This is an oral history interview with Andrea Williams conducted by Obden Mondésir on September 26th, 2022. It covers the years 2003-2021. In the interview, Andrea shares her memories and reflections about several items in the CWP collection. She reflects on photos from the early years of the ReConnect program and a photo from a 2017 strategic planning meeting. Andrea discusses the process of compiling a report with feedback about a plan by the NoVo Foundation to transform the Bayview Women's Prison into a women's building (digital object SC29_001.10). She then discusses the process of producing the "Prison Within Prison" report on women's experiences in solitary confinement (digital object SC29_001.11). Finally, Andrea discusses the origins of the first ReConnect T-shirt with the phrase "who I will be" (box 2 folder 3).
All intellectual property rights to this interview have been assigned to Barnard College by the narrator. Contact the Archives at for more information on access and use.