Unknown Speaker 00:00 From some of the religions that are dying from AIDS to help Unknown Speaker 00:09 I'd like to suggest we do talk some about what we imagine the impact of aids to have on the kind of organizing and who does this mean we'll be organizing well does this mean that we will be working more closely with gay men? What happens when we work with straight lesbian? Right You know, in particular and what's been happening and just general and I'd like to throw this out to whoever you know some inflection about since this is clearly something that's going to be affecting the work we're going to be altering the future. Unknown Speaker 01:31 Right. Know ages seeds for all of the kinds of resentments that we've seen. Unknown Speaker 01:52 Now, where was the street community until they thought that there might be a threat to them? Where were they in 7980 8182 8386 years ago, community has been shouldering a lot of the fallout through personal and social fallout from a virus cofactor. However this is so I think we want to worry about that. But this issue, I think requires a real cohesiveness. So does the sodomy statutes. There's my thing now, I mean, get into sexual manuals here, but the Saudi statutes were initially struck down in Texas, one of the judges said, Well, we're not going to sit in 98% of this state to jail. So I mean, we're not just talking about issues that are heterosexual or homosexual AIDS is essential issue. And those outmoded, intrusive particulars between adults privacy issues such as asylum and such is another area where there needs to be a great deal of both polling over in a user coalition reservation a slight tweak in my voice but you know a sense of people working together on specific issues if there can be carved out and focus and whatever self interests mobilize people who will see that we better get together on this Unknown Speaker 03:41 and I have many clients in over two divisions one just back away because it's backwards but we're gonna get familiar with the new other is come for some help and I can see the next two three years within the world as to whether to back away so we don't get help from the US Unknown Speaker 04:40 I think it's the best going to go We Unknown Speaker 05:03 have to be very careful, it's in this city, the with the recent cases being diagnosed, the majority of these cases are in the IV drug population, which raises these issues of economics that that you mentioned. And some of the other social problems that enter it and the fact that minority communities are not addressing this issue. This they are not addressing this issue. They they simply aren't there was when Howard Beach hit in the city. I mean, we couldn't keep the ministers in the army, the doors would be I mean, you know, well letters. So we're going to be in the pulpit, we got to unite, and we're not going to stand and make people want to join together. This is terrible, prejudicial. Violence is unconscionable. Honest. Where is the concern with AIDS? Well, this is, I mean, not like, whatever your 90 some percent of the children born in the minority communities, of the children with AIDS are being born in this, hundreds of that'd be I mean, this is a minority issue in this city, it's not as much a minority issue in San Francisco for a number of reasons. So it's a split skewed how you, you know, it really gets to be the time to say, these are the behaviors that result in a and it doesn't matter. And this is working against the grain, this is not the way society comes to think but it's what you do. It's not who you are. That's how you get AIDS. And you have to talk behaviors, and you have to talk as if that virus doesn't know whether you're gay or straight. Unknown Speaker 07:00 Boy, does that feel good work. Unknown Speaker 07:09 We're looking at what it means it means talking about drug abuse, which is something else that that they among themselves have said, where are we with this? There aren't enough drug treatment centers. And there's incredible power in that, on that body of the one I'm not keen on when the religious coalition sweep in and take on a subject and say, we're going to address this in our communities they do. And they Well, and I'm not blaming you, and I'm MSC, and I don't mean to release you, I'm just telling you about as where those might, where are those minority voices? With this issue, they aren't as strong as they should be. They need to be pushing government around a lot more than they are Unknown Speaker 08:01 good get as much information first of all, there is tear because there's not enough information in the recesses of the grand theory of truth and you know, what shocked me when they know but what about a house that's in fact what we've been trying to do. feel so lucky that most of you have given us a message here Unknown Speaker 08:53 and how we're going to discuss work for you. Unknown Speaker 08:56 I was looking for so. Unknown Speaker 09:11 Yes, there was no question about six ID arrays in terms of Unknown Speaker 09:17 the state of your statement. Unknown Speaker 09:20 I mean, correct me if I'm already not address the issue now. Unknown Speaker 09:31 I'm not saying honestly they don't address the issue at all, but I'm saying that it is if you if you look at for example, get a copy of the there was a commission that was set up Hispanic commission just filed their report, listing and statistic all of the things wrong in city government with the city's dealing. This is an outside condition. This has nothing to do this is telling city government what's wrong with the way they don't address So spanic needs are suited to the indictment is an extensive indictment for the city. AIDS is like a couple of sentences in there. I couldn't believe it. I, you know, I was going through there. And I'm, you know, these are and I'm talking to about some colleagues of mine, colleagues who had who have pulled offices that are the office of Hispanic concern, Office of, you know, black community concerns, Office of immigrant if you're concerned. I mean, there are whole other large entities of people responding and I look at what we talk to people, and they'll be Tuesday morning at seven o'clock, there's going to be this huge wall street demo from the gay community having to do with why doesn't the FDA release these drugs sooner? You know, and it's like, my first question, but what about these other communities have gotten the help from Hispanic coalition? Have you gotten any help from the Urban League? Have you got any help from? I mean, that's what I mean by saying, I'm not saying they don't address them. I'm not saying there. But there is denial in every community. Yeah. You know, there was huge it was very, you know, a whole lot of it was very focused on minorities and I just and I didn't hear that No, I was responding to the fact that the in the city that increasing percentage is shifting in that direction. And that outcry has to show with it is what is really what I'm trying to suggest that it hasn't happened yet. And I think when it does, it will help the whole fight toward aids or the AIDS and again, I didn't notice it until very recently at least certainly the story continues to sell the health efforts of people that a lot of young middle class communities where people have used office leaders as a possibility Well, I don't know a great deal about the country and I do know that that it is an analysis of the group for