Unknown Speaker 00:06 So if you don't mind being tech ask your question you're going to like it I think Unknown Speaker 01:51 in the case of the equipment as well as the base case as well but the case it wasn't for the first time the women were by themselves and then to me was really clear with the man who were not that brothers and we're not their husbands you know there was not a relative there were the gods so they harvest they did a lot of things because all of a sudden they realize they can do things like days with a different nice we were realizing the same thing because they didn't have any more people within the family oh really allegiance to the demand you were able to learn things as you know and I always made me Unknown Speaker 02:40 last term which is Unknown Speaker 02:43 you you ever to keep us away from each other it was a wake up Unknown Speaker 02:54 call experience Unknown Speaker 03:03 I've experienced job inflation was one of the most important because they seem to repeat the question the proximate cause actually also quite not so awkward when the fonts colors that come into services such as tomorrow and the description that you focus on when the Unknown Speaker 03:53 ages of little Unknown Speaker 03:58 different from the darkness though in the sense that the cwnd there are descriptions of the arrival Jewish autism because of either the tremendous sense of solidarity or termination we're the only ones who were able to example to see to change something comfortable and so forth Unknown Speaker 04:43 then the second page, right. So yes, right Unknown Speaker 04:59 now Yes because these people wouldn't have gotten out of Ghana Unknown Speaker 05:16 Thank you don't always have someone to talk to but first I want to say you yes right Steve Scott all they have Unknown Speaker 06:32 right now or later or whatever it is that they perceive they can space that however tiny spaces so that they want to survive at all side they set it up at the same time also this is why we don't do Star Wars So, assuming that there's no face and power this is how it's worked out this way there's a couple slides just like you called the Unknown Speaker 07:39 login page from the one hand Unknown Speaker 07:41 as opposed to the minute maps I read a lot and there was a lot of first of all, most of the many of the men sign they were broke and much easier why because that resistance became still during the resistance of bitterness and violence. This one This is not sustained. And then this is what's called that they tried to escape the record again, they didn't create a world and we're a homemaker so we as women, we may oh I think that's a very important stage when these experiences Unknown Speaker 08:28 is that there was resistance against racism and there was resistance against a patriarchy in the calves and they were you know done by them and that seems like a contradiction but men have been actively struggling struggling against racism we can be more curious you know and so there was a different system and didn't do that and resist Unknown Speaker 08:57 was never possible socialization experience most recently that was offered wish I would say that out loud also working on this There Unknown Speaker 10:01 were many of them were toxins, producers, political organizers, many of them were very important to organize. But I think that the rest of it has been too long. Unknown Speaker 10:14 Yes. Right possible that Unknown Speaker 10:19 that strongest Unknown Speaker 10:31 systems Yes, I wouldn't call it stronger or weaker Unknown Speaker 10:37 that that, that is that all of the emotional and psychological stress and loss, it seems to be such a relief to be integrated into society challenges such as assigning they are in position and then to experience that soon as you Unknown Speaker 11:35 one of the things that, you know, when they left to the camps, in some ways a camp for a haven, you know, day to day war time, hostility, when they return to the West Coast, they confronted them, I mean, they were shot at they know, they experienced the same kind of racism. And so the need to survive economically forced women to put aside their individual interests. And again, we're so the changes, that the changes appear to be temporary. But what I'm saying is that we see larger changes in the in the third generation. And there is a continuity, I don't know what the continuity is at this point. But you do see changes in family and relationships between male and female, there's a lot of mental health one of the ways in Germany that Japanese American camp experience is comparable to a rape situation, because for the for about 20 years, the Japanese American population did not talk about their combat experience at all. And they're very ashamed. And they thought it was their fault that they were placed in the camp. And it's only been with the Third World movement on the Pacific coast, that people that the third generation has been asking questions. I did not know about the camp experience, why did you not tell me, you know, give me information that this whole thing has become public. And people can deal with the emotional experience how before people have just held to do and they just pushed aside on feelings. And there are now psychologists that are now you know, weeks examination, that experience but the push for economic survival and to deal you know, again, with the racism that society wants people to put aside every individual deserves. Unknown Speaker 13:54 I love you. Your question involves the part about the Greek women as well. But the thing is very difficult different because up until 1974, these people could not really reintegrate into society, men and women, because they were persecuted politically. We had a right wing government, these people were handed down even though they were released. They were totally they were like the negros of Greece, you know, they were not given jobs. They were not allowed to travel so that the only real depression was within themselves, their own families, and they were very prey. However, since then, there has been a reemergence. We have a socialist government now. And people can say now they can say I was there and I was I did that and so it's kind of resistance and the camps and the they're being recognized now and books I've been reading about it, but now Unknown Speaker 15:00 I have a different case from the case of political prisoners. And I'd like to come back especially strong comparison with men under this, perhaps comparable situation. A few weeks ago, there was a documentary on the 10 death marches and the 10s of 1000s of Filipinos and Americans within the prison for several years in Japanese camps. It was happened to be done by a woman. So in some sense, was perhaps sensitive to certain things. But one thing that came across was, first of all, the initial chaos, right, which may be common, which included even cannibalism. This this is the the accounts that were taken. That was, that was true. The second thing that was very striking, it didn't come out at all. Question was that this man felt that they had been abandoned by MacArthur by the American army by this flight, which left them so that they were furious at this man. The third thing is that he said, what kept them going. And it was always the thought of their mothers and their wives, and maybe within a couple of cases, their children just been born. 20 or so? And that is a quick question. I just thinking somebody like Theresa milkshape, communist leader, who organized the Bratton's for Scotland, union, judicial chaos certainly was never ever mentioned. There's so much about appeal to Lucifer never ever mentioned