartime experience changed society's attitudes about what constitutes women's work. There are no studies that women have to share during these four years to shore up on demand and opinion on this matter. Nevertheless, I'm inclined to agree with you that they are hot now and madmen give them a service and women's work in metallurgy during the war had a lasting effect as far as women employed and he was concerned, and not for a good engage in industry may permanently above that pre war figure. And even if they lost many of the salary increases, they became more participating in the greater numbers. And they were also treated until Unknown Speaker 1:16:12 points out that even though many women return to their homes after the war, many others Unknown Speaker 1:16:20 continue to work outside into the world of salaried work. She also asserts that the fact that our society has experienced massive entrants and women into the workforce, even the boy years can have a profound effect on the attitudes towards women working and representing the permanent attorney. There could be no turning back with respect to the question as to whether as nurturers really have a vested interest in teams. Therefore, special constituents I have responded today at a panel on pacifism and feminism, which I chair in the workshop concepts of June 1984, Sandy Cooper and in her paper on 19th century European Unknown Speaker 1:17:07 organizations quote, by gender alone women are not particularly attracted to one another definition of past Unknown Speaker 1:17:16 political culture of their personal background was far more Unknown Speaker 1:17:23 at the power of technique where most of the work which was less politicized than the activity Unknown Speaker 1:17:30 when women did not go out on vacation, but neither did the majority of unskilled workers who also work Unknown Speaker 1:17:46 one of the stuff that I think Unknown Speaker 1:17:50 it has to do with Unknown Speaker 1:17:52 male workers and not to mention how to use them in the past the struggle but one of the things I came across was a need to get rich Unknown Speaker 1:18:02 we kind of fight they actually do want that comparison. The male was trying to get women to write letters Unknown Speaker 1:18:09 and say how miserable they were and so just like come back somehow that Unknown Speaker 1:18:15 you're something Unknown Speaker 1:18:17 and then that the whole shopping strike and there's a method there's a winner Unknown Speaker 1:18:22 and they accuse McCracken of struggling and not not sticking to it Unknown Speaker 1:18:34 Okay, well Unknown Speaker 1:18:35 we'll talk Unknown Speaker 1:18:48 about Unknown Speaker 1:18:54 okay, let's change Unknown Speaker 1:19:03 but I was curious of noise Unknown Speaker 1:19:06 on this table, please through Unknown Speaker 1:19:09 the naked picture, because you stole Unknown Speaker 1:19:13 it and then it goes up to a very large Unknown Speaker 1:19:17 settlement. Unknown Speaker 1:19:20 To Unknown Speaker 1:19:21 then you mentioned as well in terms of employment, Unknown Speaker 1:19:26 the men Unknown Speaker 1:19:27 who are in effect, take care of themselves. Unknown Speaker 1:19:32 Pedal the what is the length of the network? Unknown Speaker 1:19:40 What is the salient feature? Unknown Speaker 1:19:44 I can determine that the sources to help women and men travel quite far from Unknown Speaker 1:19:53 assumption is the nature of solidarity isn't the best one having to do with the structural and industrial Unknown Speaker 1:20:00 suffer and dense nature where they work solidarity communal solidarity Unknown Speaker 1:20:07 so it will be it will be the basis of patient flow and kinship Unknown Speaker 1:20:13 particularistic relationships Unknown Speaker 1:20:19 Yes What will you Unknown Speaker 1:20:24 because that would be elections it can be brothers folders things of this just Unknown Speaker 1:20:31 pulling that back from from the military package ended up where Unknown Speaker 1:20:39 to Unknown Speaker 1:20:44 begin because Unknown Speaker 1:20:47 police reports and official reports is a Unknown Speaker 1:20:54 million Unknown Speaker 1:21:00 stuff that we Unknown Speaker 1:21:02 talked about Unknown Speaker 1:21:06 what is the nature of Unknown Speaker 1:21:09 the distribution Unknown Speaker 1:21:13 because during the periods at least in my town lake from 30,000 to over 100 and the census was a very key lever to do it. And so really Unknown Speaker 1:21:31 that's enough Unknown Speaker 1:21:33 isn't enough Unknown Speaker 1:21:35 we would hope to Unknown Speaker 1:21:38 get Unknown Speaker 1:21:48 a series of mediations. Unknown Speaker 1:21:59 We may Unknown Speaker 1:22:03 also be making a loan Unknown Speaker 1:22:08 because related records I sent it to us police reference I did too. So what you're dealing with the dispatch side your opposite to place yours and lose inclination is to believe that whatever happens has to do Google Germany and it works on stripe payments Heiser say thanks. Unknown Speaker 1:22:29 But no, no longer are my one thing coming from the special permission global, who had been there since about 19. Unknown Speaker 1:22:40 And he got very into a whole new movie, we actually begin and voiced by saying congrats. Unknown Speaker 1:22:50 And he