Unknown Speaker 00:00 We're always looking at the very obvious justification of pain, this causes excruciating ly agonizing death to 1000s of marine animals, land and birds, these little tiny hole two thirds, they can't take them all together, hence caught, and then they grow into it. And they screamingly slow. And it's pretty political, is totally unnecessary. This is one of the things Unknown Speaker 00:44 this is one of the things that really, totally unnecessary. So the way I deal with it, and I will share with you is first of all, title, body, and whatever you use to buy anything. So, you're gonna, I would advise you the other thing is to get the names of all these companies, right to them, let them know why you're not. It's just easy for them to change over to Unknown Speaker 01:10 other people through and the government and tell your friends about it like that. And the other thing is to walk around the streets and pick them up and keep tearing. I was at an eco feminist conference. I thought there was a couple here and they actually serve there were like 200 when they actually serve service. So it's planning on a recession I think speech I'm making now and I said let's swallow because Get up right now go out to garbage pail was thrown out. All these women came up there. And this was really an object lesson. It was really very good. These women I'll never forget. So pass it along. I'm on a crusade Unknown Speaker 02:05 that's commercial message Unknown Speaker 02:06 number one. message number two. How many of you are lb line fans? Helping my fans here? You will know will be land is led by this wonderful hockey Western sailor ad Unknown Speaker 02:29 I was talking to somebody about it today. And they said lb let us know Katie. Y'all know who he was we live in today doesn't really hide that fact. She made a commercial a pizza People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which is an anti commercial. And she went on radio on television. She went I was out here. Cow's name is Google. And she says that, you know, we all love animals. Why do we call some pets and have dinner? And she said he stinks. If you Oh, this is why we shouldn't be eating meat. Well, what happens was beef, raising the phrase in the states in our country, she was boycotted from all the country western radio stations and we play her records. So what happened was a whole lot lot of women who were fans started buying her cassettes calling in these stations and saying we want to kV line. So I'm suggesting we're doing suggesting that we do the same. And this is a woman who stands up for what she believes. And the upshot is that she's doing better now that she's never done before for your record sales at the store. And one other thing that her enemies did she have a tab in Western Canada where she can Okay, so what is the subject harassing her mother and their writing? Assignment? Some places eat meat. So her friends but anyway, they're out to eat. So that is the commercial part so I always like to compete with things to do. So there are two things to do. One is to do something about this problem, you know, to boycott and right to lose it right I suppose. Country Western radio is stations and asset requests Oh yes. Okay. Third commercial Karina girls actually feminist battle is calling a boycott of those with cats dogs oh by the products what they are doing is they have been sponsoring Coonhounds hunting raccoons where other such pleasant trees as the raccoons tree, they just take their toes off so the pull downs and wants to get to them you know all kinds of things like that is being done. So, there is a national boycott curry roasted products for the cat child God Ciao. Okay, I think what time is best one time, I think what I'm going to do is go right into the slide presentation that I want to talk to you about. I think that you see this referred to Unknown Speaker 06:11 as questions, the end. What we're trying to show in this spy presentation is that the masculine self has been defined patriarchal, society, culture, opposition to Unknown Speaker 06:44 all ages. Can you hear me with that? Chapter soldiers. Wounded animals have fallen nature. Society as the other uses a term that is used by signals to the world. Unknown Speaker 07:06 In order to see in other words, the other is an object in relation to which the cell which needs to do is transform or reconsent those students into something other than what they need to create. And that is what underwater is what forms of exploitation, naval aviation under the theology that creates your separation from other patriarchal cultures and the two major themes that we're going to achieve the separation from animals nature, what is the image of the beast. In this image, women animals are transformed into wild divine beings with the will of their home. By expressing masculine recreations of this conquest is then seen as a source of reduced rodeos. Both baits and the secondary edge women and animals are seen as timeless objects that exists to serve the superior rational and this image, and that's what I've seen as irrational as evil. Women and animals I simply seem to have separate agents from that rational man. This image lends itself to more practical forms of abuse, such as factory farming laboratories. And the notion of both women and animals. Really what feminists want to argue is that they are both really characterized by a common theme, namely the notion of progressive establishment of the masculine self through its opposition to the natural world. I have to tell you that a few of these slides are difficult. But we show them the