whom they're going to be advocate I mean, you know, there's no we're talking about a group of people who are engaged in illegal activities they're not going to come forward and say gee, we have no we're not getting some things addressed here. Unknown Speaker 12:37 That's a drug community it's not only benign Syria Unknown Speaker 12:45 it it is it is yeah, I'm what I'm what I'm breaking down I should have brought knowing that this was you know, the AIDS would be such a thing. But the breakout of gay IV bisexual other you know, the various breakouts from health department there were their weekly and monthly hardly ever epidemiological reports breakout the moves that are that are so alarming right now because that community is so hard they're under service the largest percentage of that drug community is in the minority community so that's that's the part of the problem and that's that's why I'm when we're talking about political mobilization that's why I'm making this clear yeah it's. Still around then it's. Unknown Speaker 14:49 Day in terms of what I share today rights for sure, really to the point of this passing data. I see. I see those principal effectively, I shouldn't be talking about housing children have the power structure and hierarchy. And not really sure. How many you want? Yes, we want to be in town for any kind of lunch with John and I spoke about gay rights in housing, housing for a man who can afford any kind of housing, discrimination against that. Where am I energy? So housing? I think we've about legislation for housing for minority women. You know, I don't really care about those kinds of rights that basically help the AAP API. And I can say again, as Unknown Speaker 15:59 well right now. Okay, well, all right. But now, just right now, there, the state is, is reviewing the rent control guidelines in a state and they are going to redefine immediate family. Now, it's going to make a lot of difference, how immediate family is defined, if you rent an apartment with a lover, quasi marital relationship, some judges, have you used to turn and one of those individuals passes away with no additional name, beliefs, and all of the other ways in which housing, family definitions, partnership, domestic partnership rights for insurance? And whatever? I mean, I think it's a very, very broad issue. I mean, I I don't think some people can come out at work or, or in their buildings or whatever. And I don't think it's equal. And I think that's one of the reasons to go back and, you know, sort of older circle circulator. Where do you begin where women go back to the women's movement, because they see themselves as moving away from the male domination of the gay rights movement? And we were talking about this a little bit before there isn't a male equivalent? Now? I mean, you know, always assume they don't really need one, right? I mean, they're sort of it, but they don't have any other place to gay men. Where are they going to? You know, of course, they're going to form an organization to deal with civil rights. Now, the women can either build what is lesbian in women's organizations and or have a participatory role in the gay rights movement, but this in, we're seeing the split right now. The Lesbian can choose, am I going to be more effective in my lesbian rights committee? And now, or am I going to go and join sage and, and don't just don't, really a lot of major leaders of these organizations in the city Arwin, frankly, and of these, what I call Top 14 organizations in the city. But that's a choice I think lesbians have, and have had. Now they haven't had it for a while, and they were sort of moved out of the picture. But today, they certainly continue to have that choice. And that may be the only place where some of that type of political improvement can take place. Separate for those lesbians separate from the gay rights movement that at this point in time is is as you describe it, an impossible one for them in their particular situation. Yeah. This is Unknown Speaker 18:50 going to be Unknown Speaker 18:53 I mean, I'm not plugging this one. Yeah, there is, is there? It's seven o'clock in the morning at Trinity Church. Yeah, I'm really not. I didn't say Well, no. Unknown Speaker 19:08 I would just like to make an announcement. I think we're coming to the end here. It's 430. And I know there are many more things we could pursue. But we want to thank all of you for coming here. And I would just like to make one announcement when I was talking about the various support that now has, has brought to the lesbian issue and the gay rights. I neglected to mention that now New York State has for the past two years, hired a lesbian rights coordinator to lobby in Albany for a state gay rights bill. And they're having a benefit. On Wednesday, April 8, from six to eight. And that's it 33 East 69th street I have a an invitation up here if you want to look at it and take the information down. Wednesday, April 8, from six to 833. East 69th Street it it's at the home of much Tilda and Arthur Krim, who are so much in the, you know, they're so involved in the end, she is anyway involved in the AIDS issue is a physician and head of this foundation. And they're asking, they're asking $50 But I asked Noreen Connell and she said they would accept 15 and up because they don't want people not to come if they can't afford the full amount. So I'm sure that they would be delighted if any of you could come Unknown Speaker 20:35 in was worthwhile. Legislation Unknown Speaker 20:46 Well, we have our city's gay rights bill, I would know a lot not someone that we're working with the Coalition for gay and lesbian rights. We have the gay rights law now. I guess you're in a better position to answer that. I think you're talking about the state to pursuing the state legislation or or I think now has a very strong lesbian rights so focus right now. I don't know where else if I were gonna go someplace I to work specifically on that. I think that's probably where I would go. But Lee, Unknown Speaker 21:16 what do you will the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force in Washington is a full time lobbyists lobbying organization for lobbying on all issues from anti violence legislation, through federal bill AIDS related discrimination. I would take a very good look at that organization, they are kicking in what they call a privacy project, which will be this, Virginia is alluding to it that by mentioning that the the now woman is working with them on their privacy project, that all really a lot of the pioneering work that's been done. We didn't get into this issue of anti gay violence in this country, which is another frightening subject. You that was all piloted? And how I left off 1973 The first national organization for this movie was the National Gay task force. Now they are the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and they're in Washington DC, and they are a growing and highly visible and influential Unknown Speaker 22:27 but they're down in Washington. So if you're talking about volunteering your time, yeah. If you're talking about volunteering your time with a grassroots organization, you know, I I decide to go to now, but we want to thank you for coming. Lee has the so wonderful packets, in case you're interested in copies of some of the bills and some of the issues here she's got a nice Unknown Speaker 22:49 packet of stuff for you. Thank you