does. He's not he doesn't ever claim that they weren't. Unknown Speaker 1:22:57 He knows that they were, you know, revolutionary. And we never Unknown Speaker 1:23:03 make that point that your lease will talk much more about the gentleman. Unknown Speaker 1:23:09 And they will be just as good as mine and mine are obsessed with certain German piano players. Unknown Speaker 1:23:16 Thank you very much. Unknown Speaker 1:23:19 Bye, mine are obsessed with certain German Unknown Speaker 1:23:23 piano teachers. Unknown Speaker 1:23:27 But not not Unknown Speaker 1:23:36 worried about Unknown Speaker 1:23:41 I think may have to do with the length of time Unknown Speaker 1:23:47 how much Unknown Speaker 1:23:49 they have to be the source of this. They're spies and one of their spies was convinced to come from a terminal block philosophy. They later discovered that he's Unknown Speaker 1:23:59 a war veteran from Alsatian rich, Unknown Speaker 1:24:02 knows what he was not in the war. The only people that cared science was a man Unknown Speaker 1:24:10 Jeremy Unknown Speaker 1:24:13 Grantham saying yes, Unknown Speaker 1:24:17 you can also Unknown Speaker 1:24:21 get the actual local officials Unknown Speaker 1:24:29 or whatever it has to do nature of the city. I think so probably I do. Unknown Speaker 1:24:35 Take effect in which a small proportion City Unknown Speaker 1:24:39 Police Commissioner had been there for years. They just have some sense of Unknown Speaker 1:24:44 awareness. You know, in Paris, and people come from everywhere and how did he pass? I was interested in him Unknown Speaker 1:24:53 and his whole business. Unknown Speaker 1:24:55 There was such a sense of pride police that women pose a particular client Unknown Speaker 1:25:00 I read it and that you could serve this threat not from any kind of political ideas that they had because I wouldn't express political opinions but Unknown Speaker 1:25:11 and Unknown Speaker 1:25:13 not a word for Saturday or Unknown Speaker 1:25:18 Sunday 17 Today types of German campaigns Unknown Speaker 1:25:23 but not Unknown Speaker 1:25:27 so what sources did you use? Could you spend a lot of time at home get no I didn't have to spend time because at that time Unknown Speaker 1:25:45 the Unknown Speaker 1:25:47 first time Unknown Speaker 1:25:51 at the mountain stop Unknown Speaker 1:25:56 Did you use any other Unknown Speaker 1:26:01 word I was able to Unknown Speaker 1:26:07 see I didn't remember it or not I used to come Unknown Speaker 1:26:13 out and they were useful in terms of the general overall vision of the control Unknown Speaker 1:26:21 is useful, but I would love to have found a course specifically on EMRs Unknown Speaker 1:26:27 yeah Unknown Speaker 1:26:30 well they are Unknown Speaker 1:26:35 so what is your distribution? Unknown Speaker 1:26:37 Well, it's about the trade union Unknown Speaker 1:26:41 Yes, so this is kind of a microcosm this is just about the Unknown Speaker 1:26:47 way you're thinking Unknown Speaker 1:26:56 yes, yes I found and of course the police reports covered everything and they covered all aspects Unknown Speaker 1:27:07 Yeah, yeah. I just started putting this stuff on because of this set of police reports Unknown Speaker 1:27:16 that's looking for one thing that came across Unknown Speaker 1:27:22 and then of course their letters Unknown Speaker 1:27:26 in the police Unknown Speaker 1:27:31 Oh, she would have occasion Unknown Speaker 1:27:38 Yeah, yeah. Unknown Speaker 1:27:41 It wasn't a newspaper in the newspaper or that was my Unknown Speaker 1:27:47 family Unknown Speaker 1:27:49 there was a local Unknown Speaker 1:27:51 newspaper Unknown Speaker 1:27:54 social science is proven recycling Unknown Speaker 1:28:00 information Yeah. Unknown Speaker 1:28:03 Because it was Unknown Speaker 1:28:11 weird character Unknown Speaker 1:28:14 classes Unknown Speaker 1:28:19 different very important you onto Unknown Speaker 1:28:23 a CD and God said look it might sound sorry Unknown Speaker 1:28:35 and then I change Unknown Speaker 1:28:38 I see Unknown Speaker 1:28:43 are you teaching Unknown Speaker 1:28:45 teaching Unknown Speaker 1:29:02 right Unknown Speaker 1:29:03 yeah lucky I did never need seven years in Unknown Speaker 1:29:09 Paris Unknown Speaker 1:29:14 my fantasy logic Unknown Speaker 1:29:31 Are you ready? Remember Unknown Speaker 1:29:37 coming to less than Unknown Speaker 1:29:40 as far as like to see Unknown Speaker 1:29:43 Congress Unknown Speaker 1:29:46 but yeah, I was born Unknown Speaker 1:29:49 down Unknown Speaker 1:29:52 get you to your three to Unknown Speaker 1:29:59 four Unknown Speaker 1:30:00 Oh Unknown Speaker 1:30:01 yeah, we have this Unknown Speaker 1:30:07 little chair Unknown Speaker 1:30:09 oh yeah Unknown Speaker 1:30:13 that's supposed to be great Unknown Speaker 1:30:19 man Unknown Speaker 1:30:23 I once went to a caper economist Unknown Speaker 1:30:28 research and I've spent more time in France than they would Unknown Speaker 1:30:35 go like if you're in the car right go to the economy to get a reference to the industry and then all the data Unknown Speaker 1:30:43 catalog Well, immediately I can Xerox whatever I want, you know, even in the A and you just your palm pilot document that way Unknown Speaker 1:30:54 so read only