belief that around morality is not an abstract exercise. We believe that morality begins level instinctual reactions will be seen here, for instance, you might think it's okay to meet but we weren't here and see. Unknown Speaker 09:41 Me. Without information, education will make a decision. So the truth is often difficult to look at. But we owe it to ourselves to the animal, certainly to the animals that are needed. So So I don't I don't torture myself a lot of these pictures are much worse but I get all the snails I don't even look I know I can recite them by now I think for the transition I'm not quite sure so somebody will put the lights on right looking at animals in their natural environment that is apart from appearance now we'll take a look at some pictures of animals in human environments Unknown Speaker 11:44 let's begin to trace some of the history that's led to these types of practices. To do this we need to backtrack 1000s of years many girls mythologies and religions to the Golden Age harmony with the rest of the national feminist research to show that the cultures depicted in the sensual APR didn't exist such cultures were always revered for its passion in these cultures The Goddess is an animal form and this is the guys from ancient Egypt, where it's capitalism. So capitalism women brought close association with animals steak was so much fear is saying that so much of our coaching was just immersion such societies and the cosmological stories in ancient cultures often depict the beginning of life as emerging from a female goddess body. And this is guy and this was thought to be making Jaco cultures would eventually supplanted a culture which should not be out of sight out and this pattern of patriarchy was to remove the material. But if you see yourself as connected to the natural cycles of life, you have to experience your dependency. This is is a perfect typical style because you serve women's reproductive capacity by giving birth to the patriarchal mythology, males typically defective parts of your body to steal the cosmological stories of patriarchal cultures change attitudes toward life is no longer seem to arise as a kid God's rather than Uber that might order urging payoffs is achieved by violating those free religion that is that email image itself is not alone with the guys on the survey. So Microsoft agent new sellers here started Alicia I'm forget provided was sent to provide the animal sacrifices a variation on the city is that the starch to ensure fertility by heads up like this is sacrificing Unknown Speaker 15:34 one of the most common things to pick up the dollar cheese is different throwing slayed a female dragon threat to the world Unknown Speaker 15:45 this is Zeus that was the last time I heard people killing the terrible is also common. Here you have God adopted per second living in animals that alternated throughout all of this worship is curious. Unknown Speaker 16:27 Versus the dragon. We see how this duality can take place within a single pure administer conversion. What's the lesson versus medieval we see the same thing. Here we have St. George we have the proverbial damsel in distress. Unknown Speaker 16:58 The Judaic Christian traditions also contain animals. He is a woman and an animal St John's vision cataclysmic assault by a wide range. Soon as Christianity disaster killing the dragon monster was transformed from Gods and heroes to saints. Unknown Speaker 17:41 The Archangel Michael was available in bad faith prayer as the new Dragon Slayer is asking us to explore Unknown Speaker 17:58 here we have a dragon Austin, pictured as the devil. We all did not have to fight itself. This last prayer. Approximately 9 million women were burned or executed as witches for the perceived association Unknown Speaker 18:30 which is believed to have a close association with the athletes. Often they were thought to take the shape of ourselves. Many women prefer this which is for no other reasons that they have. And many things cats Unknown Speaker 18:44 for. This philosophy exemplifies the second image of winter animals as the Birdman which exists to serve the superior rational. according to Aristotle, both women and animals were deficient national, the purpose of both women and animals Western to serve as instruments for the attainment of the highest happiness. A woman's major purpose in the image of women and animals as inferior beings, who exist to serve as a more rational male can also be found in the Biblical story of Genesis. In it we are told that God gave to all the creatures of God, Spirit this is another example This isn't the last bit of Deckard paste into there was 16, dependence, animals and all in nature, we submit the final blow more powerful than solar. Wind to Decart he was the nerd it was, which could be likened to sheep. And according to Decart says animals for your machines smashing the legs of the current no more than removing the flock. And what they currently do in his classes was he would take a dog and there was still able to enjoy the course screaming and could not allow his students to react to the better, because he was trying to convince them that story Unknown Speaker 20:53 was that. So now we're going to move into the modern world to see how some of these images translate into our current treatment of enemies. This is a cow that was kind of holding to the side, so that students can see how these two sides work. We can see what is it we can see here, science as a tool for penetrating the sequence of questions, literally the entry of such tools. Besides price, pay is a routine occurrence from any