about, you know, relying on the memory of her man. Well, excuse me while setting up another household. And finally, they the defects to be a reason and maybe chain. They almost describe this feminized, and they can say in a bad way, or a good way, if they're protecting this other. And then they're after setting up new networks, which were like little groups of brothers, they want to say something more intimate than what they would normally tell comrades. And afterward, they've had the opportunity to meet which seems to not because it just repeated the normal structure to begin again. And they express always the sentiment that this is something very special, very intimate, they can rely on each other gossiping with each other funny in a way Unknown Speaker 17:55 that never ever would conceivably. Yes. I mean, they were Unknown Speaker 18:01 little they never used this word. Woman document. Yeah, receiving this some sort of experience. But I knew this question of survive on women say political women simply didn't seem that bring to this something something else. But what about the attitudes towards family see with this man, this is a described the so offensive distinction between life and death. striving Unknown Speaker 18:31 with the family structure certainly was not really undermined, even though men were not getting women. But the men was suffering in other situations as much. However, after it was over, the women went back to their previous roles of dependency and because Wait, but it was also because there was an increase. There was a four year political struggle and political oppression and men and women struggled together since 1974. When there is no longer political oppression. In this disparity, women have started the course of many feminist movements. And it's just wonderful to see these women now their grandmothers, and they have organized the protest movement and but they're also politically affiliated. Because prints are very political, but they're the ones we're beginning they have bookshops women's bookstore now that they're working now again. Unknown Speaker 19:43 The women's experience and interment also relates to how women are often in prison because of their relationship to men with their husbands or fathers particularly Greeks. It seems to be something but what did you feel that it was possible that because it's something like the Japanese or the pizza Eddie. And I think that's probably to also have, to some extent of Ireland, Northern Ireland that women have been pretty much together in those societies. Anyway, those are societies where men and women, I mean, this is not largely, but to some extent, are living fairly separate spheres. Certainly, I think that's true within the family, women do things together. So it would be much more natural for women to be able to get support from each other. Whereas for men, it would probably be a very different experience. So I've been struck by that not only, you know, what I know about Greek experiences, and still now in Greece, that men women whose lives have lived pretty different lives. So that may be one reason why not only is is the experience of being imprisoned, different, and probably the treatment of women just as women, I mean, whether it's the threat of rain, or all of these other things that, you know, can be used as weapons against them. But there's also the way they resist based on just the fact that there Unknown Speaker 21:08 can I said something just occurred to me that I didn't given this before, but four common law is imposed in our six islands colonized England. Before that time, there was a ground revenue, Sawyer, Irish. And under that law, women in America lived at that time, were much more. They were their own people independent, they had rights within marriage than property rights, it was a very advanced side, so far was worldwide. And with the imposition of condom, we'll go into it at length, but that what happened was the difference there was now under this terrible suffering going on in your network. And you have to remember, it's the whole of our counties is all we got for this. But where you have a whole sector of the population that is working several generations without jobs, and without several generations, you have women, making up the pieces of their families and really holding you together. In a way. You never get to meet someone who's going to survive the spirit. And their children too. It's, it's sad, but at the same time, it's there's a lot of this device secret, which is the Spirit leads is I also, I don't think I mentioned at the beginning, that Ireland was partitioned against the will of the majority was election in 1980 80%, approximately, of the people of Ireland voted, Unknown Speaker 22:57 the only general election Unknown Speaker 22:59 is ever to have it through to counter violent, which was the traditional starting. Unknown Speaker 23:12 Point whether you had already experienced as a parent. What, what have we learned one of Unknown Speaker 23:30 the most disastrous and horrible phenomenon that has ever occurred in history, mass, mass death and mass massacre hadn't the whole experience that you took out that's unique to our time. There have been other words before seven other people point out that thing I've escaped the concentration camps when somebody said, Well, I didn't live in reasons more. There was they were 1000, the second for instance, extermination. There was no way to use this. The question with the German experience, that Nazi experiences the miracle of survivors, and the formation of a the salvaging of half dead human beings, by largely do women fight, to save to save anything that they could, and then get them into Israel, where they're still in trouble and attack. Now what I what I do we can we deal with this terrible phenomenon of nail? I mean, I hate to say, who has constructed these, that test exceeds that knowledge of knowing of how to destroy people and how to get enormous power. And what I'm beginning to feel as I listen, is women accepting these kind of still submissive role? We the men did this and we found out how to adjust. How do we attack that Oh, One thing in saying this is the whole male oriented structure. And women have always helped me that we've said mental awards and always accepted that this is the first time in history that women and family and civilians are exposed on a scale military mind. And now the question is from your examination, what do you what do you say everybody when you put it all together, I would say now, how are we going to make this world a universal phenomenon often has to be destroyed and within families that the women who are so glad to get out of their religion so the conflict with the families and how do you get it out and secure independence and living like this be wise to stay with family to be able to get bring that together Unknown Speaker 26:06 believes in our strengths we have to be more political we have to take more power and just not allow this is what I think Unknown Speaker 26:16 are options there are practically no we're Unknown Speaker 26:21 willing to rehearse these things are not allowed to happen by becoming more mythical more not to withdraw in a cocoon see say you want to say that's the reason I don't know Unknown Speaker 26:35 the examples I gave our example of what people know and I guess I've learned from what it means for everyone women like Yeah, but it's so encouraging to hear what you say have you outreach more than three hours right so with that one Oh yeah. I just worry did I end that it's definitely hit me as I've seen advance prices for women. Buy learned way back Never. going to wrap it in Half