laboratory avenues. Despite the constant, no laws exists which can protect them as long as the experiment aims and it is a necessary part of the experiment. Now this slide, you see a student dissecting the rat. And every single attitude towards animals as a matter that needs to be dissected inside a laboratory in order to be understood, as this student is into this animal and simultaneously, cuts himself off from his feelings of connection establishes a self identity in distinct propositions without a word. Now, if anybody the real agenda behind dissection, both in public school and colleges, it's not for education, it's not for scientific reasons. It's really, it's really to get the student to distance herself or himself is to create future scientists who will be able to do this terrible disservice to this whole person presentation is contagious. And better, you know, that people were high school or college, forced to dissect, they really don't get tested. And there is a nice section to having problems. Between 50 and 700 animals each year in experiments, like the only law that applies to these animals are laws that deal with housing conditions. As you can see on the slide, the standards set by Unknown Speaker 23:57 this is a Monday in Forest Hill smoked animals that used to study human problems rather than doing an epidemiological studies. Looking at the problems that human means already, Western medicine appears to produce the problems inside the laboratory. Besides this, I said the lack of resemblance of the laboratory to the real world is viewed as an irrelevant fact. Common Sense ideas are often not accepted by the scientific establishment until the mission of the laboratory. I use a reason often when we think of animal experiments has been done for very long purposes, but actually a very large percentage of patients for the testing household Other similar problems this rabbit is having a skin test, a routine test where a portion was scraped the product is still another common test is 50 test animals toys fed some other shampoos and so 50% down the sky is that a brilliant test that was awesome these rabbits retraced in other words a change in this test a product Unknown Speaker 25:47 such as placing the iron bars in areas where rabid ties here you didn't have air diabetes advertised as a way of bringing the women that Unknown Speaker 26:25 shampoo was tested lie so to speak. He's about to be exposed to cancer causing substances. Rested medicine operates on a warfare model of medicine. The body is the battlefield of which disease enemy literally is a sacred heroic dragon SLAVE MENTALITY this masquerade of rationality and science. Warfare terminology is routinely used in relation to medicine. We hear the war on cancer and property cells and magic words. And of course, any day now it should come as no surprise that the your eye cancer has produced more casualties and this military contrasts with real working substances in the body posesses nerves and the body's own healing in order to build up health rather than attack. Many of the healers who work in this fashion with their powers to work with nature. Witches, often times are accused or splitter within their ability to cure the sick. It has been said that in earlier times, we burn bridges with religion today to torture animals and they recited this dog is the recipient of a heart transplant who died a few hours. This is the machine without realizing what the parts trim down simply because the animals are said to be sacrificed. And behind these words, can protect them very ingenious idea. Namely the notion that there's somehow animals or humans in the US a lot of Western medicine we're led to believe that we are faced with either or situation. Either we experiment or we'll be compelled to wait not told to system alternatives. Nor are we made to realize the harm that we do to animals reduce are immediately or it's clear that they say they hear that maybe there wasn't as much experimental animals as that. In fact, we are all experimental research, since the drugs that come to this have only been tested on animals which have been shown time and again not to be valid to generalize it solidifies this this test was fine. It was 10,000 births far as possible indiscipline We're finding our animals federalized. Another way in which animals are represented as a matter that exists to serve man's is through exploitation it's a cruel irony that animals are killed for the association between women and animals, which they explicitly address and this is the reality for 10s of millions of guns and traps for the United States most of them get a slap shot and sign a shot. And I heard a statistic recently that 56 animals not want to die in the traps for every client that they call those animals that are not going to trash like dogs and cats and sometimes Unknown Speaker 31:13 about 25 centers animals for ranches, I notice these animals for their entire lives the small cages extremely still another image of animals as a dirt matter this fragmented representation is Unknown Speaker 31:44 adapted to livestock search such close people's major contact with animals occurs at the dinner table was known as the Animal Unknown Speaker 32:05 House which is extremely strong news ever heard bodies and powder kept separated after a day it just so Unknown Speaker 32:27 that every child knows I didn't know that wasn't really pastels major purpose of the female farm is to reproduce offspring. Unknown Speaker 32:59 dairy cows are regulated artificially inseminated continuous rotation. Now way they are a second inseminated, it's called the rate is a human male. So this is this is definitely against there we have is impregnated that way. And there's milk, lactase for six to eight months, and then it has to be disseminated again different and other calories from life is spent that way until she no longer produce and then she comes Unknown Speaker 33:37 in yield calves suffer perhaps the most being raised until they have the four months of age deliberately dialed in here's the secret the space of that animal cannot turn around there's no straw can't lie down his head is evident because it has a natural tendency to suck up something it's only one day or separate is fed a liquid human diet has hasn't diluted and this doesn't have a shorter cap on capital. This is this is good here's an embryo transplant. embryo transplant industry so rapidly is part of what this entails is taking the eggs and embryos out of what are considered superior and transplanting them. In this way a single cows produce hundreds of have to also remember that all the latest technology that's developed has been practiced in conducted technology invented massively burglars getting carried away here is a cartoon image and once again here's the reality this cow is about to be slaughtered her eyes is fully dilated This is a broader factory where chickens are raised 400,000 with a single system where three and a half by the way by the state's females chip is at the center of the most exploited females in the world. These are egg layers five to six of them are kept in the cage that is the size of a former newspaper guy remember when he's at birds nervous rates and to see the light of day to slaughter wire cages you can't move to get for us to grow without wire cages or scratch their own natural light inside the egg whites are kept out slanted floor so that you can see some dead went to the bottom individual lives not only the overall outcome as soon as the chickens reproductive capacity gets to about one year of age. And as is the case with women in our society primarily badly as long Unknown Speaker 37:27 as the various stages chicks and chickens are supposed to be stuck, but at least two out of five of them are not stuck because you have to go by Unknown Speaker 37:53 stage in the livestock industry not only realizes animals also results in the rate of the work it takes up to 20 times more than the amount of grain to feed an animal to produce the protein that he was currently 80 to 90% meat dairy and egg operations 90% of agriculture when the country's total 90% of soil erosion 80% of consumptive use of water and 70% of deforestation is the result of the lifestyle and this in many other ways the livestock industry is one of the major ecological disasters you know an area of West areas size of the original 13 states and we don't suddenly talk about what is that to wild predators in the wild with calories is approaching more and more Unknown Speaker 39:27 women as we know are also represented as flesh. This picture of pornography we move away from the use of women and animals for practical purposes instead of just in case there's any question women are human society. Hustler magazine published this hour Unknown Speaker 39:57 this issue so for any In previous years also continues women handles as well magic combination this is your sexy animal compensation package say as Fox portal 123 Pushing the rules stolen Unknown Speaker 41:03 the sexual connotations of the association between women and animals I made it clear that women are portrayed is actually drawn to the outer worlds as Unknown Speaker 41:29 one publishing company founder association between women and apples using to develop the whole issue to this theme. The magazine doesn't play or your ER teaches the center Unknown Speaker 41:44 that it was widely used thinks right whales wonderful, intelligent, sensitive, totally objectifying torture. No no, we have to start thinking of our language as far as we Unknown Speaker 42:07 can use this consciousness language stop calling that a lot of stuff rodeo, rodeo has all the elements of point spurs the tiny the body additional reputation and the history soon as he whenever he has additional Java is growing struggle and NASA goes to deny the knowledge and bodily feelings that knowledge as well as in the case of pornography, the rodeo operates on the level of fantasy wild animals and never been used. Rather tamed animals are made to act while the use of speakers electric rods as well as extremely painful ropes this cartoon image makes the connection between the use of apples more explicit got the roads pictures included in this presentation because we really need to expand our search of importance. Unknown Speaker 44:35 tamed animals are a source of great pleasure in our society, as can be seen by the existence of zoos. The zoo animal is a wild animal that has been captured in place sacred. It is viewed as an aesthetic object something that is present to the disabled. Unknown Speaker 45:06 Another way in which animals are used as objects of interest is to wait for for us Unknown Speaker 45:15 to form an animal women to pageants set shows the cost of prostitution and the image of a playful image of both women and animals as objects of the museum. Unknown Speaker 45:40 This is an interesting picture illustrating the child's story there are different times in our lives there are human beings and they retain the same downloads that work for people one of the things and there are wild animals that does nothing for less than the message is clear the clip woman the good animal is the table that serves us I won't is it I don't know. 100 continues to Sacral Chakra visual domination of animals are the source of pleasure and in this case pleasure is shelters have been seeking shelter licenses were issued in 19 proximately 65. But I always use this lecture she heard that she was very famous documentary we get the chance to see perhaps more clearly than any other activity continuation of a fearful reading now, this complex system the animals killed are literally called Suicide Yes, agents started last December in angels this module Ready The fan on, like I know what I'm doing. Unknown Speaker 54:41 And I also wanted to start here but I want to acknowledge my colleagues in California First time I've seen more people that talk like this will usually walk out better day. Unknown Speaker 55:37 So people do work, because I'm around with a nun kill Humane Society, because I think we'll come up with money, but I wasn't terrible. They don't want to see if Unknown Speaker 55:56 it really helps. And that's what's so difficult. Unknown Speaker 56:01 There's something that's kind of tired before. This isn't really expected. But Unknown Speaker 56:12 we've been bombarded all day. Unknown Speaker 56:18 Well, I'm gonna give you some good news. I get many results, very frustrated. Because Sao Paulo was so out of control. I mean, what can we do? More? It's not even going to tell us Unknown Speaker 56:42 how they win awards within a framework invasion, invasion, Unknown Speaker 56:45 and massacre. I mean, it just, it just heard about anything. Obviously, having fun environment, it's happening to people is having animals and having to this earth. I mean, it's so hard, like it's not, it is, you know, why is really and so each one of us has a world and each one of us can take a step. And to me, this is the big idea, I am convinced that the most radical feminist revolutionary step because coming vegetarian, I mean, not only what I mean, as we are speaking, millions of animals have died. And the people who have to deal with because they have to make a living by having a horrible life, too, I think what kind of whiteness in the slaughterhouse slaughterhouse because we have the biggest turnover. So it's, it's, it's because of the animals is because the beef people, I mean, 20 vegetarians can be fed into that when needed. The amount of water and the district amount of water that the industry that the livestock producing produces is unbelievable. And this exponent of these animals is billions of times I go into, you know, unrecycled waste is going into our water supplies into our rivers into our groundwater and ends up in our water. I mean, it is unbelievable, it's okay, I'm telling you, the good news is that we can do something that we can do something now, when I say because I want to know, I sometimes felt like a feature about this, but I feel so hurt and convinced of this. And I, I, it took me four years to tell you, I never say to a woman suddenly, because you know, in our culture system way, the upper part of our culture, so I asked, think about it, to see it as a goal there and to work on it slowly at your own pace. It took me a long time. Women have issues around, we don't know that we have an image. Here we are dealing with another issue around. So I say just do it at your own pace. Give up what you can go tomorrow, may March 20 was great American media people were asking for that whole day. If you missed that. Go tomorrow. That was just one day don't Okay, and then gradually give me the first one is she wanted to read me from your reading that your face when you're ready to face go on. Hold out a patient I got to deal with. So I really you know, this connection is to sell out I've seen hands waving. Unknown Speaker 1:00:03 You know, I feel I've watched this thing and I think about how I messed up first with the last thing, last holiday meal, you know and how it took a week before I went, how to handle my motion and how I was moved watch my family. I call it nutritional child abuse, you know, knowingly being children things that are obviously I just you know what you've done it for yourself as you are, I am the changes on not only on the world level, but on health levels is dramatic turn my health around. People, but the frustration is just constant. And sometimes you just don't want to do it the frustration of the people who you're watching hurts themselves and the world Unknown Speaker 1:01:03 put one foot in front of the other. And you know, in the case of you up, we are not we are not I will argue with anybody, any person who challenges history, anyone, human beings are natural herbivores we are not even divorced. And we can start with our mouths with our teeth or teeth. We don't have the space that can just he'll go into a piece of wood animal chemical, we came in right after the animal we have a beacon to disguise cooking sizes. So it's not really a natural thing that we're eating. We have to make it so that was palatable to us what kinds of herbs and spices okay, then our bows aside from the Mona Lisa of our molars and for the Bing nuts Digitation that's what are the the environment and we have an alkaline saliva every category has an acidic saliva every fertile void in our growing the same alkaline urine every time as to the length of our and the length of the shape of our of our testing is very long to 30 times that our body is private. And this is because vegetation passing through takes a long time to be broken down and simulated in the world. The other hand flesh though you can escalate very quickly, when as putrefied makes you sick. And this is why we have colon cancer, stomach cancer and all of this was not supposed to be in our gut. It goes through the gut of a cat or any other kind of war that is short three times you want to get his body and not Congolese. Very good. Okay, that's, that's that. The other thing is we have our phones the way our hands our spoken primates is for picking, you know, vegetation, berries and those types of twister morphemes instead of there are many videos. Yeah, I draw Unknown Speaker 1:03:23 laterally the carnivores mouth will just open and close and herbivores jobs if you watch cows grinds to a circular function that's right. Heard that summit dissolve which I've heard Yeah, Unknown Speaker 1:03:45 yeah. Flashing you know, the article just from the New York Times Dr. Snake before Food Drinks are being changed Unknown Speaker 1:03:55 there any radical industry you're in on what you're talking about. Unknown Speaker 1:04:15 That, by the way, has been promulgated by reason the dairy industry into the scoring system as Unknown Speaker 1:04:24 the information I have said after World War Two, the government wanted to have to eat better and just general nutrition and the Dairy Council in the meat industry took over that. So don't worry, everyone, we will teach people how to eat and they reduced 27 food groups to four, where 50% or 25% is dairy and 25% is me and Florida fried from 27 food groups. We're only one of those. So they have they took it upon themselves. They are funding all that nutritional literature and when you get that through Whatever the agency or council, take a look, it's going to say it's, it's sponsored and promoted by industry. And it's an industry, it's a business. It's not an agency and it's not a certain state Unknown Speaker 1:05:12 based business, agribusiness, big agribusiness, is really, it's not very frustrating for people is to be livestock, Unknown Speaker 1:05:21 we have a two other food, food brainwashing things. You see how easy way to get your protein Unknown Speaker 1:05:31 in there, first of all, we eat too much for human use each too much protein, you're not supposed to use much protein, carbohydrate based, complex carbohydrate should be the basis for health and from helping the earth and they help each feeding people before to get 22 More things, just all kinds of voice. Robots they offer, the boys have sweat glands and sweating, their skin kind of was bad. And the other thing is kind of was left in liquids, at some point you can fall through or suck. We have definitely heard. And this is why there's so much sickness, you see, it was only after World War Two. And we started humans studying as much as they do a couple times a week. You know, in some, in some cultures and some native cultures, it's really like cognitive. And it's only a single understanding that we started seeing enormous growth of cancer and heart disease and blood pressure, all these diabetes, all these things that come from Unknown Speaker 1:06:58 junk. Food, it's not. It can be it can be seen as you read those chemicals. You could say, well, we can even look we're eating meat we can eat, we can eat these things. And it's okay the stomach can handle it. You can grind up a chair and eat it. You can write down your problem and creates disease. And it's you mentioned we are seeing an enormous amount of disease. But of course the doctors who do not study nutrition and know look not only know little, but they do a tremendous detriment because they mentioned for people who go to them as experts and the diseases that crop up as a result. deficiencies are seen as having an unknown any ologies or unknown causes. So that's the that's the excuse that we're given. They'll say no, no, it has nothing to do with what you eat. But we don't know where your country's comes from. That's not good enough. You need to make those connections with doctors. Unknown Speaker 1:08:07 You know, we were talking earlier about babies and young children and so many young children I know that I'm content with don't want to meet their natural aversion to the site and then that was worse than them. I made a friend of mine just for her first grandchild. And she is so upset because child's mother is forcing this kid doesn't want to eat the kid does not want to meet Unknown Speaker 1:08:35 and how many times I used to come into family with people through this stuff was kids who really great stuff very often. Fruits, you know, and the parents would say, Oh, don't do that. You'll spoil your appetite because we'll go into McDonald's and Unknown Speaker 1:08:51 I was ever Wikibooks for a couple of years. One of my jobs was to have lots of children that had six year olds. He was reading the data whenever there was a chicken they ate it. But they didn't want ate with they love the things peas, peas and collars. Question was all over the world. But it was really interesting to see what their natural and they end the natural choice is not between the film either that's also courses on camera. Have cow milk is or maybe house humans are the only animals only animals treat milk that is totally unnatural. totally unnatural to be drinking the milk on the cob. We live Unknown Speaker 1:09:45 it's we don't see other animals that have as you said after we'd see a lion cup after to lead from smother go over to the giraffe and through direct fuel. When we we are allowing ourselves our foot Don't rationalize. It's really amazing where we're thinking oh, domesticated, Unknown Speaker 1:10:12 you see the other thing is as women as feminist and I have such you know, we have to consider we have to consider the manipulation and exploit exploitation of female reproductive processes in both the dairy industry, we that's exactly what it is, is an emulation of exploitation processes, we want to talk about ultimate greater system in those terms, at least female animals Unknown Speaker 1:10:54 it's also something another aspect of it, which for me, is net fear for people I know when I started to eliminate things from my diet, my relatives, other specialists really afraid that I would die because it wasn't because permission comes from the doctor and the publications in his which must have to survive are really afraid that they will lose some health, their strength or sexuality, libidos their ability to sink. The fear is what really keeps people from their natural and logical thought processes to me the fear is I Unknown Speaker 1:11:39 never felt so good as whatever reason I hope that should come work. Right stop being a sugar junkie, I'm sure I'm gonna lose like a lot of people on the show Unknown Speaker 1:12:05 I had hoped Unknown Speaker 1:12:06 that way. Jobs that I used to use I just get these advice of Unknown Speaker 1:12:26 try to do that to everybody and say disappointed. Again, but that also? Unknown Speaker 1:12:41 Well, you know, I do first of all, first of all, what they showed us what drew me down to different things they didn't I mean, it was so orchestrated, that moves them together. So you can see that with the other thing is that I know, when he was talking about feminism, women in the army. I don't think it's a famous study, I think a feminist thing against war against the military. Yes, that's another issue of discrimination defending a country where women are so oppressed. You know, Unknown Speaker 1:13:13 a large portion of the women were also relaxed and went into the Army has Unknown Speaker 1:13:22 no other choice, Unknown Speaker 1:13:24 which is really the government's, the people who realize that they have to get conscientious objector status, they were told you go over there first, and then we'll give it they weren't allowed to sign up to get that and they were put into that. They didn't want to, they didn't realize that they would be put on the frontlines. Women go into the next body or a view. Unknown Speaker 1:13:54 Again, one thing that bugs me is, how they're stupid wars and what they're doing. And synthesis. And here we are talking about them Unknown Speaker 1:14:03 again. And going by back to Unknown Speaker 1:14:07 our issue, clearly, they take away from our issues and we always had a suit years younger than me and just noticed that the worst thing to happen right on the heels of the SNL crisis, right. Unknown Speaker 1:14:34 But as I say, you know, I viewed the good news is that we can do something but we have to think globally and act. How long ago we began to grow itself. And also the set of lives simply that others may live. That's another sentence I haven't because Unknown Speaker 1:14:54 I think we need to import consciousness raising groups around this room. it because even this, you get strong willed and home. And then I was I was just working with a client today, who had become most famous before become vegetarian, and doggy through all these helpful experimenting with vegetarian stuff. And then when she's isolated from one other person who was like her and had to go back to relating directly to the family, or you would contact, she reverted back again. And she needs to know that there are lots of other tissues to contact and consciously trades. Within the old days of bamboo vision. I absolutely agree with how you can do stuff in real in the real world and still be chained your willpower to stay. Unknown Speaker 1:15:49 In fact, this is one of the things that we're talking about feminists right now. We want to start women's women's vegetarian support groups. I think a lot of friends who wanted vegetarian, but just it's so hard and some of the meat so that they eat it too when it's hard. It's hard for them to learn how to do something. Because it's not that I do. Unknown Speaker 1:16:13 Yeah, and I think wonderful to be able to see it. Unknown Speaker 1:16:17 And I think that we need it's faith based on the level of consciousness raising, we definitely need anybody in this room who wants to be part of such as the very beginning, if we ever everything to this kind of group would be all you need is a desire to someday maybe make it it's never too late. We support each other. It's never too late. Unknown Speaker 1:16:42 I just made friends with a four year old woman every time and I went over to her house, and I brought vegetables, everything and we chop, mash made great salads together. And sure enough, you know a few days later she calls me uh, you won't believe that until my avocado and like cut my vegetables and delicious. Did all myself Unknown Speaker 1:17:08 why? Because mostly when I first came to deteriorate Of course, it was natural for me quickly school not to cook. And I made things that I made cheesecake I think that's important. And a lot of hard. vegetables and tofu sort of sitting here potato and cabbage for sure. That was so valuable. So that was a good piece of bread. You can't do which is much better that Unknown Speaker 1:17:59 was true there was a period when the patriarchy slowly sharpened women to nature and animals and people are all together peacefully protesting when patriarchy comes on the scene and you have this alienation from animals and the killing of animals and sacrificing animals. But I think any one of you know this is a question about it. There's one string of feminist scholarship that says no that is true that one of the reasons that it was so easy to conquer they didn't say they were not more like there was no violence in their societies. It was all matrilineal and it was all on the side of the brain with nobody will ever notice you know well, you know, but that you know, it's always making assumptions based on folklore and mythology and all that kind of stuff you know their patriarch, he's making good stuff why can't we make our assumptions agricultural society I'm trying to remember the Bible Unknown Speaker 1:19:25 said the acquisition of herds acquisition chain perfectly placed But isn't it interesting that that was comfortable? Wasn't it wasn't wasn't a couple Kellyanne that really asked her the question about any other aspects of this intersection Unknown Speaker 1:20:11 to two things one in the field, we kind of review white things inside clean white and white sheets we still like commercials all the time and feel is white meat, but we forget that meat is from a cow is normally read. The reason that one of the reasons that it's white is because the animal is being not fit into the fit of protein Institute and being fed on antibiotics because without it it will die. It is minima cannibal it's very sick to the white meat, the milk, but it's not. But first of all Britain salads. And it's it's anemic, which is when we are in the industry also get in a second. Is it the word sacrifice? I think one of the definitions of sacrifice is to make something sacred. And this news expects to make it sacred is to sacrifice it somehow raise it up in a religious sense. And it's kind of strange, because there's something that you sacrifice for it to to have a higher look at it and Unknown Speaker 1:21:23 a higher ideal. Unknown Speaker 1:21:30 Yeah, word comes from the sacrifice to make something sacred. Let's just be are you saying it's being misused? It's not really an accent. Unknown Speaker 1:21:43 It's not to make it they will be able to convey Unknown Speaker 1:21:46 why is this thing you know, when they did sacrifice? Yes. And was no post so that humans could live as it says? Unknown Speaker 1:21:55 A higher ideal, which does not relate it? Unknown Speaker 1:22:00 Well, it completely sacrifice people at one point. Unknown Speaker 1:22:08 Well, again, we don't know. I mean, we don't know. Unknown Speaker 1:22:11 We can theorize to the at some point that what we presented was there. And we looked around and what we see, well, the next thing was animals and we eat animals. Next step, we don't need the animals and even random we animals that we need cows, chickens, things that are planned for us. It's not Unknown Speaker 1:22:40 something that I want to say before we are so easily brainwashed all of us having one of us we you know things of the show as a television and things that we would like for instance, from one time I didn't get it together about the National Geographic picture in his nature things and when they show the animals in the wild, this is really dangerous, really the wild and of course they zero in and go on and on and on to kill that's the important thing to kill. Kill well, they have other lives too. And what they don't tell you what they don't need and these are all 100 back things national review about as far as to justify hunting. And this is natural. So you know we're being natural by going out killing everything kills the strong kill the weed everything he'll get surprised he was wonderful. But a so see they got us so bamboozled here, because first of all, first of all, there are many predators and carnivores are there less of them, less of them. Okay, and when they do heal, they go after the sick ones that are not going to reproduce no healthy project. The other thing that they will never tell you is that most carnivores would rather not kill. They are nature's garbage removal. They like they would rather eat carrier Olivewood rather than coming into that died of natural causes, and go out, kill some diseases around and kill your prisoner. They don't only tell you that there are certain animals like honey cultures and hyenas. But unlike any animal would be able to find the dead and when deciding national questions, they really get rid if they really hurt things and die, you know, but they won't show you that in the end. hunters will go after the biggest, strongest animal so we'll put it up there and while all of these nature programs just take it with a grain of salt, this is not adware. It is not the way it is Unknown Speaker 1:24:53 isn't is a passage in a book called Fit for Life. And it talks about whether it's a human at the car You're not the real test is if you put an apple and a hamster in the playpen with a baby What will the baby eat Unknown Speaker 1:25:11 thank you all for coming Unknown Speaker 1:25:18 and I look forward to talking Unknown Speaker 1:25:20 right well let's okay I gotta get Unknown Speaker 1:25:28 I realized what exactly was going to be on the screen but it's very moving and it covers what you're Unknown Speaker 1:25:37 done we don't cover the overpopulation problem with Unknown Speaker 1:25:42 farming I were just to the other room and the woman was talking about overpopulation is not being a problem that should people should not be kept populating people if there's genocide yeah make the call one more time I'll meet you down in the lobby yeah you and I were talking about the deers start from yesterday right just like people already read yeah there's no way to know the word research on personal Unknown Speaker 1:27:02 wealth yes I just want to show what Unknown Speaker 1:27:21 we do first of all, we can talk to me what else we can work Unknown Speaker 1:27:28 through. Right